November 2015




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Sep. 10th, 2015



Who: Bruce.
What: Narrative: making plans.
Where: Gotham.
When: Nowish, pre-bb plot.
Warnings/Rating: Nah.

Bruce does stuff. )

Sep. 9th, 2015



Who: Wren
What: Narrative
Where: Around Marvel
When: Let's say the past week or so
Warnings/Rating: None

Life was quiet, and life was still. )

Sep. 4th, 2015


Jeze Narrative

Who: Jezebelle
What: Making plans
Where: Penny Dreadful(s) -> Hotel
When: Current
Warnings/Rating: Nada.

Rule number three. )


Thor Narrative

Who: Thor
What: King... again
Where: Asgard
When: Currentish
Warnings/Rating: Nada

What came before. What comes now. )



Who: Marta
What: Narrative
Where: Their Seven's Their house in Marvel
When: Handwavey recent because Marta is my slow bb.
Warnings/Rating: Some sads. Mental health/post-partum issues.

She'd finally realized that she needed to call someone )


joker narrative

Who: Joker
What: mistaken for the red hood :0
Where: Gotham
When: recently
Warnings: pretty mild for Joker

The dead boy transformed! Quiet whispers into carnival madness. )

Aug. 31st, 2015



Who: Neil.
What: Falling off the wagon.
Where: Vegas, Ocean's Eleven.
When: Recently/Nowish.
Warnings/Rating: Sads. Alcohol. Yk.

In the end, Neil couldn't decide whether he'd won or lost. )


narrative: marvel, cerise

Who: Cerise & Zoe
What: Morning routine.
Where: Home.
When: Recently.
Warnings: Some darkness.

Its domestic and strange. )

Aug. 28th, 2015


a sharonarrative

Who: Sharon Carter
What: A little Task
Where: Places Unknown
When: Now
Warnings: More Mind Fuckery

It had been five days )

Aug. 23rd, 2015


Sharonarrative time

Who: Sharon Carter
Where: Places Unknown
When: Now
What: Waking up again
Warnings: Mind fuckery

Call the doctor )

Aug. 15th, 2015


[Narrative: Tony S.]

Who: Tony Stark
What: Cliffhangerrrrrrr
Where: His lab under the bay.
When: A few days ago.
Warnings/Rating: Safe. For you.

Anatomic diagrams worthy of Michelangelo boasted generators and circuit boards... )

Aug. 8th, 2015


Narrative: Oceans Eleven

Who: Jake R
What: Finding feet in Vegas.
When: Recently

Jake figured on there being something between his grandparents and something between the free-fall drop of believing none of it mattered )

Aug. 5th, 2015


narrative: penny dreadful(s), victor frankenstein

Who: Victor Frankenstein
What: Narrative of many things.
Where: The lab, a house of ill repute.
When: Tonight.
Warnings: Child death to start, vague drug use, later mentions of nudity.

The boy died on Sunday. )

Aug. 4th, 2015


Kitane narrative

Who: Kitane
What: Where oh where has the little crazypants been?
Where: Isla Mujeres, Fast and the Furious
When: Currentish

What is missed? )


Helena Narrative

Who: Helena
What: Retrieval
Where: Dragon Age -> Hotel
When: Backdated. After finding out about Solas and Evelyn being gone and the reappearance of Gwen
Warnings/Rating: Newp

Bright moments )

Aug. 3rd, 2015


[Marvel; Narrative]

Who/What: Peggy Carter and the Mystery of the Satan Claw
Where: Around.
When: Recently.
Warnings/Rating: Safe enough.

The Stark Tower clean-up was given the codename 'Operation Scratch.' )


Marvel NY - narrative

Who: Ryan Ramos
What: Getting to grips
When: Recently!

When she leaned elbows gainst the wall to hold herself up just long enough for the water to spill down her back, matt her hair to her skull, sleek as a ballerina and the weight on her knee sent pain shuddering in hot, dark shocks down her hip )


Who: Jake R
What: A little reflection
When: Recently

he figured manly had been left behind because there wasn't no way of being exactly what his grandfather wanted )

Aug. 2nd, 2015


narrative: dc, pamela isley

Who: Pamela Isley
What: Narrative of misadventures and backfiring powers.
Where: Gotham train station, Robinson Park, & a club
When: Tonight.
Warnings: None.

Gotham itches. )

Jul. 26th, 2015



Who: Sharon Carter and some not cool people
Where: The Hydra Death Star
What: She's freaking out man
When: When she sees this
Warnings: Brain mess uppery, lots of confusion, lots of brain fuckery, etc. Sharon's having a p bad day.

Sharon Carter's moments of lashing out were tightly controlled and scheduled )

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