November 2015



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October 1st, 2014

[info]wintercame in [info]rooms

steve r

[Text message to Steve Rogers]

My favorite part was all the swooning older ladies.

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms


[Locked to Death]

Hello, Banner the dingus speaking, is Death there?

[info]thislifechoseus in [info]rooms

dick g

[Call to Dick Grayson]

Ring ring.

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms

quicklog: bruce b/steve r

[After this]

[Bruce was still adjusting to having more space than he knew what to do with. As it was, there wasn't a lot of personality to his apartment yet, outside of stacks of books and his lab supplies that he brought over in boxes. One of his microscopes was on the end of the kitchen counter. He didn't have a lot of personal belongings, and they weren't spread out yet. He had the basics. The couch had blankets, indicating he was sleeping there instead of the bedroom, but it was a step up from the office floor. He looked disheveled like usual, even more so because it was his private space and he wasn't attempting to be presentable in public. He looked worried and years older than he was because of it, but at least he was occasionally eating and sleeping in the Tower.

He was on edge at the moment. 'We should talk' could be code for trouble, but he was trying to temper down his paranoia. It never helped. Bruce was the one who said they should attempt more communication, so this was a good thing. He tried to relax his shoulders and boiled water for tea, setting out a second mug in case Steve wanted any. The door was propped open in advance so Cap could walk in, and there was a quiet clang from inside as Bruce put dishes away and cleaned the kitchen surface with a towel. He never knew what to do with guests, but it was a way to get rid of nervous energy while he waited.]

[info]saltedand in [info]rooms

Steve R, Bruce B, Jane F, Mary Jane W, Public

[Steve R]

That was one hell of an interview, Captain.

[Bruce B]

Please tell me you now have appropriate groceries.

[Jane F]

So how did the plan work itself out? There was a plan. Somewhere underneath the wine.

[Mary Jane W]

Holding up?


If we could avoid all explosions, lack of provision of power or glass shattering in the building between two and four, I'd appreciate it.

[info]thestars_scream in [info]rooms


[Written in blood red calligraphy]

I saw a delightful film on the telly about witches, but the nasty children killed them. Bad little boy and girls!

I do like the song the yellow haired one sung. I recognize it but she didn't finish it.

Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land
Of Enchantment

Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Magic

Follow Sweet Children
I'll Show Thee The Way
Through All The Pain And
The Sorrows

Weep Not Poor Children
For Life Is This Way
Murdering Beauty And

Hush Now Dear Children
It Must Be This Way
Too Weary Of Life And

Rest Now My Children
For Soon We'll Away
into The Calm And
The Quiet

Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land
Of Enchantment

Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Shadows

[info]busycalibrating in [info]rooms

[ public as Garrus V ]

A mysterious key takes me to a mysterious building that looks like something out of those old horror movie vids. I thought some of the slums on Omega could use some redecorating but this place could really use a new paint job.

As fun as I'm sure this place is, could someone point me back towards the door I stepped through? It seems to have moved...

[info]venomblasting in [info]rooms

peter p, flash t

[Locked to Peter Parker and Flash Thompson]

Check in.