November 2015




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Apr. 4th, 2015


[Sam, Lin, Dylan]

[Pasted in the journal. He's gone by the time it goes up.]

Mar. 30th, 2015


[Sam, Lin, Dylan, Russ.]

I'm going on a trip. It's okay to call me names about it. I don't think I am any help to any of you here, though.

Which door do I go through if I want to see my parents?

Mar. 23rd, 2015



[As simply 'Caliban']

What curious things names are. A label given to one by a parental figure that you carry with you through life. It becomes something that both identifies you and you are identified by in the same breath.

Your name, are you fond of it? Are you attached to it? Or is there something else you would rather be called?

Mar. 12th, 2015


[Anonymously, public.]

What's the best thing you remember about your childhood?

Mar. 7th, 2015


Louis D, Blake T, Sam A, Marina S, Daniel W, Max M

[After Gotham returns to normal and after the healthful necklace drops away from Nathan while he's playing.]

[Louis D]

I ain't even gonna pretend this ain't checking in.

[Blake T]

hey, kid. how's the house?

[Sam A]

hey Goldilocks.

[Marina S]

[After much stopping, starting and deliberation and consultation with lawyers.] supervised visitation. three hours. and it's gotta be early enough he can make his play-date. but I won't make you wait the fuck until court, yeah?

[Daniel W]

still sober?

[Max M]

how's the gut instinct?


Daniel W

[After spending a night at the abandoned Donovan Estate in Gotham, and subsequently finding a bottle of bleach and a pair of scissors, instead of making it to her Arkham interview. Procrastination and desperate measures, yeah?]

[Locked to Daniel W]
Are you still in weird, non-asshole mode, baby?

Feb. 20th, 2015



This place is nice, but they said I should go now.

Feb. 15th, 2015


Wish Granted for Lin A, Affecting Daniel W

[One wish for Daniel W to be free of alcoholism. Sounds easy enough. Just like that, Lin A gets his wish. Daniel W is free of the addiction.

Wishes, however, aren’t as easy as they sound.

Vices such as Daniel’s run deep. They shape him and his whole life and removing it removes very critical parts of him. So Daniel W awakes and is Daniel W mostly in name, all traces of his personality wiped clean. His history remains in tact as much as it can, but Lin A wished for that past to be gone, and remembering is murky. It might take some effort.

The magic isn’t good enough to last forever, but it will run until the end of the month. Who knows if Lin A will want it to remain so. But if he should want his old Daniel W back sooner, he can get him.

The answer is simple, and lies at the bottom of bottles. Restore the addiction, restore the man.]

Feb. 14th, 2015


Wish: Daniel W

[He wanted the option of relocation, he gets the option of relocation. Not rocket science, it comes presented as a key, uncut, free of anything but bow and tip, blade unscathed and unmolded. It can be found with Daniel's hotel key, ringed together with Tweety Bird pendant. It will open any of the doors that line the halls of the hotel, but only one and only once. Whichever door he chooses, the key will open on a place for him to stay, and incur a very modest amount of money; if appropriate, there will be neighbors who remember him having been there for, well, as long as they can recall. The man might find himself in a shitty apartment in a crummy part of Gotham or a beautiful midcentury house in 1950s Florida, just outside a horrible carnival. The money might be clean, might not be—might be earned by some hardworking sap and taxed, or might be culled and missing from some drug kingpin's pocket. There's no telling until Daniel uses the key.

There's only one caveat, my dear: he has to take someone with him. He cannot go alone.

There's a note with the key, and all it says is: Have Fun & Be Yourself!]

Feb. 7th, 2015


public, Daniel W

[Fuzzy timelines.]

So, I've been hella patient, but we're halfway through this thing. Where the fuck is my wish? I cooked an entire turkey and made a nurse split the wishbone with me (and won!), I like, blew out hella candles over a (six+ mo. belated/half-birthday barely belated) birthday cake, I tossed only about 1000 pennies into every fountain I could find in this shitty Vegas, and I watched so many dated gifs of shooting stars and/or breakdancing rats (also cool Spider-Man), bc it was the closest I could get. What more do I have to do here? Do I need to be made of wood? (Pinocchio reference.) I mean, I'm ready to Charles Perault up out of this joint, Jupiter. Give me a nose and I'll wish it into a sausage and/or black pudding. Just like, let's go. I'm feeling left out as balls.

ETA: [Locked to Daniel W]
[We'll say it's while he's waiting for Louis.]

I'm officially checking-in to make sure you didn't wish for something fucking stupid.

Feb. 4th, 2015


[Locked to so many]

[Locked to Joey A, Shane A, Iris M, Russ C, Lin A, Daniel W, Cris M, Neil D, Casey D, Jack C, Saint R, Preston R]

Hey, so Lou is sick and has some fucked up magic thing going on that's been causing his insomnia or whatever. He's missing, and we need to get him back, but we don't know where he is. If anyone hears about weird shit in their door, or hears from him, or is willing to go help find him or whatever, holla? He needs to get medical attention. He can do some magic shit that puts ppl to sleep too, so don't let him touch you or whatever if he's acting weird.

If anyone finds him, return him to Neil.

Feb. 1st, 2015


Daniel W

[Daniel W]
Sooooo, what do you want to start with? Me quoting Shakespeare? You telling me no? You trying to switch it up after reading that, so you tell me yes instead? You tell me. It's your thing.


Russ C/Daniel W: hospitals in Oceans Eleven

Who: Russ C and Daniel W
What: Visiting people who don't bite. Part II.
When: Way back-dated.
Warnings: Language, from start.

Part II )


Russ C/Daniel W: hospitals in Oceans Eleven

Who: Russ C and Daniel W
What: Visiting sick people. Who don't bite.
When: Way backdated.
Warnings: Language from the start.

Part I )

Jan. 31st, 2015


Ford C, Marina S, Sam A, Louis D, Daniel W

[Ford C]

need to tell you something.

[Marina S]

hey. how's the medical shit going?

[Sam A]

so do I need to bring Harriet some fucking flowers?

[Louis D]

I ain't gonna ask if shit is good. I saw Micah's shit. you need anything?

[Daniel W]

run out of music yet?

eta: [Joey A]

Alexander. you don't remember me real well, I remember you.

Jan. 28th, 2015



Is anyone familiar with Bioshock?

[And then.]
[After Sam comments, this is deleted.]
I want to speak with the woman my husband is leaving me for.

Jan. 22nd, 2015


[Locked to friends of Sam A]


I was doing some shopping earlier, and I believe I may have seen Sam running down the street. She looked upset, and I was just wondering if anyone was checking on her? I would, but, I don't think that I should.

Just thought I would let someone know.

Jan. 19th, 2015


[locked to neil d, cris w, daniel w]

[Daniel added at the last moment, because what the hell. Immediately following this. He copies in the conversation.]

'If she so wishes?' I don't like it in the least. Has anyone spoken to her today?

Jan. 17th, 2015


[Locked: Cris, Neil, Louis.]

[Locked: Cris, Neil, Louis.]

I want to know what you're doing about Micah.

Jan. 16th, 2015


Daniel W, Benjamin A, Loren C, Cris M

[They move her from the hospital to the Ocean's Eleven group home quietly on Friday morning. The place is safe and unpublished, with twenty residents and very extensive security measures in place.]

[Locked to Daniel W]
Hey, baby. Turn into Count Chocula yet or whatever?

[Locked to Benjamin A]
Did you keep Daniel entertained for me?

[Locked to Loren C]
Shit got kind of fucked up.

[Text to Cris M]
Abuela told my shrink about you.

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