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August 18th, 2014

[info]agoodman in [info]rooms

Marvel: Roof: Loki/Thor

[There was less of the city burning now than there was before. Asymmetric knotwork glowed beneath his boots, a brand that the Bifrost left on Midgard wherever it touched, like the graffiti he had seen painted across buildings and bridges, underpasses and overpasses in the past week. There had been little time to truly look, but he had caught glimpses and splashes between quelling the riots, moving mortals to the zones, and flying to the next uprising. They were not the fights he longed for, nor the opponents he would have wished for if they had been well.

Nor was his fight with the one he was going to meet. Mjolnir swung by the strap at his wrist once, twice, and the handle of her fit into his palm as it always did before he was in the air and speeding towards the address Loki had given him, his cape a comet's tail, the sound of it snapping lost in the rush of the wind.

He slowed as he neared the roof where Loki said he'd be, the last of the speed gone with his first few footsteps, graceless and bracing on the rough top of the building.]

[info]ex_exo7637 in [info]rooms

[Steve R, Natasha R, Bucky B, Sharon C]

[And he's finally awake. With no clue of what's happened at all (having never seen the message about the toxin before being knocked out), only that he's in a sterile looking room. Not captured, and probably not prisoner, as his phone is on the small table next to the bed. It takes a while to get his fingers to work, as his whole body hurts and his head is killing him. (And, if he's honest, because he can still hear - just a bit - the voices of his friends calling to him for help. Whether it's memory or hallucination is hard to tell.)]

[To each separately.]
Crossing my fingers for a reply here. Checking in?

[info]goodboy in [info]rooms

[Iris M, Clementine M]

[Locked to Iris M]

Still in search of employment?

[Locked to Clementine M]

Let's talk and be adults, yes?

[Address of the club along with his phone number.]

[info]avenging_son in [info]rooms


[He's sore, tired, but bored and needs something to do]

What can I do to help with the clean up in the aftermath of the infection?

[info]unsteady in [info]rooms

[Public, Bruce W]

[Posted anonymously, in careful letters.]


[Bruce W]
[She's heard some of the women talking about strange things happening. Nothing specific, but more-than-usual talk about wanting to leave Gotham. She waits another day or two before giving in.]

Is everything alright?

[info]holyheadharpy in [info]rooms

[Public, as Ginny W.]

Someone has a bloody bad idea of a joke to give me a magical diary.

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

eddie n., selina k., batfam+

[locked to selina k.]

I know you aren't awake yet. But you need to get better. You need to make it, Selina. [...] I think you just won that bet.

[comm to eddie n.]

[Beeepp beeeppp beep while she's on break from clean-up in SoHo.]

[locked to batfam+]

Are we all still disturbed by how sunny it is here? And who's already gotten Dreamy's autograph?

[info]ladycopper in [info]rooms

siren's late night call

[Public as Siren]

Commissioner. Aren't you missing a few piggies?