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October 12th, 2014

[info]thelazarus in [info]rooms

[locked to damian w]

[It's four in the morning on a Saturday, and someone has energy to burn.]

So I want you to tell me what your fucking problem is. No bullshit.

[info]skinned in [info]rooms

[Ben S]

So I've decided something. Wanna guess?

[info]verdant in [info]rooms

[Felicity S, Sara L]

[Group lock to Felicity S & Sara L]

I've got some keys for the two of you.

[info]thelazarus in [info]rooms

[locked to selina k, tony s, bruce w]

[locked to selina k]

You talked to Damian lately?

[locked to tony s]


[eta: bruce w]

Hey. [...] This worked out really great earlier, so I'm going to try it again. I asked Selina to talk to Damian and now she's spouting shit about not being part of the family and won't answer me. You might want to try her.

[info]leavethenest in [info]rooms


Who: Damian and Holly
Where: Cottage
When: recently!
What: chatting
Warnings: none!

Damian? Didn’t want weird either, and she swung one foot free and kicked her heel against the cabinet in a one-two tattoo of fuck-it, just because she could. )

[info]ex_clerk820 in [info]rooms

[X-Mansion: Preston and Steve]

[Preston spent most of his time in his room, the one that stayed silent and kept him in and everyone else out. Silence? Perhaps closer to peace. It wasn't noise Preston felt, and he had difficult putting words to it. It was pressure, of a kind, like going way up a mountain or deep under a sea. He could feel it on his skin and in his ears, and the mood of a room was not quite the temperature all the metaphors said it should be.

So he stayed in the room, crept out like a thief at night for supplies, and read books on meditation.

Now that he knew Steve was coming, he did the equivalent of sticking his head out of the ground like a ground squirrel every few minutes, so he would know when he should go out to meet him and not look like the coward he was. It was because of this he was standing out on the lawn when Steve arrived, exuding nervous anticipation and good will in equal measures.]

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

Damian W

[Locked to Damian W]
[During this.]

Feel like talking about it?