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October 11th, 2014

[info]riddlethem in [info]rooms

eddie/steph quicklog in tales

[Sleepy Hollow was located next to one of the most peaceful looking streams that Eddie had ever laid eyes on. The tiny wooden bridge was a famous part of the horseman lore, though perhaps not as impressive as the movies and cartoons and stories made it out to be. It was one of the first places Eddie took Stephanie in the chilled autumn morning and they had spent time there just sitting and thinking and listening to nature around them. For all the chattiness of Eddie and Stephanie, they had their fair share of quiet moments, as many couples do. Back in Gotham, it was usually in her office with Stephanie working on her mural and Eddie sitting in the back typing away on his computer. It was nice and it made Eddie feel like they connected one tiny thread back to what their marriage was supposed to be.

So, after seeing Stephanie rightly freak out at an immature post about whoops a baby, he knew she'd go straight here to be alone. Alone being the main word, but Eddie wasn't going to let her drown herself in hurt and guilt. Dressed impossibly flamboyant as per the usual, he wandered along the edge of the stream until he saw her sitting on one of the rocks.] So, this is where my blonde bat's been hiding. [He said softly as he approached and reached for her.]

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

public, anonymous

I don't know what to do.