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TO: Marty.
FROM: Sof.
[1] The rumor on the street was that you were dead.
[2] The rumor now, much more interesting,
[3] Is that you're the Adversary.
[4] Welcome back?.


WHO: Detective Milo Watney and Person of Interest Marty Solverson.
WHEN: Wednesday, July 12.
WHERE: The station.
SUMMARY: Marty finally decides to pay the WPD a visit.
WARNINGS/RATING: Continued spoilers for/mentions of the content of this log and the HoG/Adversary showdown.

I had heard that you wanted to talk to me.  )


WHO: Vincent Miller, Ian Gorman, Penelope Rulli, Noel Hu, Gideon Choi, Marty Solverson, a Special Guest & Detective Watney.
WHAT: The moments following this log.
WHEN: Forward dated to Thursday, July 6th.
WHERE: The Woods.
WARNING/RATING: Significantly more violence.

You don’t like me much, do you? )


WHO: Marty Solverson, Noel Hu, Jason Hughes, Gideon Choi, and a Special Guest.
WHAT: The next moments after this log.
WHEN: Forward dated to Thursday July 6th.
WHERE: The Woods.
WARNING/RATING: Some violence.

Surprise. )


WHO: Faith Hyland and Marty Solverson
WHAT: A Remnant of Aesop and a Hand of Grimm walk into a bar...
WHERE: Lion & Stag.
WHEN: Thursday Happy Hour.
WARNINGS: Mentions of alcohol, light language.

What’s that thing they say. About how people with the most extreme views are always the loudest? )


WHO: Ian Gorman + Marty Solverson
WHAT: DRIVE prompt, this is hella late.
WHEN: Back in the day.
WHERE: Some windy Minnesota Road.

Why do you have to feel the need to prove me wrong all the time? )


WHO: Gideon Choi & Marty Solverson, with an appearance from Byron & Mark, their last incarnations.
WHAT: One conversation -- many points in time.
WHEN: See above~
WHERE: Varied!
WARNINGS: Talk of war?

Are you sure you’re not actually Porthos? I’d be the tiniest bit more inclined to listen to some of the things Traditionalists say if you were Porthos. )


WHO: Marty & Gia Solverson.
WHEN: Monday, May 1st.
WHERE: Marty's Apartment.
SUMMARY: Gia disappoints her Dad.
STATUS: Complete.

You know I vaguely remember discussing breaking and entering, where did we land on that? )


WHO: Marty Solverson & Toni Collins | Mark & Adelaide Sanders
WHEN: College | High School
WHERE: Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: Two first meetings in parallel
STATUS: Complete

And so, as he sat listening to another old man, clearly enamoured of his own voice, Marty flicked another bit of paper at the head of the boy sitting in front of him )


WHO: Marty Solverson & Nadege Morpeau
WHAT: Past & present job woes.
WHERE: Hop O' My Thumb.
WHEN: Backdated to 3/11, evening.
WARNINGS: Eh, swearing.
STATUS: Complete.

I don’t wanna see you laid out somewhere, forgotten, while they roll over your dead body like it’s a scapegoat for their shitty behavior. )


WHO: Olive Park & Marty Solverson
WHEN: Day after this.
WHERE: At a park.
SUMMARY: Olive owns up to getting the Bow. Marty is concerned. They don't quite understand one another, but they try.
STATUS: Complete

And yes, Olive was Little John but.  )


WHO: Marty Solverson and Noel Hu
WHEN: Monday morning and evening, after THIS.
WHERE: The Academy + Noel's place
SUMMARY: The aftermath and next steps.
WARNINGS: Spoilers re: Academy plot!
STATUS: Complete

After a few seconds of thoughtful silence it occurred to him that in all of this he’d neglected to say something very basic. )


WHO: Ian Gorman, Jason Hughes & Marty Solverson
WHAT: Surveillance equipment shopping at Costco. Alternatively, Jason Hughes first Costco experience.
WHEN: Backdated to last weekend!
WHERE: Costco.

You could buy yourself a case of these, sell them a dollar each to the students, and make back twice what you paid! )


WHO: Harry Cabrera & Marty Solverson, with a special appearance by Faith Hyland.
WHAT: Harry talks to Marty about budget cuts. :)
WHEN: Saturday March 11th, around 3 PM.
WHERE: The Academy.

It’s the middle of the semester, Harry. )



SUBJECT: Follow Up re: Item #26874 )

- - - - -

SUBJECT: Item #26874 )


WHO: Hal Cooper and Marty Solverson
WHEN: BACKDATED TO Sunday, February 19th and Monday, February 27th
WHERE: Marty’s practical classroom
SUMMARY: Marty kicks Hal’s ass, and Hal is happy about it.
WARNINGS: Sassiness
STATUS: Complete!

Does your girlfriend fight fair or does she fight dirty? )


TO: Marty Solverson
FROM: Hal Cooper
[1] I have a favor to ask you.


WHO: Rachel McKenzie and Marty Solverson
WHEN: February 6, 2017
WHERE: Their apartment building
SUMMARY: Rachel is cornered by a nosy neighbor, and Marty is no help.
PROMPT: Matchmaking
STATUS: Complete!

He paused, before deciding to throw Rachel under the bus with a slight smirk. )


WHO: Marty Solverson & Michelle Watney.
WHAT: “Cuddling” prompt.
WHEN: Early November, 2015.
WHERE: Marty’s pad.
WARNING/RATING: Marty quotes things from a romance novel. Sexual situations implied, but there’s nothing explicit. DON’T LOOK ALEX AND MILO.

What do you think sin tastes like? )


WHO: Marty Solverson & Noel Hu
WHEN: January 15th, evening (during the ageswap party)
WHERE: Marty and Rachel's apartments in Tumbledown
SUMMARY: When combat skills lead to flip cup superiority and domination...
STATUS: Complete

Go play something else if you’re not any good at this. )

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August 2017




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