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August 11th, 2015

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

[News: Gotham]

[Retaliation for this is quiet, insidious, a price put on Red Hood's head that would make Gotham's richest families envious. It's not broadcast loudly, and it isn't screamed from the rooftops, but it is all of Gotham's mobs banding together to put a combined price on the head of a little bat, and isn't that something? The reward appeals to footsoldiers and thugs, drones and working girls. Those members of Gotham's underbelly that are hungriest and most desperate, who have spent too long being targeted by Gotham's new and more violent little saviors in cowls and capes. They have nothing to lose, those thugs, and they whisper among themselves and start bringing down anyone they think is Hood.]

[info]onerule in [info]rooms

jason t.

[locked to jason t.]

[Cursor blink, as he thinks about how to start. Eventually:] You moved out.

[info]misterenigma in [info]rooms

bat/cat/riddle on a train

[The riddle that popped up in green text on the Batcomputer was a very, very simple one. Almost as if there was no real heart behind it. The text read: "This whistleblower is just loco for your cars!" With a little research as to what Wayne Corp was up to, it wouldn't take the Dark Knight long to figure out the riddle was about the train carrying his two beautiful, futuristic, sexy automobiles. One in black and one in yellow. Both on their way to be shown off at some fancy gala that was really just an excuse for rich people to get drunk and screw each other's wives.

The message to Selina was simple. It was a time and place where she needed to be on the train. It was best to be all aboard while the train was outside of Gotham so they'd have enough time to safely jump off said locomotive. Eddie didn't know or care how Selina was going to get inside. He figured she had some kind of cat burglar way to do it. Eddie? Eddie was feeling lazy. Eddie could have used a helicopter and jumped for the thrills, he could have found a way as a crew member. Instead? He just teleported from the underworld.

A little after midnight, a black and purple hole tore open out of thin air like a blooming bruise right in the container car. There were two guards, both heavily armed, who freaked at the unnatural sight. Once they recovered, they raised their guns at the man clad in green and pink.] Tsk, tsk. Shame on you, firing a gun in a metal box like this? How stupid could you be? Ahem. [Riddler held his finger up.] Riddle me this. What bone has a sense of humor? [The guns turned into skeleton arms and the guards screamed.]