
Anyone free next Saturday to help move things? I can pay you in pizza and eternal appreciation!


WHO: Emilion Albu and Moya Gomez
WHEN: May 5th
WHERE: On the Road
WARNINGS: None... Most of my threads have been pretty mild and cinnamon buns.
STATUS: Complete.

It had a happy ending, for her )


WHO: Moya Gomez and Pilar Samaniego (as Mateo and Julia Torres)
WHEN: 1936 - 1937
WHERE: England, Spain
SUMMARY: Long-distance letters between a sister in England and a brother fighting in the Spanish Civil War.
WARNINGS: Death, implied murder, grief.
STATUS: Complete

But we should speak of happier things than England or where I am. )


A list? Like a physical list? Or I guess it could be digital. But why would anyone keep a list! And how would this new registration legislation filing or whatever it is even be enforced??? There's a public record copy available for review right???


Happy Earth Day everyone! I made Earth Day cupcakes if anyone wants one!

[Leona, Des, Luna]

I'm going to do it. I'm moving out of my parents house.


I made a spreadsheet.


WHO: Emilion Albu and Moya Gomez
WHEN: Monday, April 17th
WHERE: Jack and Jill’s
SUMMARY: Meeting of Em’s new cat, new friendship and a deal to be roommates!
WARNINGS: Happy fluffy puppy
STATUS: Complete.

Dogs are like kids, Cats are like roommates )


Have your science and/or math classes not been canceled? Do you want to raise your grade by the end of the semester? Do you want me to just stop asking questions?

Have no fear, Moya's fantastic tutoring services are here!

Contact me and we can set up one on one sessions to work through whatever undergrad science/math woes you might have!


TO: Leona
FROM: Moya

[1] Random question
[2] Is everything okay?


TO: Moya
    (1) I thought I should touch base with you in regards to our friendship.
    (2) I don't know if Leona's talked to you yet, but it very much seems as if we're no longer friends; we both did things the other can not understand and/or forgive. Likely, this is a decision that's beneficial for both of us, most especially in terms of our respective mental healths.
    (3) I don't think I should talk about it more than that, but I wanted to say that I really, really hope that you and I can still be friends, although I will try to understand if you can't be anymore, either out of prior loyalty to Leona, or because subsequent knowledge of the events that transpired sours your opinion of me.
    (4) ♥

TO: Ella
    (1) WHERE ARE YOU?



[ooc: set after finding out about this]

TO: Harriett

[1] This isn't public yet, but I don't want you to hear it from someone else and worry.
[2] Thomas is in the hospital, I don't know why yet. I'm in the waiting room.

TO: Moya

[1] Moya, I'm going to need you to represent me in class tomorrow. Just have them follow the assignment in the syllabus and use class to start on it.


So I just noticed there's an updated season of forensic files on netflix and now I know what I'm doing for like the rest of the week if anyone else wants to join.


Okay that wasn't the best beginning to a new semester. But it wasn't the worst! Positives!

August 2017




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