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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28tv/movies%29:+sylvie+laufeydottir'

Mar. 19th, 2022




When I was little, I wanted to be one. A Valkyrie. I wanted to help people, to save people.



day 1 | freaky friday

So, I've acquired an Undead Bane (the fucking irony). And it's pretty adamant
about killing any and all undead things.I know this because it's also telepathic and told me.

Anyone else get a talking inanimate object?



Network | Mal Oretsev






fjerdans are nitwits

Mar. 12th, 2022




I have... Valkyries. This horn I found when we were looking for the ring conjures Valkyries. I could sense there was magic, but this is not what I thought it would do. Honestly, I don't know what I thought it would do — call horses? — but this was not it.



day 6 | d&d

They fucking took Sweeney. Again.

If you need me, I'll be at some pub.



D&D | Day 6

I'll never look at tabletop gaming the same again. Although I definitely didn't miss sitting around for five minutes while people tried to find the rules on how to grapple. Again.

[Peter Parker]
How's it going? Have you got a handle on the talking thing? How many cats have you rescued from trees?

Not that many days left, but I'm sure we could find some people who need help around here still. If you're up for it.

Mar. 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

I'm over this shit. How are you not over this?

Mar. 5th, 2022



D&D | Day Three

Who wants to go into the ruins with me and look for some magic shit?

So I found something interesting. There's a legend about a vampire hero, or anti-hero depending on the source. Apparently about 100 or so years ago Baba Yaga, or a version of her here, pissed him off and he stole her magical mortar and pestle, intending to bury it in the ruins where she'd never find it again. Except he must have done a really good job hiding it down there because he never made it back out.

The relevant part, however, is that he famously had a magic ring that allowed him to walk around during the day. It's part of how he was able to trick her in the legend.

So... let's go find his corpse and loot his shit? If we manage to hang onto any magic items we find this week it means you won't be limited by worlds we visit with a sun.

Mar. 4th, 2022



Day 2 (night) | D&D

[The Fellowshit Fellowship of the Ring]
So far searching out information on a ring like what Mobius described has given me an equal share of useless answers for every guess that it could be deep in the Ruins. Which, Vax, you will be happy to know moves up to top pick your suggestion that we go somewhere dark, dank, and dangerous.

Take the night and settle whatever you need to settle. Buy what you need to buy. Tomorrow we venture forth.

Mar. 3rd, 2022




Day 4, nighttime
The monolith that used to be Butler Hall on Evil!Derleth's side.

Thor sees Sylvie had a monolith and tries to warn her away from them. Sylvie lets him in on her "dark" history at Derleth. The two bond a little.
Talk of character death.

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dungeons & dragons - day 2

Hi everyone - just wanted to check in and see how you were all doing. Also see if anyone's in an adventuring kind of mood?

I've been listening around, doing some snooping for anything that may be relevant to our timeline research interests - and it seems like the merchants have a lot of info about various doo-dads that pique my curiosity. I don't have exact details but I've heard rumors about something called the Book of Time, basically a whole bunch of chronomancer knowledge and spells we want to get our hands on. If anyone would be up for tracking this book down, I think it'd really help us.

There's also a ring I heard rumblings about too - it's a ring that allows you to store spells in it to use at any point and since breaking the timeloop is going to require a combo of magic and science/tech (or at least that's been my guess, and the path we're currently on) we're going to need helpful supplies like that too.



[No Subject]

Where is it that we've arrived this time?

It's not Thedas, but certainly not far off.

Feb. 24th, 2022



good derleth | day five

So good news about those badges: if you were tagged, you are not automatically switching places with your Shitty Derleth counterpart next week.

Bad news about those badges: it's an all or nothing deal and I think a lot of us have already been tagged. If they tag all of us, next week we'll be waking up in Shitty Derleth.

More bad news about the badges: it's a homebrew spell that uses curse magic. I think they mixed magic from a few different worlds. But making it a curse means there's no way to dispell the magic or get rid of the badge before the reset.

Strange has come up with a way to detect if you've been tagged or not. Please see him and make sure you're not tagged. Don't assume. This is too important.

If your counterpart hasn't attempted to tag you yet, it's probably coming. We don't have Butler's wards to hide behind anymore. Protecting the untagged should probably be our biggest priority.

I've checked and I'm untagged. Anyone else?

Feb. 23rd, 2022





I know it's been a whi
and I haven't
but I thought

Everyone alright? Anybody need anything?

Loki I heard about Kate
I know she

I'll be around if you do.


Where are you? I lost you in the shuffle. You didn't get tagged by your variant, did you?

Feb. 22nd, 2022



good derleth | day four (early)

I'm pretty sure the other Julia also has a Leo Blade, is shadeless, and she may also be getting a power up. I'm not saying she'll do anything, I just don't want there to be any surprises.

Feb. 20th, 2022




ABOUT THE EVENT: With Hugh & Eliot's taste and the Magician's magic, they managed to pull off a surprisingly well put together party at Peaslee Theater.

GOOD DERLETH: Some of you are going to need to sing to sell the event, even if that might mean revealing something emotionally about yourself. Who's willing to step up?

BAD DERLETH: Who's going to show? Who's willing to sing? Anyone going to catch on as to the nature of the karaoke machine or does the alcohol, food and atmosphere of the party make that difficult to discover? Is this the night Bad Derleth tips its hand?

ABOUT THE KARAOKE MACHINE: it is mildly cursed. People who were around week eleven will remember it as that time they broke into song about their feelings. Eliot has rigged up the machine so you'll only sing if you step onto the stage, but your character doesn't get to pick their song. Just like last time, Eliot is branding it as Karaoke Roulette but he may also be trying to get a feel for where the other Derleth residents are at emotionally and if there are any potential issues folks need to be aware of. Hm? What? Isn't karaoke fun?

ABOUT THE FOOD: thanks to a handful of volunteers, there is a delicious menu of real food put out in welcome for the Other Derleth. If the sound of the music from the party doesn't draw them in, maybe the food will.

ABOUT THE BAR: and if the food and the music don't work, there's always the alcohol. Eliot came up with a drink menu, using what they have, and recruited Mobius to be the bar tender for the night. That puts him in a good position to keep a look out along with other perfectly innocent party goers that are totally not just using this as an excuse to keep an eye on the residents of the other Derleth.

OOC: It's an IC/OOC event. You know the drill! (And if you don't know the drill, here's a thing I wrote about IC/OOC events.) Because you're playing two of the same character, using the same journal, be sure to use the subject headers/comments to clearly label which good/bad characters show up.

Feb. 18th, 2022




Okay, who's tagged themselves? Let me know and I'll cross your name from the list. The results of the census spell for our side:

Malachi Allen
Bucky Barnes
Sydney Barrett
Bill Batson
Kate Bishop
Tandy Bowen
Sharon Carter
Rupert Chatwin
Hugh Christian
Caduceus Clay
Lara Croft
Orlin Dax
Percy de Rolo
The Doctor
Margo Hanson
Alison Hargreeves
Steve Harrington
Jo Harvelle
Takeshi Kovacs
Loki Laufeyson
Loki Laufeyson
Sylvie Laufeydottir
Erik Lensherr
Wanda Maximoff
Laura Moon
Matt Murdock
Kady Orloff-Diaz
Peter Parker
Alice Quinn
Harley Quinn
Ben Reilly
Natasha Romanoff
Kylo Ren
John Silver
River Song
Alina Starkov
Ava Starr
Timothy Stoker
Stephen Strange
Mad Sweeney
Seventh Sister
Thor Odinson
Richie Tozier
Eliot Waugh
Julia Wicker
Joseph Wilson
Rose Wilson
Sam Wilson
Sabine Wren

You're my plan B. What do you need to possess or move anyone that dies or refuses to tag their own?

I need help finding mine. Can't tell if she's avoiding me, but locator spell isn't working.

Feb. 17th, 2022



Evil Derleth | Day Two - early

I'm sure plenty have already figured this out, but just as an FYI to the rest, if your plan includes sneaking undetected into your counterpart's sleeping quarters (or anyone's really), you're shit out of luck. They look to be well warded against anyone who isn't the room's owner. You can still be let into the room by its owner, but otherwise no go.

So what's more fun? Wandering on your own lonesome or playing twenty questions for some interesting information? Spoiler: it's definitely bigger than a breadbox.

Feb. 16th, 2022




EVIL!Sylvie Laufeydottir
Day 1
Wandering around

Sylvie is introspective and decided to check out the campus when a squirrel catches her attention.
Horror, animal death

Read more... )

Feb. 15th, 2022



Good Derleth - Day 1

Did I just see the spitting image of me walk to the edge of other campus, stop, stare at me, ask me for a cigarette and a drink, and then, without prompting, the bastard starts yelling Is lór chena, níam olc! Níam!, makes a fucking run for it like he's being chased by a hell-hound and finally turns into a fucking bird?

I'm not drunk enough for this.

Feb. 10th, 2022



hoth | day five

Kind of related to my last post about the network, Sylvie helped me search my memories of that week for any additional information that might help us. I know some of you aren't eager to get pulled into Derleth and others aren't eager to leave.

For now, if we end up back on another Derleth again, the manuscript containing the spell used in the network is known as the Celephais Fragments. I don't think they're here, I think they were housed somewhere else near the campus. At least I couldn't track them with a locator spell.

Just keep an eye out?

Lastly, I know a lot of you weren't there that week, but having specific faces to look for, I'm pretty sure I at least saw most of you at one point or another. I can't say for certain if all of you signed up to beta the network, but the smart money says yes.

Sylvie knows what I did to you. I just thought you'd like the heads up. I also told Carver but I'm not really worried about Not sure if she's planning on telling anyone else or who she's close to exactly.

I don't know if this will help but a few other details: the name of the cult was Spindle & Thread. Initiates were called weavers. I was given the manuscript by a higher ranking member. Yennefer, actually. She wasn't actually there that week. I still think we use the Tesla Flexion to talk to Rick. We have a plan to get as much information as we can in two minutes.

Feb. 9th, 2022



Day 5 | Hoth

That spell you shared with me. I presume you were hoping to refine it so that it's a little less slather-self-in-carcass? If not to last longer? I was looking it over the other night, but the suggestions I have vary with priorities.

How are you holding up?

Feb. 8th, 2022



day 3 | hoth

Who has mind powers?


I saw your friend went back home. That's a good thing, right?



Hoth | Day 3

Going to be patrolling around the campus in case more of those yeti-wampa things show up. If anyone wants to volunteer, we can set up shifts and areas.

Let me know if you want a turn, and why I should let you have a go.

Since I apparently put my foot in my mouth

I just need to know that you can handle yourself in the damn cold, and can get help/get away if you spot something. I don't want anyone else getting hurt.





Chief Medical Officer's Log
Stardate 74007.95 ... 1 ???

Scratch that. Where's the backspace on this — Hold on. Let me try the voice control. Manual typing. Can you believe it? It's practically obsolete. Then again, haha! Antique communication device.



Yes! Anyway! Thanks to the considerate and quick-thinking response of your resident robotic healthcare professional, I have been made aware of the current crisis. For those of you I have yet to meet — which, surprise! is basically all of you sans Baymax and Sergeant Barnes — I am Doctor Orlin Dax. You may call me Orlin. Or Dax. Or Doctor Orlin or Doctor Dax. Or Doctor Orlin Dax. Or Doctor. Just don't call me late for dinner! was that too much? that was too much. really could go for a Samarian Sunset right now

I will be assisting in the medical clinic until further notice. Apparently we are well stocked for, uhm, we have lollipops. But we also have heart! Or, at least, I have one. Organic, that is. But who's to say that a ball of wiring surrounded by advanced circuitry isn't also a heart? Am I right? We don't discriminate. Anyway! If you need any medical assistance, please don't hesitate to give me a call. Or yell, if that helps you work through the nociceptor response. But if you could also yell your pain level on a scale of 1 - 10 — 10 being 'oh my stars my arm has been ripped off!' — that would be useful in helping me come up with an appropriate treatment plan.

Thank you.

End ... Log?



[No Subject]

So, Thor. You're okay?

Feb. 7th, 2022




I know this Thor. Sort of. A few weeks ago, I gained a second set of memories. The world was just the same up until the time of Ultron. Ultron managed to get a hold of the nuclear codes and destroyed the whole planet. Only Clint and I were left, trying to stop him.

Someone called the Watcher pulled a bunch of them together as a team, then sent them to my dead universe. Ultimately, he was stopped, but not without some unpleasant consequences.

If you need anything, please don't hesitate.
Goes triple for you.
Looks like the news is out about both of us. Kind of.
Pretty impressive fighting back there with the wampas. What happened?

Feb. 5th, 2022



hoth | day two (late)

So given everything that's happened I guess I should share what I know about the network.
  • Months ago, the first time we visited an alternate timeline, I learned the version of me there basically created the network. I could mention Tilly but let's keep this short and sweet. I was ambitious, and I had a few potential government contracts lined up for an unhackable network.

  • In order to make the network unhackable, I laced magic in the coding. I don't remember the spell, I can remember some details about the book, but that book isn't here. To test it, I opened it up as a beta to Derleth students and faculty. I challenged people to try to hack it, try to break into other people's messages, my messages, whatever.

  • It worked. But I think the magic she/I used is also what's bringing us here, why the same people show back up again even when they disappear. If you're here, a version of you was also on that Derleth and signed up for the beta. Michael appeared to confirm this last week.
So now you know. You want a piece of me, I'm still in the clinic.

If I didn't tell, Rose was going to. Thought it would be better coming from me. Sorry. They deserve to know anyway.



Day 2 - evening

If you're injured wishes and words sprout still haven't seen a medical everyone should be in bed What was I talking about? professional, lollies

If you've been injured, and haven't seen a medical professional yet, we have lollipops. Come see us, have a friend bring you, or call us over. I'm the one in the furry blue coat.

But you were all bad-asses today. Great job.

Feb. 1st, 2022



HOTH: Day One

I could tell you all this last night because I'd been turned into a bloody rabbit, but I was able to enchant Michael long enough to read his mind. He was using us as an experiment for a Hel-like neighborhood. He's building a hell for people who go to "The Bad Place."

If anyone wants to go, I'm heading out to see what I can find. If you need supplies or anything from other buildings, let me know so I can do those first.

Thank you for scooping me up off the ground. I thought I was alligator food.





I understand there’s always a lot of enthusiasm to explore the first day. But if anyone would prefer to stay inside and build a blanket fort, maybe read a book, or just sit in awkward silence, let me know. last week was I’ll be in my room constructing a tent out of bedsheets. All are welcome. Bring your own snacks.

[*If you think you’re a friend then you’re a friend.]

Jan. 31st, 2022



HOTH: Day One; Super Early

It's still dark out right now, but I don't recommend going out unless you have adequate clothing for snow Pretty intense ice and snow. Well below freezing temperatures. I'm not sure where we are, but we're going to need a few recon teams once the sun comes up (assuming that it does) to figure out what we're looking at

Are we just in a massive blizzard?
Is there anything around?
Does it look familiar to anyone?
Does anyone have any winter appropriate clothing to spare?

The Green's completely frozen. I would not recommend crossing to any of the other buildings without proper clothing or with a portal/teleportation of sorts. Didn't get a great view in the dark, but one of the squirrels is completely frozen on Butler Hall's front steps.

Jan. 28th, 2022



day 6 | michael

You have got to be forking kidding me. I forking killed him and I get brought back here.

What's up with the pink tower of doom? I thought it was black.




When Ava arrived
Loki building top!

Sylvie takes the alligator to the rooftop and finds someone NOT LOKI there.
None really

Read more... )

Jan. 20th, 2022




Oh goodie. Another reminder from "home."

How do we make that stop?



Michael - Day 3

Excuse me

who is in charge here

why is- where ca

how do i

can anyone help?

Jan. 18th, 2022




I can’t believe that after spending this many months living among four Lokis I have to say this, but all of you need to stop indulging these two newcomers. They don’t have any answers for you. They’re not going to fix things. It’s an elaborate scam. A hoax, if you will. They’re tricksters. Obviously.

And to those of you asking about dying in this place, just don’t. We’re not indulging anymore deaths either.

Now that I’ve spoken my piece … Does anyone want to trade for a can of green beans?

Jan. 16th, 2022




What's up, benches? Don't come to me Stop asking me about alternative universes about yourself. It's funnier not to tell you. Watch you get real mad.

You need anything else though, and I'm your girl.

Jan. 12th, 2022




Not that I've been looking for a way out of this daily musical hell hole or anything, but I found a bridge. With signs that make it seem like you can leave. And a leprechaun that sang to me when I tried to cross the bridge and figure out what was going on.

Apparently, at least according to that guy, "within its borders ye are bound until, at last, true love is found." So... I guess do with that information what you will.

For the record, no, the bridge did me absolutely zero good.

Jan. 7th, 2022



schmigadoon | day 4 (evening)

Well, hello again.