
WHO: Richard Marks, Olive Park, Laurence Ellington, Henry Spencer, Nick Emelin, Ransom Wills.
WHEN: July 4th, 2017.
WHERE: Around Woodsbridge.
SUMMARY: Essentially a State of the Union narrative for my characters, each reflecting on the ideas of freedom & independence and their current situations. I slapped them all into one so as not to spam all of you. Read the Nick one if you want an update. Songs are involved. Full playlist here.
WARNINGS: Long. Skip to your personal fave of mine.
STATUS: Complete

Happy Independence Day! )


WHO: Laurence Ellington (Emmet Cooney) & Victor Ellington (Esmerelda Cooney)
WHEN: Sunday evening.
WHERE: In the Old West & in their home currently.
SUMMARY: Laurence & Victor open their final scrolls, which reveal a rather unpleasant surprise. (You can read how Emmet & Esmerelda met in this log. But Emmet & Esmerelda were married & he was a swindling cattle baron and she helped with his schemes. Eventually the law catches up, further revelations below.)
WARNINGS: Death, but nothing graphically described. Husbands are real sad. It's kinda long if you don't care about past lives but still want to know about Ellington drama skip to the end lol.
STATUS: Complete

Laurence wouldn’t do that. Laurence could do that. )


WHO: Pilar Samaniego (and Desirae Morpeau, Enzo Mendoza, Kae Qadar, Victor Ellington, Laurence Ellington, Harrison Montgomery)
WHEN: Present day
WHERE: Her apartment --> all over Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: Pilar wakes up as a cat during Powerswap Round Two and everything is a fucking cat-astrophe. HAPPY CATURDAY, Y'ALL.
STATUS: Complete.

She’s perfectly normal. Come in, we’ll get you a steak. )


Everyone alright? You're not trapped in the dorms with this snow Ash? They were saying on the news students are freezing?


The Law Offices of Renault, Morgan and Ellington will be filing a class action lawsuit against the Municipal Government of Woodsbridge for gross negligence of confidential information. If you or a loved one have been put at risk by these leaks, please contact our offices at [number].

Well. This is about as terrible as we thought it would be. Keep safe, people have really lost their heads.


TO: Victor Ellington
FROM: Laurence Ellington
[1] I'm going to be out a little late, seeing what I can do about this list business talking with people over in the Business Office.

TO: Izzie Cooper
FROM: Laurence Ellington
[1] I need municipal tale-relevant privacy laws.

TO: Kelly Kingsbury
FROM: Laurence Ellington
[1] Politics aside, I find this list business irresponsible.
[2] Any idea who they'd give this kind of information to in Reg Affairs?


WHO: Laurence (Emmet, Corinne) & Victor (Esmeralda, Jerry).
WHAT: First meetings through three lives.
WHEN: Various points in time.
PROMPT: We're counting instant obsession with each other as "crush", since these two have zero chill.
RATING & STATUS: PG-13ish. Complete, lengthy.

It’s the rich Stanford kid all over again, never satisfied. )


We're leaving for the weekend, my birthday trip. Try not to do anything irrational while we're gone.

Ash, we'd love it if you wanted to stay at the house while no one's there, just keep an eye on things?


gratitous fictional gift giving & slypimping of breadcrumbs, bc i love shopping & ash loves easter.

BACKDATED to Easter week/the week after Easter: Hellingtons, Olive, Magda, Iain, Emerald (Dmitry), Noah, Molly, WB Roller Derby Girls, Freshman Housing )

General FYI: For Easter week + the week after, Ash wore a selection of bunny ears. On Easter Sunday, she wore a bunny onesie. She legit did not act as if any of this was unusual.


A friend contacted me about a possible negligence lawsuit having to do with the hot air balloon incident. I haven't done much work with tales. Do you have a moment to talk precedence with me sometime? The case might be better suited to you than I, I'm not sure.

Let's take our own vacation soon. I don't like all this. Do you think we can hire someone to get rid of the scrolls in our yard? People keep trying to walk into the yard. Also, have you spoken to your niece again? I just remembered you haven't mentioned her again since we went through her instagram.

Is there a non-tacky way to use this to sell more pastries? Buy one get one free if you have a scroll? Scroll cookies? Probably too insensitive, hm?

Ash, you and Victor should have a chat about salads sometime. People keep asking if we have salads. Why people walk into a bakery and want a salad, I don't know. But as our resident vegetable expert, you should put your heads together to make some money.


WHO: Laurence Ellington & Hal Cooper
WHEN: Saturday, April 1, 2017
WHERE: Pretty Peas
SUMMARY: Welcome to the Lonely Hearts Club (aka Nic and Victor are out of town so Hal and Laurence have lunch).
WARNINGS: None! Just Hal being a sap, but everyone already knows this.

Coopers as a whole could be obnoxious but were acceptable on a case-by-case basis. )



[1] Laurie
[2] My niece is here!! She's all grown up.
[3] And she's a tale, I never knew!
[4] I think she needs our help, we should probably take her in.


[1] Where are we going, my lovely $6,000 date?


WHO: Laurence & Victor Ellington.
WHAT: Honey, I bought a bakery!
WHEN: A little over a month or so ago.
WHERE: Their apartment in SF.
RATING & STATUS: PG-13ish? Complete.

He hoped it wasn't some overpriced hipster spot in the city or worse, in Oakland. )

August 2017




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