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Posts Tagged: 'ambrose+spellman'

May. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

Hello, Alicia.

I'm not going to apologise for what I did in the arena, though I am very glad you weren't irreparably hurt by my actions. I believe you're the guardian to a girl called Laura, correct?

May. 15th, 2019



14 May | Leanne Mao

Sorry you had to see that. And suffer through that. And that, that and that.

At least we're alive!

And I've taken the chance to inform myself about poisonous frogs. They're using them for medication. Yaaaay

May. 10th, 2019



log: death at 9000 feet

MAY 10
Leanne picks up a pine cone with a poisonous frog holding onto it, horrible death ensues
Read more... )

May. 5th, 2019



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie (Arena)

Hello, everyone. I'm Edmund Pevensie. If you were in Atlantis, you might know me as an assistant district attorney at the courthouse. If not, you may have read those bloody books

I don't know who all is here, but a roll call wouldn't be a bad idea. I expect we'll get back to Atlantis soon, but if anyone was injured when the bears attacked or otherwise needs help, I've some experience in living in the wilderness like this. We're well set up on this island, except for the barrier, and the better we are at working together, the better we'll do.

May. 2nd, 2019



log: forms of magical flight 101

backdated: march 22
Ambrose Spellman + Leanne Mao
One character blows off work today and totally just goofs off!

Do you trust me? )

Apr. 6th, 2019



April 6 | Leanne Mao

[ooc: before departures]

Highland Games! In Atlantis! Yer right I'm comin' tae it! Shan't participate though wouldne be fair I'd have tae use me magic couldne hope tae win otherwise.

I am exceptionally Scottish today, aye, ye might'e noticed.

Mar. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

It’s rather tempting to see how long I’m allowed to stay on this spacecraft. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.

But I suppose I shouldn’t miss all of the equinox. Sabrina, I’ll be around later, once I find my way home.

Mar. 15th, 2019



March 14 | Leanne Mao

Terribly unsure at the moment that this is for me. Even if hearing people talk about butterflies throughout the day was a lovely change of pace.

Feb. 23rd, 2019



February 22 | Leanne Mao

Well, against all odds and even though I did walk dogs in the park today because who wouldn't, here's my first pet as an adult, not a dog:

cut for pic )

This is Beulah, she's a kneazle. She knows if you're dodgy so if anyone needs a magical lie detector, here she is. Thanks to Teddy Lupin for coming with me and helping me find her.

Feb. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey there! So, the past week has been really weird and I want to deal with that in productive ways instead of holing up and being a stereotypical teenager who plays Halsey and cross stitches edgy sayings on the back of her denim jacket. Also, it was Valentine's Day and I'm basically not with the love of my life anymore and necromancy really doesn't work in Atlantis. Sorry, I got off track. I would maybe just go ahead and start feeling sorry for Ambrose and Salem. You know how it goes.

There is a lot going on. There's a lot of different people and we all have these issues that impact us and we've been made to hide ourselves or run. The adults (and us, kind of) get to be educated and get to fight against the COS. But the COS comes to Atlantis too! And I'm not saying that we should fight. But we were really good at organizing things for the people who were in comas. I was wondering if there are any social / social justice clubs or organizations here in Atlantis? Like, ones that help people get stuff they need when there is a big drama happening and groups that celebrate all of our differences?

I think that's something we could do as younger people, if it's not already there. Or if you think it wouldn't be really dumb. There's that too.

Um. So hey.

I really appreciate that you didn't send me back. I'm going to show you that you can trust me.

I can go on Josie's birthday ski trip? RIGHT?

Feb. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

I would say I’m sorry for the show I gave my coworkers earlier today, but it would be a lie, and I’m trying to be truthful here. More truthful, in any case.

It’s a pity not everyone is as open and accepting of themselves and of other people. We shouldn’t be ashamed of how we look. There’s nothing wrong with the naked body! It’s quite beautiful if you ask me. But apparently work-appropriate attire requires actual attire. Most of the people I worked with at home wouldn’t have objected! ... but then again, most of them were dead.

Feb. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

backdated to just after this part where duke dies but before he is revived!
I am turning myself into you as the proper authorities in this case. You are the proper authorities, right? I killed someone. Duke Crocker is dead and I can't revive him ...

He asked me to help him rid Atlantis of Troubles and he told me it meant killing him. We did so with the thought that I might have the ability to magically resurrect him and it didn't work. I completed the spell properly. I tried multiple times but he's been gone for about ... ten minutes. I can't do it. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I should have known.



Log: Getting Rid of the Troubles

february 10

You’re sure you’re up for this? )

[ooc note: All troubles will disappear after Duke's death around mid-day today!]

Feb. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

I said I missed that nice, slow rain we get in Maine that makes the forest so deep and green. Then it rained just like that! I SWEAR I didn't do it via magic ... or, my magic? It isn't me!!

Jan. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

Sabrina? It appears I spoke too soon. I'd planned on filling today with any magic I could think of that might help, but maybe not.

I'd not thought this was part of my repertoire before, and perhaps it isn't permanent but it is delightful for the moment. Leviathan seems rather amused by this development.

Jan. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

I suppose a little change is a nice thing! I'll very much miss my former roommates. Thank you for being so kind to Louis and me!

Unrelatedly, I do encourage those of you who like sweets to visit the marzipan tent. They've done a wonderful job! It reminds me of my childhood.

[ Aramis & Porthos ]
Oh my goodness, I did not expect this! The guardianship paperwork has gone through, clearly. I hope you're both alright with us living together as a unit?

Jan. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

As far as kidnappings go, this one is excellent. Seriously, it's absolutely the finest I've ever enjoyed. Decent bedding, beautiful landscape, no one's stabbed me - I'll be sure to recommend the experience to the entire Arnesian Court the next time someone requires a cheap thrill. I'm still a little blurry on all the details of this adventure - what you get out of it, of course, besides getting to spend time with me - but regretfully, world-destroying agents are something I do have familiarity with as of late. Anyone from London? They said that London was known, here.

The very nice apparition indicated that I'd have a week before I'd make my decision whether I wanted to stay or leave, yes? Who's up for making it a very difficult decision?

Dec. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

A Spinnet says what?

Roc's on his way (I think) but I see there's so many of you here. Like migratory birds. Only more tolerable because Spinnets don't usually get hit by bludgers. But this thing must be on the fritz because there's too many Potters. And Professor Lupin? Als? Katie? Fill me in while I wait? Or come with Rocco. I'm okay for either.

Ambrose (did I spell that right?) has been explaining it, very helpfully. But this is all hard to believe until I hear from a friendly face that I already know. And if he's right, time isn't moving at home, and that means I can get in more practice than the other teams and I'm kind of okay with that. I'm not getting any younger. There is a pitch here, yeah?

Dec. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello everyone! I'm Ambrose's cousin Sabrina. We're from a town called Greendale and I'm sure Ambrose already told you everything. So, I'll just pick up with me and my list of confessions:
  • I'm a witch! Yeah, I do magic and everything. Spells, incantations, calling down hellfire. It's an exciting and scary time to be me.
  • I just signed my name in the Book of the Beast so I could get a big surge of power. I pretty much think it's awful, but if I wanted to save the town, it's what I had to do. (If you're getting some weird shades of The Crucible, you're probably right.)
  • My familiar is a black cat named Salem. No, he doesn't talk. But he protects me and he's very very good at what he does. Not that I need protection - I'm a feminist and I can take care of myself - but when you're a weirdo like me, it's good to have a second set of eyes watching your back.

  • I'm excited to meet everyone! And I'm really hoping I get to spend Christmas with you.



    [No Subject]

    10 December
    Ambrose Spellman & Sabrina Spellman
    G | Complete

    Don’t tell me this is an astral door -- talking about Jim Morrison at breakfast! )