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WHO: Matthew Mahelona & Noel Hu.
WHAT: Revealing some secrets to each other and having some Real Talks about their future.
WHERE: His place, her place, Hawaii.
WHEN: Various points between late May and up through the power swap.
STATUS: Complete.

You punked the Business Office! )


WHO: Foresight (Matthew Mahelona) & Evil (Elias Bishop)
WHAT: Spending some time together.
WHERE: By some pond in tale land that they've clearly staked out as theirs.
WHEN: OG times.
STATUS: Complete.

Just point out that you’d sure foresee all the evil things I’d do to you. )



I I came home to my door open. And I always, always lock my doors before I leave and when. I was wondering if you could please send someone? I haven't gone in yet. I would feel better if How likely is it that someone is Just to help me check that I'm not being ridiculous. Actually, I should have n

[some minutes after]

TO: Matt
FROM: Penny
[1] Do you I was thinking I want to change my locks. And perhaps look into a security system.
[2] No particular reason Could you help me with that?


WHO: Matthew Mahelona & Penelope Rulli.
WHAT: Catching up, setting up a movie night.
WHERE: Penny's place (which sounds like a cartoon).
WHEN: Waaaay backdated to early February.
STATUS: Complete.

The old forehead to the door trick. )


Whenever the weather calms down, I'm happy to help with any repairs people might need done to their property. If you're already noticing something you think might need attention, you're welcome to fill out this form and I'll be getting to them as soon as I can. The order of attention will depend primarily on the severity of the repairs needed, so if it's something that can't wait until after this storm please let me know.


WHO: Evil (Elias) & Foresight (Matt).
WHAT: A peek into the past.
WHERE: Some pond in fairytale world~
WHEN: During Sleeping Beauty days.
STATUS: Complete.

What’s wrong with a little frivolity? )


WHO: Matt & Noel.
WHAT: Pillow talk about swords leads to birthday ideas.
WHERE: Mostly Noel's.
WHEN: Various days, ending on on Christmas.
STATUS: Complete.

Last words? )


WHO: Matt & Penny.
WHAT: Hanging out. Matt being mortified.
WHERE: Penny's place.
WHEN: SO BACKDATED, 10/26, after Matt may or may not have thrown a pizza at Charlie.
STATUS: Complete.

Who does that? )


WHO: Charlie & Matt.
WHAT: Being awkward about the tale reveal. PROMPT: CLIFFHANGER
WHERE: Some pizza place IDK.
WHEN: 10/26, evening.
STATUS: Complete.

She’d bumped into Matt on the day that Elias had been outed and now...  )


backdated to the 10th.



[1] I'm not planning on giving up the wheel.
[2] Just thought you should know.


[1] Happy Monday.



I know we've talked about this before, but do you think one of us should reach out to her Elias?


text dump.

TO: Penny
[1] The theater's showing classic movies on Sunday afternoons.

TO: Roz
[1] So.
[2] You're avoiding me.

TO: Sav
[1] Baby's doing fine.

TO: Noel
[2] How are you feeling?


WHO: Charlie & Matt.
WHAT: A short run in!
WHERE: Out and about; they cross paths on their way home.
WHEN: Backdated to right after Charlie, Jack and Elias have their argument.
STATUS: Complete.

If that encounter wasn’t the cherry on top of today’s cosmic joke of a sundae, she didn’t know what was.  )


To: Flora, Fauna, & Merryweather
Sent: 1:30 PM
(1) If they're giving those items out to any responsible Tale member, why don't we snatch up that spinning wheel before it falls into some shady-ass hands?


TO: Mattyweather
From: Penelope
[1] Well.
[2] I've just heard about the TF article.
[x] I keep wanting to make a joke about unraveling or adding certain films to our movie night. Because I have no idea what else to say, and I know you're
[x] But that would be insensitive
[3] Are you okay?
[x] I know you're thinking about her.
[x] I've been thinking about her all morning. It's ridiculous


I'm not saying we should all continue reliving our childhoods this weekend, but I'll be in my garage with beer, a projector and Pokemon Snap if anyone wants to join.


instagram 7/17 )


WHO: Matt & Roz.
WHAT: Sharing a dance and commiserating at the B&W ball.
WHERE: The Glass Slipper.
WHEN: Backdated to July 4th.
RATING: PG, it's tame AF.
STATUS: Complete.

It was a bad week to be a witch. )


TO: Roz
FROM: Matt

[1] We're ditching the ball, right?
[2] I mean we didn't talk about it, but I feel like it was sort of implied in our last conversation


WHO: Matt Mahelona & Noel Hu
WHEN: July 4th, evening
WHERE: The Glass Slipper event
SUMMARY: Dancing! Bingo: First Kiss~
WARNINGS: PG-13? idk
STATUS: Complete.

It takes two to tango. )

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August 2017




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