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July 16th, 2021



Sizeable Problem - Day 1

Okay, I can handle having to buy all my clothes in Tampa, Florida and I know people said weird things happen all the time, but I hit my head trying to take a shower and it turns out I wasn't just in a daze when I woke up, I'm like 8 feet tall. 8 FEET. If I was a professional model or a basketball player I would be thrilled, but seeing as, again, only my gym clothes seem to fit, I'm both freaking out and super annoyed.

[Peter Parker]

Are you okay? Is this one of those superhero things. What's his name? Ant Man? Is this a that thing?



Sizeable Problem - Day 1

Who: Rodney and OPEN
What: Trying to eat - Good luck Rodney
When: Friday Morning
Where: Cafeteria
Rating: Low (high in complaining)

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[No Subject]

Thanks, I hate it.



[No Subject]

What the FUCK.




I'm almost nine foot tall, and my clothing no longer fits. Somehow I'm not sure there's anything in the theater for me to wear aside from a giant towel or a bedsheet.

A little help would not go unpaid.

If you're incredibly small, I'd be happy to give you a lift.



[No Subject]

WHO: Loki & Ikol
WHEN: DAWN OF THE FIRST DAY (any Zelda fans out there? yeah? no?)
WHERE: Outside on campus, around Butler Hall
WHAT: Two egos meet and it goes about as well as you would think.
TRIGGERS: Internal reflections on death and murder. Threats of death and murder. You know, the standard.

Someone ought to give him a cookie. )



[No Subject]

I seem to have faired alright with these new events, though I believe a saw an incredibly large squirrel out on the Green this morning. I mean it was about the size of a horse. Has anyone else seen this?


Did you get through the reset okay?



[No Subject]

Okay, I'm going to make this really quick. Hi! I know some of you already. For everyone else, you can call me Scott.

I think I might have a loose a really rough theory an idea about what's going on. Maybe. Don't worry, alright? I've been in this situation before. Totally solvable! I promise.

I think we cheesed off the Ikea gods. I mean, we can fix this, right?



Week 17 | Day 1 | Morning

Uh, so... it appears my husband has turned into an action figure.

cut for image )

Any of you magic types able to help get him out of the armor at least?



[No Subject]

Um, if anyone is looking for me, I am about two feet.

What the fuck man?



[No Subject]

I'm inches tall, and my lucky coin is with my wife.

So whatever the fuck you do this week, do not step on me. Or even near me.

But I'm going to need a thimble.



[No Subject]

[TJ & Billy K.]
Are you both alright?



disney, day 7

Ugh, I hate when it's time to leave the cool timelines. It's like playing roulette.



[No Subject]

At this rate I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a concussion by the end of the week.

Tim Stoker: 0
Door frames: 3



[No Subject]

Look, I was shorter before the serum but this? This is ridiculous.

Newspaper won't fix this. Stilts wouldn't even help.