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August 5th, 2014

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

Bruce W

[Locked to Bruce W]
[During this.]

Beating yourself up yet?

[info]youhitjackpot in [info]rooms

spidey crew, pepper p.

[locked to gwen s.]

How are you feeling?

[locked to harry o.]

Hey, you.

[locked to peter p.]

Can I convince you to take a break from superheroing for five minutes to call a girl?

[locked to pepper p.]

Ready to take a trip down from Westchester yet?

[info]handlewithcare in [info]rooms

Wren H/Evie S

[Wren H]

[During this And she shows it to Wren in this instance. She's writing in French.]

I can't help.

[info]atrophy in [info]rooms

Dick G, Gwen S

[After this.]

[Locked to Dick G]
When can we come get the symbiote, Dick?

[Locked to Gwen S]
Ms. Stacy, I should be getting the suit soon. What are the next steps?

[info]hybridrose in [info]rooms

rose uses her journal


Day Two of Solitary Confinement in the Ravenclaw Tower:

Fluffy the Welsh Green has refused a peace treaty for the common room couch. Tensions are running high as pumpkin juice runneth low. Gerardo the Giant Squid demanded that I study early for Charms this year. Since when has he been in charge of my life? Just because he's got more arms on him, he thinks he can tell me what to do? Well, bugger that. I beat him at chess a day ago, making me Queen Supreme of not only the common room, but the Tower as a whole. Damn them all. If I must endure yet another night alone in this Tower, I will take all the pumpkin juice for myself. And, I won't even bother to study Charms! Well, maybe just a bit. After a nap.

[info]verdant in [info]rooms

Hotel: Oliver & Felicity

Who: Ollie & Felicity
What: A rescue mission of sorts
Where: Hotel
When: Recently!
Warnings/Rating: Nothing to speak of!
Status: Complete

Searching for Felicity. )

[info]thanyou in [info]rooms


[Narrow, beautiful letters.]

Seventh year, at last.

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Harry O, Jason T

[Call to Harry O]
[From her cell. Midday. Ring.]

[Locked to Jason T]
If I don't message you, how long as you planning to avoid contact?

[info]upintheclouds in [info]rooms

[Bruce W]

Captain America will be in the hotel lobby in 20 minutes, I can take him the suit. But if you'd rather, I can tell you where it is and you can take it.

[Locked - Eddie N, Damian W, Stephanie N, Barbara G, Tim D]

The suit is going back to Marvel.

[Locked to Jason T - after the meeting with Cap]

Got a minute?