November 2015



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February 16th, 2015

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

[Wish: Mary Jane Watson & associated Marvel]

[When Mary Jane wakes up, she is famous. She is child star grown into Oscar winner famous. She is in magazines, fashion spreads, on billboards, commercials, and played a role in 3 out of 10 of last year's top-rated movies. Mary Jane Watson is famous. She will wake up to voicemails from agents fighting for her. Her bank account is strangely the same as it had been before the wish, but now she has connections, now she has respect, and fans. People are packed outside of her apartment with posterboards that glitter and camera phones that flash in waiting. Its not a perfect wish. She's not rich, not yet strangely. She has fans, but many of them are stalkers due to her lack of security this far.]

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

wish granting for alexander m.

[Exactly as he asked for, he gets his day with the lost Eloise. From sun up to sun down, in the flesh.]

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

Wish - Saint R (+others)

[In accordance with Saint's request, there is the potential for one really good thing to happen in the lives of Wren, Luke, Evie, Preston, Lin, Sam, and Louis.

In addition, the umbrella of the wish is cast over any of the former residents of Vegas who are currently displaced throughout the hotel. Nothing that will hurt another. Nothing big or ostentatious. But all who are not immune to the magic will experience one good, spontaneous thing.]

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

[a wish affecting bruce w and helena w.]

[The sunrise after Valentines, the pair are compelled to the same warehouse. It is empty inside with a pair of sofas, a coffee table and bowl of chips in between. For the entire day, they are not allowed to leave the warehouse until they have mutually agreed on issues, or until the sun goes down.]

[info]atomic26 in [info]rooms

[Public and Steve R.]

I feel really good. Thanks, cupid.

Iron-ically, I also caught a cold, somehow.

[Steve R.]

New problem! Test subjects.

[info]sybarite in [info]rooms

spidey kids, gwen s

[It takes him most of the day to come to terms with this. The hotel was already a familiar experience when Harry was 18, so it pretty easy to figure out where to place the blame. Aside from the fact that his phone is a nicer edition than he remembes owning, and the date is all wrong, he doesn't notice anything at first. Varied voicemails from lawyers confirm his father's recent and accidental death, which is news that Harry takes surprisingly well. There is grief, but its healthy. He makes appointments to settle legal affairs and ultimately turns to the journals. All of his prior conversations are missing, talk about a fresh start.]

[ Spidey Kids(Gwen, Peter, Flash, MJ) ]
Anyone around?

[ LOCKED to Gwen S ]
Thanks for the card, condolences mean alot right now.

[Later added & locked to Felicia H, after looking into matters.]
I assume you have all of my father's affairs in order?

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Sharon C

[After receiving this.]

[Locked to Sharon C]
Ma'am, I know you don't fit the demographic, but is this equivalent of someone giving their things away before they do something bad to themselves?

[info]infishnets in [info]rooms

Bruce W + Eddie N

[After this]

[Bruce W and Eddie N]

He's gone. I don't know how he broke the circle but he did and he is gone.

[info]atrophy in [info]rooms

Sharon C

[Locked to Sharon C]
Sharon? Are you okay?

[info]jukejoint in [info]rooms

Steve R

[Locked to Steve R]
[She includes the link to a digital copy of this, assuming he has access to DL somewhere.]

It's been a while, Rogers. You probably don't even remember me, but we got a problem.

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

Levi A

[Cupid doesn't know Levi or his friends, but he understands what it is to miss people. The wish itself is simple enough. Erwin Smith and Hange Zoe appear in the morning, wherever Levi is, both of them are well, if a little surprised to find themselves outside of Titan.

For the next week they remain together, doing whatever it is they like before bidding Levi goodbye and returning to their own world outside of Passages. But not before they leave behind something, a momento of the time they spent together here for Levi to keep.]

[info]misterenigma in [info]rooms


[Private to Selina and Holly. Cat group lock.]

I- can I sleep on your couch for a few days? I've been alone with computers for the past weekend and my stress levels are at an all time high. I'll cook and clean.

[info]reluctantxhero in [info]rooms

Well, thank you, wish grantor, for however you managed this.

I should still, however, look into a job. Anyone have need for a fighter in their world?

[info]spoileralert in [info]rooms

public., eddie n., spoiler cupid

[Stephanie wakes up to her mom making waffles. Which isn't a complete surprise, but it's still pleasant. What is a surprise is her borderline amnesia. Steph asks about Dad, about home, about a number of things, but comes up zilch. It's unnerving, but she tries to make the best of it. What's really unnerving? Gotham. It doesn't feel completely right.]


[X-posted to SPOILER ALERT.]

I feel like I just woke up from a bad hangover and I can't place what happened last night.

[locked to eddie n.]

[A couple of blinks.] Hey. Thanks.

[locked to spoiler cupid.]

I missed having homemade food. Thanks.

[info]luckythirteen in [info]rooms

Max M/Sharon C

[Max M/Sharon C]

Hey Shirley,

I'm having a team come by tonight to move my crates out of the Brewery to a new location in Jersey that I think will suit my needs better, but thanks for the temp. storage.

Wasn't kidding about the marriage proposal, tell that mid-life crisis of yours that I'm willing to put a ring on it so he better back off.

Do you mind handling the personal stuff once I'm out of the door, I can ask someone else, I probably should have asked first. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to surprise you.



[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

[wish granted: peggy c.]

[Cupid almost buys a huge set of encyclopedias for Peggy, but decides nah. Instead it comes compact in the form of an iPad Mini with wifi + cellular connectivity. On it are a plethora of books on various subjects of the last 100 years -- wars, politics, pop culture, scientific advances, etc. Also on the first page is the Encyclopedia Brittanica app which can fill in any sort of blanks needed. The iPad is 128G and willing for so much more information. With the iPad -- which is inscribed, simply, Peggy -- is an appointment at Apple to learn how to use it, should she wish.

Sorry, Peggy. Welcome to the 21st Century!]

[info]luckythirteen in [info]rooms

Locked: Bruce B/Sharon C

[Bruce B]

I have good news and I have bad news.

[info]handlewithcare in [info]rooms


[Oh Dear. Thanks Hal.]

I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!


[info]vivreencore in [info]rooms

[locked to jake r]

[Because he doesn't appear to have any other choice.]

Jake Ross?

[info]batbaby in [info]rooms

quicklog: hal and lucy

[She was pretty much vibrating with excitement. Literally. Her hands were shaking. When she arrived at Starbucks, early, she ordered what amounted to an Oreo latte, had them add three shots of espresso (and then a fourth for luck), and drank it inside of two or three minutes.

Sitting at a table that faced the door (but wasn't near the door because that would be weird), she jumped every time the damn thing opened. She knew she'd recognize Hal Jordan's face. Even if he was eighteen years younger than the last time she'd seen him. And wasn't that just the best thing ever. Hal. Jordan. She supposed the stomach twisting anxious sort of excitement she felt was the same kind of feeling most people felt when they met someone like, oh, Batman.

Which was dumb. Because she'd met Hal before.

Or maybe the feeling had something to do with all the weird around Gotham. She wasn't exactly a fan of the weird.

God, she hoped he'd pick something up with his ring and then smash it against something else.]

[info]upintheclouds in [info]rooms

Locked: Jake R

[Locked: Jake R - If a Message Could Holler]


[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

Wish Granted for Aubrey R.

[Aubrey's wish is granted in the most cautious, most specific way imaginable.

With an awkward acceptance of responsibility, Aubrey (and Lin) have their entire past unraveled in Aubrey's mind. Carefully, Aubrey's cupid replaces the raw and recent representations of Lin everywhere he appears. In some cases, he simply makes him more distant, his laughter that of a friendly acquaintance, and in others, Lin is replaced with strangers for a meal or a passing glance. The result is no time lost, the experiences somewhat the same, only without emotion, without pain... and without love.

The cupid will arrive within minutes afterward, to make sure his work doesn't turn sour.]

[info]jarvis_gi in [info]rooms

Locked: Jarvis/Anon Wish Giver

Well I'm not sure how you managed it on such short notice, but the cricket tickets are appreciated - but I believe I should know who is to accompany me should the unthinkable actually occur.

[info]notevilenough in [info]rooms


Oooh. Love is in the air in both the big city doors. Got a little tingle in my jingle.