November 2015




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Sep. 3rd, 2015


locked to sam a.

[After this, she tries.]

You goin to tell me who had in common back in Vegas
or ignore me again and say nothin?

Sep. 2nd, 2015


public & locked

[Fuzzy timelines]

[Silent Hill Crew]

[The post comes a little strangely as she gets used to voice to text.]

Thank you for helping me. I'm sorry for getting you involved in that mess. Thank you. I don't think I can ever repay you. Any of you.


Change is never easy is it?

Aug. 29th, 2015


Louis D, Neil D, Joseph W, Helena W

[Locked to Louis D]
Shane's gone.

[Locked to Neil D]
How're you holding up? And skip the bullshit and go right to the truth, yeah?

[Locked to Joseph W]
Hey, baby.

[Locked to Hels]
Thanks for all the info, yeah? It saved our asses.

Aug. 9th, 2015


Sam A



Sam A + Louis D

[After this brings him to his journal and he catches the fuck up.]

[Locked to Sam A + Louis D]
I'm fucking coming, yeah? you both okay??


Meredith J, Louis D & Neil D

[From her closet, extremely messy.]

[Locked to Meredith J]
hey. ok?

[Group: Lou & Neil D]
sorry yeah?

Aug. 7th, 2015


Text: Penny R, ETA: Lou D & Neil D, Sam A

[During this.]

[Text: Penny R]
Need u to watch t and rodin. Sitter has spare key. Indefinite cover @ work pleas

ETA: [Locked to Lou D & Neil D]
[Just after this, after he tries calling back at least half a dozen times.]

sam s in the door we have to find it NOW uim here looking

[Desperation lock to Sam A]



I can't find the key.

I can't find the key to get out of here.

I've looked everywhere and I can't find the key!


Sam & Neil: Ocean's Eleven

Who: Sam and Neil
What: A Dive-In movie about a dude with a chainsaw (1/2)
Where: The Bellagio, Ocean's Eleven
When: Fuzzy timeline nowish
Warnings/Rating: Sam's language

There was a lot of stress. Meredith, MK, even Louis, so much to juggle, and he was actually looking forward to a night where he could let it all go. Temporarily. Even a few hours of normalcy was better than none at all. )

Aug. 5th, 2015


[ Public ]

I know this is a long shot but does anyone have any sort of job opening?

I'm not good with people and I won't pass a piss test/background check but I can lift heavy stuff pretty good and uh, I can count and spell at a 8th grade level at least? I did okay enough on the ASVAB, I mean for 11b. fuck me why am I even trying

Long shot, I know. ...Anybody?


Cris M

[Call to Cris M]

[Roughly a half hour after Liam's post. Ring.]

Aug. 2nd, 2015


Sam A

[After finally seeing Seven's message to her and finding Liam's original message and everyone's reaction to it. As she's sitting quietly at home next to where Bean is sleeping, with Tommy keeping watch over both of them. It takes a lot of energy to think about reaching out, but...]

Is there anything you need that I can do for you?

Aug. 1st, 2015


Seven M

[Locked to Seven M]
[During this.]

seven? liam's in trouble.




not good.



The city is starting to grow on me, bit by bit. It's not Vegas, that's for certain, but it's got its own charm.

Other than the normal touristy things, anything I should seek out in NYC to check out?

Jul. 31st, 2015



You get used to having comic books for newspapers?

Jul. 26th, 2015



Maybe writing again isn't such a bad idea. Thoughts on paper, stories on paper, right?

I bet it'd be good again. I could be good again.

Jul. 25th, 2015


Locked: Cris M, Sam A, & Clem M,

[Cris M]

I know we established that I'm a pain in the ass, but like...Am I really a pain in the ass? Like really?

[Sam A]

Hey do you have a second, honey?

[Clementine M]

Lets eat a whole pie.

Jul. 24th, 2015



[Locked to MK]

Hey, baby.



Three hours in the emergency room and counting.

I'm not sure that today could get any worse.

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