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May. 23rd, 2014


Marvel; Public

There anyway I can move out of the tower and find my own place to live?

Changing this to is there a place where my team and I could have a place to hang out/train/whatever at? Mostly just so we can have a place to call our own and not impede any of the other Avenger teams here.

May. 18th, 2014


[public, clint b]

[Clint B]

I want to know more than I do right now about the personal relationships and liaisons of the Avengers. Friends, lovers, confidants. Tell me what you know.


Winning against players with a handicap is sadly not as exciting as I had hoped.


Loki, Torunn, Bruce B

[Locked to Loki]

I will find you.

[Locked to Torunn]

When was the last time you returned home to Asgard?

[Locked to Bruce B.]

I greatly enjoyed your tacos, Banner. You have my thanks.

May. 6th, 2014


Thor + Tony S + Bruce B + Natasha R + Clint B, All Avengers + Peggy C + Bucky B + Sharon C

[Group locked to Thor, Tony S, Bruce B, Natasha R, Clint B]
[A link to this.]

[Locked to All Avengers+]
It's time to pull together a roster, folks. The more organized we are, the easier and quicker we can respond to threats. We know Loki will be returning and we best be ready. I know there are those of you who are unwilling participants in this, or those who prefer to work alone, and that's fine. So long as you don't take on the world alone, we can make it work. I'd like it if everyone could respond here with whether or not they'd like to be part of the first line of defense, so we know who we have at our disposal when the time comes, as it inevitably will. If anyone would like to stay on as consultation or for training purposes or any manner of support, that would be appreciated as well. There's no shame in hanging up the cape, if that's what you want to do. For some of us, this is a choice and a duty, an obligation, yes, but one we walked into. Then there are those of us who had no chance to do anything else. Now's your chance.

We should come up with general procedure too for how to handle situations and fires that spring up outside of our own world, so we don't leave this one unattended in the meantime.

May. 1st, 2014


Locked to Marvel

[Locked to Marvel]
I am sorry. I did not mean to cause strife.

Apr. 30th, 2014


Marvel Lock

I need a new uniform after Boston...the one I came with is all shredded...

Apr. 28th, 2014


[Locked to Marvel Door & DC Door.]

Go team.

Apr. 21st, 2014


Marvel: [Hit it like a pinata.]

Who: Anyone in the Marvel door + any invited parties/anyone that stumbles in
What: Marauders invasion
Where: Marvel Door, New York City
When: NOW
Warnings/Rating: Violence. Please mark in subject lines where your character is (i.e. Times Square, Broadway, etc)

[Thor made a point of keeping the skies clear until the first ship appeared, the dark hull blotting out the stars that should be seen in that area of space. He grinned and swung Mjolnir around slowly, storm clouds gathering overhead before the night was lit by lightning, outlining the many descending ships.

A bellow, a war cry, and then he was in the air.]


Public as Torunn

I do not understand how I came to be in this place, or how I can see others' words on here.

Apr. 20th, 2014


Marvel: [Open to Avengers/Future Avengers/Past Avengers]

[With the war on Nidavellir mostly at an end except for a few pockets of Troll Lords that remained, Thor finally returned to Asgard. Huginn and Muninn had not come, the realms were turning quiet again, and he wanted to know if they were any closer to finding out when or where the Marauders might strike next.

Maybe he should have expected it. They were growing bolder, testing him as king, as general to see what he would do. But one word caught in his mind before he grabbed Loki and flew them both from the Citadel to the Bifrost: Midgard.

They had grown bold indeed.

They came back down in a blast of light and dust and as soon as it had settled, he spun Mjolnir in his grip and looked to the skies. Nothing yet. They would come, he did not doubt that. One hand on Loki's elbow, he strode forward and stopped before the doors of Stark Tower, this time he was less bloody, but no less dirty with soot and bits of rock that had been reduced to dust clinging to his skin.]

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