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Posts Tagged: 'billy+kaplan'

Oct. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

When I was a kid, my mom tried to stop me from eating too much angel food cake by telling me that it would expand in my stomach.

It didn't stop me then, and it sure as heck didn't stop me from signing up for a food eating contest today. (Sorry, Mom!)

Sep. 29th, 2019



Text: Teddy Altman

  • Are we staying?
  • Going?
  • Retiring in a nice villa on Mako?

Sep. 4th, 2019



Netpost | Samwise Gamgee

Hullo, everyone. Pleasure to meet you. My name is Samwise Gamgee. I think I have sorted this out.

As I understand, I'm here to fight a war. Looks like some of you may have me as a trainer. I'll try to do my best! Now, I ain't the best of fighters, but I've seen a lot and have done a lot, so maybe there's something in that.

Sep. 1st, 2019



log: billy & rose

Mid August - Gryffindored
Billy & Rose
"It was late...probably the best time for mischief"
Atlantis City | G
Read more... )

Aug. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who did it? Fix it now. My patience is done with this and I will not accept anyone or anything (even some "mild" prank) which disturbs the ability that makes me who I am.



netpost | Billy Kaplan

Uh - sorry if I pop up near you? My power's are off, and I keep ending up in strange places. First, the beach. Then, inside an oak tree.

I'm definitely walking from now on.



[No Subject]

FRIENDS (*feel free to assume):
Something is really not right. I decided to fly to work because the clouds are green and I wanted to see them. Only now my wings won't go away and I'm still green?
[โ™† - Something is seriously off. If you have powers they aren't exactly working the way that you want them to are they? No, they really aren't. They are on the fritz!]

Aug. 26th, 2019



Netpost | Liv Moore

Is it always this exciting around here? If only so many things like this happened back home in Seattle. I mean, being walled in is one thing. Boredom got a lot of people into trouble.

Also learned that my best friends played Dungeons and Dragons that way, but you know. Roleplaying is actually a lot of fun.

Aug. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Okay, this time I didn't do this to myself. Not that I've ever chosen to be a teddy bear but still. This feels really weird. Why am I so big?

I'm pretty sure I can't go to work like this.

[โ™† 10 CHARACTERS turn into teddy bears today, don't worry it only lasts 24 hours, and yes, you are life-sized.]



Netpost | Madi Griffin

Yeah. Let's not do the telling truth thing again, okay?

But, I guess I am kind of excited about school starting soon. I've never been before.

Aug. 19th, 2019



[No Subject]

Is it worth even trying when you've killed off the only good part of yourself?

People already hate me on sight. It might just be easier to be the villain considering that I'll likely be alone forever regardless. At least I'll have some fun, right?

[โ™† - Veritaserum | Slytherin]

Aug. 8th, 2019



07 August

ok but i love you all

i've never been happier??? you're all amazing and you don't hate me which is like a serious bonus you have no fucking idea. god how do i feel like this all the time? shit. i'm a god and this is like chilling in a garden of euphoria.

holy shit, this is what the beatles were all about, isn't it?? i just miss thor.

Jul. 31st, 2019



[No Subject]

Hypothetical question: If you had the power to make literally any outfit you could ever want, what would you wear?

I'm running out of ideas of uses for this power besides stupid pranks.

Jul. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm still feeling a little jittery after that clown business a few days ago. It was very odd and I come from a world of very odd.

Jul. 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

Yesterday's storm made me feel strangely nostalgic. I never thought I'd like lightning.

Jul. 22nd, 2019



july 22 :: mikaela banes

I think Pennywise is following me. And I don't like that AT ALL.

[ PLOT :: โ™† - ONE CHARACTER EACH keeps seeing a very, very, very creepy clown just out of the corner of their eye, but every single time they turn to look, it is somehow gone. ]

Jul. 21st, 2019



Netpost | Madi Griffin

Now that I'm a teenager here, what's some of the fun things I can do? Can I finally get to fight?

Jul. 20th, 2019



netpost | Billy Kaplan

Woo! Surprised I caught the snitch. Was bit busy checking out that good looking keeper on the other side. Me = ๐Ÿ’€

Good work Falcons keeping me in check and y'know being infinitely better at Quidditch. I love you? Like, platonically and all. Did I mention that keeper has my heart? ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

Jul. 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

I know we lose a lot of people around here. I know that we all feel it because it isn't controllable a lot of the time and we're not just a group of soldiers. We're a family. That's what makes all these losses so difficult. I'm sorry if you're hurting because Bonnie left. I know I am.

And on a very logistical front, Bonnie was helping me with magic. I have a lot of power and sometimes it's hard to control. I'm getting a lot better and I'm not dangerous 99% of the time. Let's be pretty real about it too. We all know our lives keep on rolling, even when we're here in this alternate reality. I'm afraid of what my life is doing.

So, what I'm trying to say is ... magic is different. But we all kind of approach it from that same perspective of letting it flow through us and manipulating it in such a way that makes magic biddable. If someone wanted to keep helping me that would be great.

Jun. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

I know there's a training center and a Danger Room but I'm not interested in being contained by walls or the eyes of the trainers. If you would like to have it out (try your hand at some full-force one on one) I will be on the beach tomorrow morning.

Afterword, Miss Montgomery, more chess?

There is a good part of me that hopes COS is watching.