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Aug. 27th, 2014


[locked to spooky, charles x]

[locked to charles x]

[There is a slack puppet string, and an unfamiliar puppet on the end of it.]

Someone has been stealing from me. I do not brook thievery of my things.


[After this]




[Public, but locked away from Stiles/Spooky]

Hi, I know things are really messed up in a few places, but if any super powered people get the chance, I could use some advice. My name's Scott McCall, I'm from a place called Beacon Hills. One of our friends is possessed by this like ancient angry fox spirit. It's complicated. And back home we managed to stop it, but we don't have the things that helped stop it before. So we're kind of screwed and don't know what to do. He was sick in New York so I'm coming to get him now from Bobby, but I don't know what to do from here. We need help.

[Locked to Zatanna-Swap from the bodyswap event]

Hi. I know we were sort of anon before. And that this is probably weird. But I remember you said you knew magic, and I could really use some magical help.

Aug. 23rd, 2014


Quicklog: Natasha R/Loki

[She'd received the message hours earlier, but she didn't leave until the last possible moment necessary. Two hours later, Natasha cut the engine on the motorcycle and coasted quietly to the end of the dirt track that had been mentioned. As she stopped, kickstand went down and the spy straightened and removed her helmet, setting it on the bike in front of her as she shook out her hair. Silently, she studied the cabin and the surrounding area, but didn't move where she was. After all, he'd said nothing about going inside, and she was going to wait and see how he played this.]

Aug. 22nd, 2014



Will waking up to strange situations and places ever be something I get used to? Or is the real question if I want to get used to it?



[A forward of these text messages]

Do you wish to meet with her sir?

Aug. 19th, 2014


Jo H; Loki; Natasha R

[Jo H/Clint B]
How you feeling Jo? Better?

With the chaos of the toxin, Barnes got his hands on one of the SIM cards I had yet to destroy that had a conversation of us talking on it. With people still recovering and SHIELD and the Avengers short handed I've taken the time to go before they could apprehend me.

[Natasha R]
How are you and your kid?

Aug. 18th, 2014


Marvel: Roof: Loki/Thor

[There was less of the city burning now than there was before. Asymmetric knotwork glowed beneath his boots, a brand that the Bifrost left on Midgard wherever it touched, like the graffiti he had seen painted across buildings and bridges, underpasses and overpasses in the past week. There had been little time to truly look, but he had caught glimpses and splashes between quelling the riots, moving mortals to the zones, and flying to the next uprising. They were not the fights he longed for, nor the opponents he would have wished for if they had been well.

Nor was his fight with the one he was going to meet. Mjolnir swung by the strap at his wrist once, twice, and the handle of her fit into his palm as it always did before he was in the air and speeding towards the address Loki had given him, his cape a comet's tail, the sound of it snapping lost in the rush of the wind.

He slowed as he neared the roof where Loki said he'd be, the last of the speed gone with his first few footsteps, graceless and bracing on the rough top of the building.]

Aug. 13th, 2014



[Locked to Loki]

Did you find him, brother?

Aug. 10th, 2014


[Marvel. Sort of public.]

[A relatively open telepathic link (not that he knows it) Preston is searching the city for something. Preston, a bit removed from the population, is a very sane, quiet mind, though he's frightened, which adds a faintly citric tang to his otherwise empathetic presence. Preston's empathetic telepathy is extremely strong. He doesn't have the knack of really shielding quite yet.

Addendum: We're assuming all of these are at different times! Yes!]

Aug. 9th, 2014


Loki, Avengers

[Locked to Loki]
[After this.]

Brother Loki?

[Avengers comm, transcribed to Avengers lock on journals]



log, Central Park: Loki & Steve R

[The well-heeled regiment of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents followed behind Captain America, ushering those afflicted to the nearest clutter of impromptu clinics and quadrants of quarantine zones, and helping those who were only victims, dragged from their studio apartments by brain-swollen neighbors in the middle of the night; they were brought back inside, where the agents showed them how to barricade the door with household objects (look at this dresser!), passed out rations, told them to sit tight, and keep their radios on. They doused fires, literal and figurative. They moved as a unit, cutting swathes through the decay of entropic chaos that engulfed the city in its seedy gullet, each man and woman with a S.H.I.E.L.D. badge as well-trained and equipped as a good ten or so ordinary men. They were highly effective—for the moment—and though they slowed Steve down, he was glad for them.

The Avengers and their cohorts were scattered, leaves to the yellow, sickly breath of wind that swept through the closed teeth of skyscrapers and tenements and wrought destruction in its wake, cavities souring in pockets every step of the way. Everyone was trying, doing their part, or they had taken ill. But it wasn't enough.

So, Steve had stolen Sharon away from S.H.I.E.L.D. He'd taken her to Stark Tower, her men in tow.

So far not one of them had shown any symptoms of the sickness, but the man, shield high, wasn't taking any chances. The paper masks strapped over the faces in rank behind him likely did nothing, but they did make everyone feel like they were doing something more than hoping, and Steve figured that counted for something.

The green carpet of Central Park unrolled, un ugly welcome mat freckled with the stains of humanity lost in the acrid brightness of its own fear, scorched earth and blood-soaked. Steve and the agents fanned out, over toppled park benches and iron fences crushed under lost cars, looking for survivors, for anyone who needed help as the sun set and night fell, backlit by thousands of fires raging around the city of New York.]


Who: Loki (narrative)
What: Sometimes gods get the sniffles too.
Where: Loki's rooms in a hotel downtown.
When: After the outbreak.
Warnings/Rating: Norse god freakouts, daddy issues.

He had sometimes been sick when he was very young, as one would expect from the runt of the litter. )

Aug. 7th, 2014



I think I have reason to come to town?



It seems there's a DC villain on the loose named Crane aka Scarecrow who has some labs here in Marvel. Apparently he drugs people to the point of their being greatly afraid/using fear to control them. He had four known labs here in the city at Harlem, Chinatown, Bronx, and Midtown. Myself and your niece are investigating Harlem, Rogers and Romanoff's kid is taking Chinatown and Danvers has Midtown.



It seems Rogers and Romanoff are having a little tiff

[Screenshot of this]

Jul. 31st, 2014


Avengers + with a caveat/Natasha's friends, Loki

[Avengers + and Natasha's friends but no Natasha]
So. Tomorrow is the birthday of our favorite red headed spy. Kind of last minute I know but given all the crazy going on, just got a moment to breathe and look at the calendar.

I know we got a lot going on what with the attack thing on the Tower, Stark, near invasions by raccoon-like aliens, and I don't even know what else but maybe this could be a chance to unwind? If only for cake.

Sir. Still no further updates on Stark. Tomorrow is Romanoff's birthday and I'm seeing if there will be a party or not. Things have been rather quiet on the information front I'm afraid.


Tony S, Loki, Carol D

[Locked to Tony S.]
[He does not expect a response, but he will deliver the messages.]

Lady Pepper - who is angry (at us, not you)
Lady Selina - who is also angry and hates all penises
Steven - would likely appreciate hearing from you, when you are ready

They all know that you are on Asgard.

[Locked to Loki]

[Wunjo but strangely enough, with a question mark after it.]

[Locked to Carol D.]
[After this.]

Steven and I were wondering if you might like to spar with us, Lady Carol?

Jul. 17th, 2014


Avengers +, Jo H, Natasha R, Loki

[Avengers +]
Things are still quiet on the perimeter if anyone's interested.

[Jo H]
Sometimes guard duty is extremely boring.

[Natasha R]
How's your mission thingy going?

Natasha Romanoff, Jessica Drew, and a guy named Peter went to the Harry Potter door on a mission. Not exactly sure what for though.

Jul. 16th, 2014



[Locked to Loki]



quicklog: Hogsmeade Spider-Team vs Loki

[Spider-Man was in his black suit, okay, because apparently stealth was important. Jess was waiting in her wizarding robes below for the mysterious power benefactor and Nat....Nat was hiding somewhere being Nat. Spidey didn't worry much about her. Or Jess. Team-Spider had it all figured out. Right? There was one slight problem, though. His climber hairs on his feet and hands weren't really working they normally did. And, what was worse? His web shooters were acting a little like silly string. He knew it might be a problem and that he should have asked this guy to come to Marvel, but he didn't have time to freak out about that now.]

Hey, Jess. [Spidey said over the Avenger comm.] What's a witch's favorite subject in school? [At least his breaking tension jokes weren't messing up. Dramatic pause.] Spelling. [Pause.] Nat, I can hear you laughing. Don't try to hide it.

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