November 2015



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April 4th, 2015

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Spider!Gwen & Matt Murdock

Who: Spider!Gwen & Matt Murdock
What: A meeting
Where: New York's fire escapes & rooftops
When: Recentish
Warnings/Rating: Nope!

Thinking over the merits of this suggestion of disguise, he turned his head with a deep frown, his face a long blank behind the knitted length of the extended cap. )

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

Marina A, Jack C, Penny R

[Locked to Marina S]
You tell me how things are out there, honey. How's your boy and that good for nothing ex-old man of yours?

[Locked to Jack C]
Found a farmhouse that's clean and safe. Figured I best update before you went thinking too hard on playing hero.

[Locked to Penny R]
You strangle Jake any yet?

[info]jukejoint in [info]rooms

Thomas B, Luke H, Jack C, Dylan M, Ella D

[Friday, Max's hotel room is empty, and the money from the flower shop sale has been deposited into a local bank account. She posts one thing at the annoying human beings that might report her missing if she doesn't notify them]

[Group: Locked to Thomas B, Luke H, Jack C, Dylan M, Ella D]
Enlisted. Basic training. Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Mourn.

[Nothing further.]

[info]ex_published349 in [info]rooms

[Sam, Lin, Dylan]

[Pasted in the journal. He's gone by the time it goes up.]

[info]climbtheladder in [info]rooms

bards log marvel comics

Who: The Bards
When: backdated a bit to when they had a fight
Where: gross NY alley
What: fighting, emo
warnings: wrestling talk, swears

Get in the ring. Get out of the ring. Get back in. Get me water. Stay out of the ring. I don’t need you. )

[info]climbtheladder in [info]rooms


[Private to Jules B.]

Hey. You around?


Where do I sign up to be a villain goon?

[info]strikethose in [info]rooms

[locked to ashleigh d]

Ash, I need a favor from you. It's a big one, and it's important, and I wouldn't be asking if I was able to take care of it myself, so I apologize in advance.

[info]tinieblas in [info]rooms


Who: Sam
What: Narrative
Where: Bellevue psychiatric
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: Triggers for all mental health stuff, drugs, suicide, etc. Also misery.

19 North was layers of yellow. )

[info]loud in [info]rooms

Narrative/psychiatric evalution: Harley Q

Who: Harley Quinn
What: psych eval
Where: Arkham Asylum
When: nowish
Warnings/Rating: psychobabble

Patient I.D.: 008299271, Quinzel, Harleen )