November 2015



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November 19th, 2014

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

Quicklog: Outside Gotham; Selina and "Em"

[She had no idea where she actually was, but she wasn't particularly worried about it.

They'd moved late, after word about Baldinotto filtered in, hushed and whispered things in the room with the glittering women in the glittering jewels. Oh, it hadn't been dramatic. Quiet, like they just wanted a change of scenery, and all the dons moved in expensive black cars with Italian leather interiors.

She moved with the women, and she thought it was terribly quaint. All of them in their twenties, and she wasn't sure they had an entire brain between them. They chattered, and she tried to look out the blacked out windows. They were outside of Gotham, she knew that much. She would've noticed the car going in circles. Straight lines, and too many of them for just a run around the block.

But she didn't really care that much, and she didn't try to peek past the conveniently placed umbrella that shielded her from drizzle as the cars parked. No point, really. If she needed to get out, she'd get out. And if she needed to find Gotham, she'd find Gotham.

For now, she just joined the others in a house so big that it reminded her of Wayne Manor. Down to a billiard room, and she poured herself into a chair at a card table and smiled. "Deal me in, boys." Purr. She didn't touch the champagne at her elbow, and these boys were child's play. The important men were over there, cigars and heads together, and they were much more interesting than the royalty in her hand.]

[info]everymansdream in [info]rooms


Someone want to fill me in on what is? Who are you all?

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

Shane A

[Locked to Shane A]
[After this, and just after Dick moves her into her own place.]

Graham's drinking a whole lot.

[info]aneternity in [info]rooms

marvel, a park: cris & luke

[Gus loved the park. He loved being outside, and Luke could never tell him no when he asked to go. Honestly, he liked the park too; he'd grown up in New York, and even if this wasn't his home city it was similar enough that it brought back memories of a childhood spent all over the place, more out of the house than in (when he wasn't playing video games), obviously. He wanted his kid to have a similar childhood, a happy one, a good one, and he had four years of hell to make up for. But the little boy was doing better with school, and he liked having a house that was theirs, and the holidays were coming up. Christmas, even a month away, brightened everyone's spirits. Which wasn't a bad thing, not at all. Luke was all too eager to forget the past and focus on the good, even if things weren't perfect. But they never were, and that was okay. Things were better, and as long as the good outweighed the bad that was what mattered. Besides, today he didn't want to think about anything except taking his son to the park.

Lia, whose first birthday was coming up, was with Wren, and of course Finch came along because Gus could never go anywhere without that dog; it'd taken days to explain why he couldn't go with him to school. So it was the three of them, father and son and the big dog, the latter two spending a good amount of time running around once they got there. Gus laughed, and Finch barked, but the little boy grew tired of tag and raced for the swings instead. The kid loved swinging, and even though he didn't need to be pushed he liked going 'really high' and he could go higher being pushed than he could on his own. So he kept shouting gleefully for Luke to push him higher, higher, while the dog settled down next to the swings to watch. He'd taken Finch off his leash once they reached the park, and he didn't need to tie him to anything; Finch wouldn't move unless Luke said otherwise, and he'd bet his life on it. Some parents got spooked by big dogs but he was a teddy bear, really, unless someone posed a threat.

Somehow, ten minutes later, Luke ended up on the swing next to Gus's. The little boy asserted that he could 'swing by himself', and he wanted his daddy to swing with him to see who could go higher. Of course, he purposely sabotaged himself, while Gus pumped his legs and tried so very valiantly to reach the same heights he had before.] Look at me! [The little boy declared his pride to his father and anyone else within earshot, while Luke grinned and gave him a thumbs up.] Good job, kiddo.

[info]maldito in [info]rooms

Call: Graham R

[SIGH. After this.]

[Call to Graham R]
Ring, ring.