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July 7th, 2014

[info]chovahani in [info]rooms

Steve R, Jessica D, Billy K

[Delivery to Steve R.]
[Pretend this came on the 4th.]

[A collection of old 45's and even older 78 shellac disks, all with music from the 40's and early 50's. Bing Crosby (including "White Christmas"), Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong, even a couple from Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller. A very simple note comes in the box that reads: Happy Birthday, Cap! Wanda.]

[Locked to Jess D.]

Do you think we should start inviting everyone over?

[Locked to Billy K.]

Will you come over for dinner tonight?

[info]atrophy in [info]rooms

log, Marvel, hospital: Tony S/Steve R

Who: Tony Stark & Steve Rogers
What: Gushers gift giving
Where: Tony's hospital room
When: backdated; after this
Warnings/Rating: none.

Tony was desperate to talk about something, anything. He was willing to trade lots of fruit snacks for it. He handed Steve a couple more in reward. )

[info]author in [info]rooms

Narrative: Liam Roberts

Who: Liam Roberts
What: Narrative
Where: Someplace in NYC, Marvel Door
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None to speak of.

He was still an outsider. )

[info]agoodman in [info]rooms

Thor narrative

Who: Thor (with a small side of Ben)
What: Thor gets an invite to meet his former Vegas side. He goes.
Where: House of Strays
When: Backdated to the night of the 4th
Warnings/Rating: Some feels.

Do you miss it? )

[info]wearethefuture in [info]rooms


[Locked to mutants, both born and made through the pulse]

I have been waiting and watching, and I believe it is time to speak.

My name is Erik Lehnsherr, and I am a mutant. I have the ability to manipulate and control metal. I understand there were some people hit by a "pulse" that caused them to develop new abilities. Someone caused it, and knowing humans, they will be looking for you. Perhaps they've already found you, or tried to experiment on you. I've seen this before, and they will not stop.

Brothers and sisters, we don't need a cure, and there isn't one, nor should they be. We are capable of many great things, things that ordinary people cannot fathom. And they will hate and fear you for it.

I had a team before. We found and protected mutants, and prepared for the coming war, because there is one. It is only a matter of time. Join me if you wish to be a part of real action, not hiding and hoping for the best.

[info]author in [info]rooms

Marvel: Erik & Liam

Who: Liam Roberts & Erik Lehnsherr
What: A meeting of the like-minded
Where: Hudson River Park | Marvel
When: Now!
Warnings/Rating: Probably none, but TBD

Hudson River Park was only a short cab trip from the motel that he had been staying at since crossing through to see Ben, and to say that he was eager was putting it mildly. The time alone had not been good to him, nightmares about the cult, about being strung up, helpless, he would wake trembling like a leaf, unable to fall back asleep. So the man that strode towards the statue was not at his best. The blue eyes were bright but surrounded in shadows, his skin an unhealthy shade of pale from so much time indoors. And at first glance, the thing that made him different was not so obvious, at least unless you looked closely. The wings were flexible, strong yet light, and they hid with only a slight amount of effort beneath the heavy cotton button down he wore, dark trousers concealing the rest that would have hung beneath his shirt.

A tall man with dark hair. And a hat. It was not the most specific of descriptions that Liam had ever been given, but there was not a large crowd near the statue that afternoon. He stilled for a handful of minutes, looking this way and that before he swept a hand back through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes, and moved towards the only person in the vicinity that fit the description he had been given. He wasn't entirely sure how to greet him, if names were something he shouldn't be throwing around so easily, so Liam kept it as easy and casual as he could.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

[info]ouverte in [info]rooms

Who: Brielle Nora & Norman Osborn
What: Evil mastermind hangout.
Where: Osborn mansion.
When: Recently.
Warnings: Minor character death.

He liked power. There could never be too much of it, and with her at his side... they could lay waste to all those who stood against him. )

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms

CCIU Hospital: Tony Stark/Bruce Banner

[In person, CCIU hospital room: Tony S/Bruce B]

[When Bruce came in with a book, intending to stay in the waiting room until he finished it, he was surprised when they directed him instead to the room. At first he was glad, Tony was letting people in, Tony was letting him in, and he'd been trying to get that to happen for days. On the other hand, he also messed up big time and no mater what Steve and Selina said, it didn't make him feel any better. So he shuffled into the room and looked anywhere but at Tony, setting his book down, his shoulders slumped and not looking at his best. And for a man who usually looked underwhelming, that was saying something.

He adjusted his glasses and didn't know what to say, so he finally looked over at his friend and tried to smile.] So what's new with you? [A world of dry humor in that phrase.]

[info]tipofthehat in [info]rooms

WHO: Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat
WHERE: Wonderland
WHAT: A Wonderland meeting!
RATING: Zero idea. Nothing so far outside of madness.

Here kitty kitty kitty. )

[info]stronghurricane in [info]rooms


[Locked to mutants and those affected by the pulse but no Magneto]

My name is Ororo Munroe and I wish to offer a word of warning in regards to Eric Lensherr's post. He is known by another name as well. Magneto. The X-Men have fought him many times in his quest to make mutants the dominant species on Earth. While it's easy to agree with him, he often seeks violent means to achieve his goals and cares little if at all for human life.

I am not saying do not speak with him, but urge caution if you do so.

[info]thunder_girl in [info]rooms


I would like to speak to the Godde Ororo Monroe, please.

[info]atrophy in [info]rooms

Tony S

[Per Selina's request.]

[Locked to Tony S]
Selina wanted me to ask you to talk to Banner. He thinks he let you down in talking with Ms. Potts. I haven't been able to make much headway with him.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]rooms

Marvel Log: Claire B & Erik L

[Claire got to the coffee shop only a minute or two before nine, biting back a yawn as she parked. For a moment, she studied the shop itself, peering through the window as she looked around for a tall guy wearing a hat. Shrugging finally, the eighteen year old got out of the car and headed on inside. She was a little wary, sure, but afraid? Not even a little bit. She was confident enough to know she couldn't be hurt. Walking to a corner table, she sat and watched through the windows, wondering when - or if - this Erik guy would show.]