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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28tv/movies%29:+sylvie+laufeydottir'

Oct. 17th, 2022



Final Rest Week | Day One | Morning

Well. Can't say I'm not relieved to be going back home. I never believed there's be a world crazier than mine but I'm ready to go back to the kind of crazy I can somewhat comprehend.

Hell of a few weeks, though. You're all insane, and my kind of people with one or two exceptions.


Hey Bouncy, you goin' home too? If you are can I swap something for more of those exploding arrowheads? They'd be a riot back home.

Oct. 16th, 2022




In case any of you were worried about staying and being the last one left, don't be. I won't be leaving. Derleth has become a home to me. A home I never expected to have. I could probably try to figure out a way to join some of you in your realms, but, to be honest, I kind of like it here. I even like the traveling, to some extent. Although if we could figure out a way to tone that down to a few months out of the year that would be easier.

So, I'm not going anywhere. And if any of you want to stay but have been afraid to speak up about it, you can be rest assured that you won't be left alone. This is my final destination. Pretty sure I knew it always was. Granted, I can't promise I'll be the best neighbor. You all know me well enough by now. But I will look out for this place as best I can. And I'll look out for the people who decide to stay in it.

But I am taking the best bedroom as soon as the majority of the others are gone, so don't even try to fight me on that.


Just kidding.

sort of




I will be staying at least until everyone who wishes to leave has made it safely back to their own worlds. If anyone needs someone to talk to until then I will continue to be in the clinic. No appointments necessary. Walk-ins welcome.

I assume you will be returning to your timeline soon. and I know you’re But if you’re still around, would you like to have dinner together before you leave?

Are you leaving?

Oct. 8th, 2022




There's something weird about this town. I can't quite put my finger on it. Have any of you seen anything strange? Aside from the people disappearing?

I wanted to say thank you for what you did. You don't know me, and you really helped me out.
Are you up for teaching?

Oct. 3rd, 2022




None of it makes sense

I keep hearing their voices in my head

Saying nothing. Saying everything. I don't understand it. What are they saying? Was it a warning? A threat? A promise of the future?

They eat time. They eat space. And we're both. No wonder they're drawn

I want to sleep. I just want to sleep.

Does anyone have anything for sleep? Regular meds do not work on me.

Sep. 30th, 2022




NIGHT 6: Sylvie finally enchants one of the Void Monsters. (TW: EYES LOTS OF THEM)

Can she handle it?

The barrier between the Void and Outside was like a vacuum of time and space in which nothing could penetrate. It swallowed everything. Sylvie forgot about Yelena and the rest of Derleth for that split second. All she could hear and feel was her heartbeat and the sound of her own breath the moment she felt those green tendrils of magic slip through the void.

Then darkness.

Overwhelming and complete.

Sylvie was bent and tugged through herself, twisted like a knot until —

She was alone again in a vast world, populated by horrors. The stars were beautiful, but there was something so very wrong about them. Apocalyptic. The end of everything.

The language spoken was like listening to hieroglyphs of some unknown feral being, maybe not even sentient, except for the repetitive manner in which they chanted. Was it a spell?

So many eyes everywhere, and they were all watching her. Rising to the surface of their black slimed skin. Millions of them. Everywhere. Wanting to devour. The need to feast on anything in this place between time and space.

There was no time.

There was no space.

It was all an illusion meant to drive a person mad.

But they were here, she knew it. She was watching them through the eyes of some unknown monster. Were they the same? Were they all different? Odin's beard, help her. She was drowning in the space, and time was threatening to take her again. Lost in the dark with these non-linear beings who —

They knew she was there.

She let go, and inside the Void, she came back to her body, tripped over her feet, and curled into a ball. Those images would stay with her.

She just needed time. And space.

Sep. 19th, 2022






Sep. 16th, 2022



REST WEEK+: DAY 1; afternoon

Just a few questions.

Can you see the monsters beyond the void?
If so, would you be willing to help me track one down so I can enchant it?

Sep. 15th, 2022




I had to leave my dorm room in the middle of the night because there was a lifelike second Fen in my room. It was propped up and staring at me. Uh Anyone else with that issue?

Yeah, and we're in the void. Everything else seems fairly "normal."

Sep. 13th, 2022




Oooh! Suspicious fliers announcing a suspicious fancy dress event that should probably be avoided because it’s suspiciously timed! Count me in. Who wants to be my escort? Speak now or forever hold your peas.

Sep. 12th, 2022



westworld | day six

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I still have some questions about our current situation if someone wouldn't mind answering what they know? I heard there was a paper airplane. Sorry I missed out on that. There was a whole thing I won't get into it here.

Derleth Questions:
  • Why us? What's the mechanism that pulls us here?
  • What happens when we leave?
  • Why Derleth? What makes it special?

This Place Questions:
  • So we thought we were in the Wild West-- but may not be?
  • Also robots? What gives?
  • Looks like some folks came back from a mysterious elevator?
  • Robots can't see flies? Might be a stretch. Anyone not seeing flies?

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to clarify things for me. I'll probably have more questions as things come up.

So I'm pretty sure I owe you an apology. You okay?

Anything else I need to know or you'd like to tell me before I inevitably find out myself?

Sep. 11th, 2022





Has anyone seen this woman? Her name is Dolores Abernathy. I met her in Sweetwater when we first arrived. We've been traveling together, but we were chased by some pretty scary people and got separated.

There was a lot of shooting and chaos and
I'm really worried that something might have happened to her
they might have kidnapped her
or worse
I don't know how else to find her

She's really sweet and friendly. She lives on a ranch outside of Sweetwater. I'm heading back in that direction in case she managed to escape. She may be injured. Please let me know if you've seen her!

I promised her I'd try to find a way for her to reset with us

[ooc: Anyone in Sweetwater may have seen Dolores in the thoroughfare in the late afternoon of Day 5, packing up her saddlebag and dropping a can as though nothing has happened to her. If someone approaches her to say that Orlin is looking for her, she won’t know who they’re talking about.]

Sep. 10th, 2022



day five | westworld

I don't have a tempad, but I did find this nifty twenty-first century smart phone in my pocket. So that's something.

Cowboy Loki got me up to speed on a few things. Sylvie? He mentioned you're here. You okay? To all the other Lokis and variants across the multiverse who might know me— hi. Not here to prune anyone. We don't do that any

I'm Mobius. Some of you might already know that. Looks like I'll be along the ride with you for the time being. Looking forward to getting to know you all.

Sep. 6th, 2022




Are you still around? I haven't seen your name pop up, but for all I know, you died like Loki and the other Barnes and all those poor bastards at the Mariposa the other day.
So what are you all doing for the rest of the week?

Sep. 5th, 2022



Westworld | Day 1 [oops]

Oh, this is interesting. Apparently, I'm alive this week. I mean, alive alive. I don't know what to do with such a rapid heartbeat. And my skin is so warm and dry! You know what, I don't like this. It's a little too weird for me. Do I really have to wait the whole week to go back to normal? Maybe if I just died again, that would fix it.

Sep. 4th, 2022




You should all know that Loki was killed this evening in a shootout at the Mariposa. Four men in black hats came in. One was killed, the other three were arrested.

[Immediately following this. This is not Hector's gang.]

Aug. 28th, 2022



Everything Everywhere | Day 5

I have had my share of memories, I don't want any more.

It was fun at first, but they've become a burden.

Aug. 24th, 2022




Day 2; Night
Middle of the Green

Bucky is out wandering the Green when he stumbles upon Sylvie, trying to track down the Void Monster. The two discover they were friends in the 1950's.
Void monsters, missing arms, some trauma

Read more... )

Aug. 16th, 2022




Two weeks in a row of "classes" seems to have been relatively successful. So, we're going to continue! Assuming, of course, that we don't get attacked by flesh-eating amoebas or brain-melting space aliens in the next few hours. Class will be on Day 3, immediately following lunch. We'll meet outside on the Green. Think of this as a kind of physical education course. So wear something comfortable. And maybe don't eat anything too heavy.

On a semi-related note, I received a few requests last week for magic classes. I don't know that I'm the best person for this. There are actual magic professors here on campus that are probably better suited for that kind of one-on-one coursework. Magic is different between the realms, after all. But if that's something people are interested in, let me know and I'll discuss the possible options with the more academic purveyors of the mystic arts in our quaint little community.

(Note: If I've already promised you a crash course in trickster magic, then talk to me privately about when you want to start that.)

But most importantly! Mischief discovered his tail today! ♥♥♥

I'm angry with you. Just so you know.




I think last week was a little more troubling than a lot of us might have realized at the time. So, I just want to remind everyone that Baymax and I are always available in the clinic if anyone wants to talk. About anything. Doesn't have to be medically related. If you just want to have a cup of coffee and talk about the effervescent glow of the Void or the grass or a hobby you want to pick up or a cute animal you saw in the Green, that's completely fine. It can be about anything. Just come on by.

And for the new people I didn't get a chance to meet yet, I'm Orlin Dax! Doctor Orlin Dax. And I'm always in the clinic! Except at meal times, obviously. Because I like to eat. And talk! I enjoy eating and talking and feel free to bring a snack with you if it'll make you more comfortable! Or I could make sandwiches. Or Baymax has lollipops! They're free. No age restriction. Even gods can have them. Unless you have a dietary restriction then, uhm, maybe check with Baymax about the nutritional content. All I know is that they're cherry flavored. right? we only have cherry?



everything everywhere | day 1

Welcome to the jungle Derleth if you haven't been here before. Sorry about the dorm arrangements, we have no control over that. You can sleep where you want most of the time but every reset you'll end up back where you are now. Yes, there's a big void outside the campus. This happens every second week. You can try walking into it but distance doesn't really seem to be a concept that exists in there and it's really unnerving. There might be something living in there, or maybe just Your eyes play tricks on you a bit. The forest's decent though and there's some animals living in there.

Cafeteria's downstairs, you can handle your own meals but occasionally someone will turn up and start cooking, which is usually better, especially since the kitchen's designed for big batch cooking. If no extra clothes came back here with you there's supplies in Peaslee Theatre.

Aug. 14th, 2022




Day 6
Loki's mind space.

Sylvie goes into Loki's mind to find out what's causing his memory issues, headaches, and personality shifts. She finds Space King Loki there. And destroys him. Or does she?.
Some character death memories, a scary animated clock, and ultimately, blood and stabbing. They are Lokis.

Read more... )

Aug. 11th, 2022




Things have gotten a little too strange here. Press any of the people around you, and they'll cry — out right sob — if you suggest it's not real. Given what Obi-Wan spoke of earlier in the week, I think we're dealing with a mothership/Chitauri situation. They're all connected.

And judging from how we keep finding pieces of Derleth but not the whole thing, I think the city is hiding it from us. Which means we absolutely need to find it.

Loki's been having some issues — missing memories, personality changes, and headaches.

We need more scans to find out what the hell is going on and how we can help Loki.

I wanted to do this this week, but with the current crisis, we may want to wait till next week.

Aug. 10th, 2022



Week 42: Start of school week

Okay. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I give up: the coffee pot wins. I normally love this coffee, but not like this. Not like this.

I've tried spells, lids, giving free cups to the whole damn classroom, drinking the entire thing myself, smashing it on the floor, throwing it out the window, pleading with it in every language I know and some I don't, but it keeps reappearing in the teacher's lounge and it won't. stop. refilling. If anyone thinks they can help me keep up with emptying it before it can overflow, please do. It's the huge coffee pot with the vines growing on the sides.

Uh, sorry if any of us is stuck on cleanup. You're gonna need a lot of wet floor signs.

Aug. 9th, 2022



day four | the lonely city

My apparent associates Hey, I may have caught wind of something important. If it checks out, I could use some major magical assistance on this. Bonus if you don't age. Also must be okay with stealing. Possibly violently if necessary.

Any takers?

Aug. 6th, 2022




Anyone want free candy? Feel free to come by Candy Crush and take all the sweets you want. All of them. Please. Whatever you want, just come in and yank em off the shelves or the bins. The smell is driving me bonkers.

Aug. 4th, 2022



Day 2 | The Lonely City

So... we're a diverse group, right?

Other than Thunder Thor, anybody know any gods or cosmic beings who aren't just complete dicks? Or is a love of cruel humor part of the 'creation-ability' kit?

I guess other than the Maker, too, but he just decided to sod off so it's not exactly like he's

Maker I hate my bar.

If anybody missed out on Wicked Grace last week, or wants another game, swing by my bar. This time there's no drink limit and I've found a few decks of cards locally that can function fine if there's a group.

Or, you know, if you just want to stop by. I'm having flashbacks to talking to that hairy nug my first few days in this mess when I try and speak to my staff, a distraction would be great.

Jul. 30th, 2022



Week 41: Day 6

For fuck's sake. The letter didn't say, but are there any leads yet on who or what abducted us? Usual suspects include but are not limited to serial killers, hell lords, Asgardian troublemakers, and the US military.

Jul. 28th, 2022



day six | rest week

For those of you who have only smoked the magic greenhouse weed fresh? Can confirm it tastes better and gets you more high when it's properly dried and cured. Hit me up if you're in need. No charge. Just remember to save your non-super powered drug dealer if zombies attack again or something. I don't have any pipes or paper but I can show you how to use an apple. Uh, we might need more apples.

If El and Dustin haven't figured out there's weed in the greenhouse already, it's only a matter of time. Dustin knows I sell so, if anyone wants them to get the hugs not drugs talk, it probably shouldn't come from me.

You hanging in there?

Okay, so there are wizards and people claiming to be gods and whatever the hell, right? ...Why don't we ask them how to destroy someone like Vecna? Maybe they can give us some fucking magic or some shit?

Jul. 25th, 2022




I can't be the only one wanting a little excitement of the non-murderous kind. So let's play


Derleth edition.

Maybe a little murderous. But just in the fictional way.



Rest Week | Day 4

[ooc: combining so as not to spam the board]

Delivery to Mischief, the illustrious mascot of Derleth c/o Loki

a small paper bag containing a cat toy sized robot ladybug (think spider-bot but ladybug) that when activated will skitter around and fly. Has some degree of learning capability so as to keep play new and interesting (but hopefully not enough for the ladybug to try and overthrow society). Ben went for movement considering he has no idea where you'd even find catnip here. Note attached says 'An offering for the feline overlord's continued training. Whether that's the bag or what's in it. 🕷Ben

Delivery to Sylvie

a baggie of homemade skittles with 'Taste the Rainbow' written on the outside. They're a bit bigger than the normal kind and the coating isn't perfect, but he tried. The colors and flavorings are also limited to whatever coloring, artificial flavoring, and frozen fruit he could find in the kitchen.

[Private to Ed and Pike]
So I found decent sized mostly private tub and my stash of bubble bath looks good, so bubble baths can happen! Chris, you are getting looped in in this because I am 100% sure you need to do something relaxing.

Jul. 23rd, 2022



Rest Week | Day 4

I just wanted to thank everyone who helped with boosting the magic and with planting new seeds that will hopefully lead to an even more plentiful harvest than this world has seen before. I am hopeful it will stick beyond the reset, but only time will tell. It's been so wonderful to see everyone working together, and for such a good cause.

In the meantime, I think I will be spending time in the Green communing with nature. You can learn a lot by speaking with plants what it's not that weird and that whole thing with the zombies was kinda awful, I want to make sure there have been no lasting effects from all that death.

Soooo I don't really have a point to this other than to say if you're wandering around and see me talking to what appear to be nothing I'm actually talking to the trees?? I swear it's not that weird


So, um, we never got the chance to really talk after that whole weird fae ball thing. But you were, like, really good with all of that storytelling at the game night? So I guess I just wanted to say hi and yeah this is really awkward I'm so sorry.

Jul. 22nd, 2022




I got the low down on me disappearing for six weeks, but what else did I miss?




Day 3
Atop the Peaslee Theater

Ikol is having a fun time spoiling Lucky's appetite when a certain unLoki Loki arrives. Hugs happen.

Read more... )

Apr. 2nd, 2022



day 1 | dino island

This is fucking new — did we get thrown into Jurassic Park?

Mar. 24th, 2022






WHAT: Like it says, a pool party! Both to keep up morale and to celebrate the massive pool upgrade (courtesy one Dr. Stephen Strange).
WHERE: The pool, obviously. Come one, come all! Even if you're not feeling very yourself!
WHEN: Afternoon, Day 6. It was going to be earlier in the week but then Stuff Happened and Vax held off on announcing it until later so everybody could get acclimated to their delayed onset weekly struggle. (Yes, this is absolutely my excuse for not having this done earlier!)

MORE DETAILS HERE!Read more... )

Mar. 21st, 2022



Day 3 | Freaky Friday

Still you? In your own body? No extraneous voices in your head?

I am not about to ask if you're all good, but this is the occasional check-in for proof of life. I found my stash of candy if anyone would like to try to medicate the rest of the week with high fructose corn syrup and whatever nougat actually is.

Thor, hi. [...] We haven't spoken much. Welcome to the sibling filter. I am losing my touch Good to have you here. Stop already

Mar. 20th, 2022




Alright, we know something is going on. Some people have swapped bodies, some people seem to have mind connections, and some people have lost powers or gotten new ones.

Who is in need of medical help? And who can help them?
Who is in need of magical help for controlling their magic? And who can help them?

Let's try not to panic. Even if I can feel someone in my own head.



Freaky Friday | Day 3

I'm just going to take a stab in the dark based on things that seem to be happening.

Is anyone missing their magic?



freaky friday | day three

Uh, so I woke up without my gem this morning but not like someone took it again more like I have a belly button again, but I think I feel okay but I felt okay last time I had a belly button and is there a way to make sure I'm not a werewolf again?

Not that there's a moon or anything here but, you know, it's probably better to be safe.