About the Info Desk

This is a reference community for the game [info]noexits.

Players may create pages for places on campus that they make their own, including their dorm rooms or classrooms they take over. Who doesn't like wasting time on sites like apartmenttherapy.com?

In addition to having a reference space for places on campus, players may create reference pages for characters including items or materials they pick up on other worlds, notating major events that have happened to them in game, or normal routines they develop on campus when there's nothing else going on so other players are aware of a given character's regular actions and whereabouts that aren't worthy of RPing out constantly.

This space is yours! Have fun!

May. 16th, 2022



The Illusionary Sky



The Void, previously a white expanse without any discernible boundaries, has been replaced by a large scale illusion of a sky. It shifts based on a 24-hour cycle: sunrise, day, sunset, and night. There's a Bi-Frost stretching across part of the illusion, and the nighttime stars are at least decent approximations of what the caster recalled of the constellations over Asgard. There is one cluster of stars that form the outline of a dog. It's all fake, of course, so the sun doesn't yield warmth and the clouds tend to be static.
© tessisamess

Feb. 1st, 2022




For reference, all the phones now have this list (which will be updated as people let me know things) as a main icon on their screen. WHO CAN DO WHAT.

Nov. 8th, 2021



ice skating rink (the frozen fun zone?? idk)

Behind the Old Gym
When you have a Snow Queen on campus, well - it seems only fitting to have an ice skating rink too, right? Best part about this frozen delight is that it's natural - created entirely by Elsa, with more than a hint of magic about the whole space (if you're sensitive to such things, you may even feel it - it's kind of frostbitten and tingly). The rink practically sparkles, maintaining something of a diamond glow to it - and no need to worry about it melting, even if we're somehow plunked into the middle of the desert. The ice will hold up for skating, dancing, or whatever else you'd like to do - maybe even ice fishing, though don't expect to catch much.

If you don't have any ice skates, that's okay too - Elsa is happy to create a pair for you! Remember to dress warmly, please. Magical ice still feels cold.

Sep. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

The Skogsglänta )

Jul. 9th, 2021



Ye Royal Rooster Coop.

“My bond is with the people. And I will serve this great nation at the pleasure of myself. If there’s one thing I’ve proven, it’s that you can count on me to pleasure myself.”

Read more... )

May. 19th, 2021




the green )

May. 14th, 2021




The Restricted Section
AKA, The Room of Cursed Things
Basement Stacks, Wilmarth Library
 Keeper of Cursed Things
Deep in the basement of Wilmarth Library, way in the back of the stacks, lies a cordoned off corner with a Muggle-Repelling Charm. Were anyone to get past it, they would find a large reading room table with the items below sitting upon it. They are warded with protective enchantments, so no touchy without permission.

Having inadvertantly discovered a cursed mirror in Week 7 and located the source of the musical numbers during Week 11, Ron Weasley has found himself the guardian of a Restricted Section in a school library. Go figure.



The Welcoming Committee



Eliot Waugh
Founding Member

Ron Weasley
Founding Member

Peter Parker

Vanya Hargreeves



The Welcoming Committee is a loosely organized group of people who have taken it upon themselves to make it suck slightly less for new arrivals. They have no real authority, only a desire to help.

So far their duties have been to create a "welcome sign" stolen from Planet Vegas (click here for a better detailed image made by Natalie!) to signal to new arrivals they're not alone in this situation, create a welcome letter (see below) that flies to each new arrival via enchanted paper airplane, answering questions on the network for new arrivals, maybe stopping someone who comes in violent or confused, figuring out ways to make things less terrible by creating a bar, putting together a collection of clothing, or safely storing cursed items found on campus.

At least it's something?

Comment on this post if you would like to have your character join The Welcoming Committee.

The Welcome Letter )



Peasley Theater Wardrobe

The Wardobe Department
Peasley Theater
Eliot Waugh
Helped Create
Rita Farr
Helped Create
Number Five
"Provided" Clothing
The theater department's wardrobe and costumes weren't initially create for new arrivals. For one, there weren't unworn basics likes extra socks or underwear to use. Also the costumes were... costumes. Fine for the stage but not always comfortable to be worn every day.

Once the university landed on Planet Vegas, however, Eliot and Rita decided to collect donations and turn the theater's costume department into more of a cute little boutique. Thanks to the "creative acquisitions" of Number Five and other Derleth residents, the costume shop has been repurposed into a cute little boutique of sorts with brand new basics for people to get started with until they can acquire more clothing on their own more suited to their tastes.

The costumes are still there, too. If you want to romp around in an Elizabethan style dress for a day to be extra, no one is going to stop you. A sewing machine and supplies are also available for mending or alterations, provided your character knows how. The Welcoming Committee kindly asks that if you take from the wardrobe, you contribute to it later on down the line.




Derleth's Pop Up Bar

The Bar
Dexter Hall Cafeteria
Eliot Waugh
Helped Create
Carol Danvers
Helped Set Up
Number Five
Helped Set Up
Darcy Lewis
Sound System
Created during Derleth's arrival at Planet Vegas, multiple people took the opportunity to set up a small bar inside Derleth's cafeteria in a small, enclosed space. Unfortunately none of the alcohol at Derleth comes from Derleth, so once a bottle is consumed, it's gone for good. If the bar is knocked down or destroyed in an epic fight, it's destroyed for good.

Anyone is allowed to play bartender if they so desire. It's set up and organized nicely and for now, there's quite the selection. No one is your mom or employee here, so please clean up after yourself. Anyone who drinks at the bar is encouraged to help restock it at the next world that has alcohol.


May. 9th, 2021






Apr. 27th, 2021




426 Ellery Hall )

Apr. 24th, 2021




Would you like a player tag for your posts at the [info]infodesk? Comment here for one!

Apr. 23rd, 2021




Do you want to customize an area of the campus to make your own?

You're free to create a page here for your character's space and code it however you want. Just to make things easier, here is a link to [info]tessisamess's free gallery codes if you want something with a ton of pictures.

Alternatively, this code and this code might work, too? It's pretty open to whatever you want to use!

Use the tags or let the mod know if you need a new tag that fits the description of your space so folks can easily find it! This isn't to replace the game's setting page, but to add to it.



