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July 1st, 2014

[info]riddlethem in [info]rooms

eddie calls steph before the wedding

[Call to Stephanie B.]
[Ring, ring!]

[info]sonrisa in [info]rooms

log, Marvel: Saint R & Lin A

Who: Saint Reilly & Lin Alesi
What: chillin' like kittens.
Where: Saint's apartment
When: recently
Warnings/Rating: maybe some swearing, gratuitous mentions of kittens

If I didn’t know he was gay I’d think he was straight. )

[info]ex_exo7637 in [info]rooms

[Steve R, Ford C, Bucky B, Natasha R]

[Steve R.]

So, you going to tell me what a guy's supposed to get for his new 90+ year old friend for a birthday present?

[Ford C.]
[After a bit of thought.]

Not sure how this all works yet. Do people keep talking to each other after the weird stuff happens to them?

[Bucky B.]
[After even more thought.]

Checking in?

[Natasha R.]

Steve's birthday is Friday.

[info]ex_exo7637 in [info]rooms

Who: Sam W and Steve
What: Middle of the night talks
Where: Steve's apartment in Stark Tower, NYC
When: Now-ish
Warnings/Rating: IDK? Probably some nightmares/PTSD type talk, but will update specifics if needed.

You could only try to battle wills with Captain America for so long before he rolled right over you )

[info]greasemonkey in [info]rooms

Gotham: Russ C and Louis D

Who: Louis Donovan and Russ Campbell
What: Dropping in. Enforced tea-drinking.
When: While Sam is huddling up in Wonderland
Warnings: Please.

The curls here, substituted for the apportioned delicacy that came with the curls, the long and overly refined nose and the hands that reminded Russ of Sam's, if she hadn't fucked them up all the time with art, and then with going crazy, and then somewhere in between )

[info]onerule in [info]rooms

dick g., justice league, batfam+, jim g.

[locked to dick g.]

I'm sorry I haven't checked in sooner. How are you feeling? How is Barbara?

[batfam+, minus eddie & steph]

[The cursor blinks for a while.] I wanted to check in with all of you, and [...] let you know that I'll be at the wedding. So if any of you have something to say to me, say it now


I'm here. Doing fine. How are things in Gotham?

[locked to gordon]
