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WHO: Atonio Collins
WHEN: 2021
WHERE: Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: An anniversary
STATUS: Complete!

But we’re all doin’ good, Squeaks. Good as we can. )


WHO: Toni Collins and Noel Hu
WHEN: Backdated to last week (before the HoG stuff)
WHERE: Deja Brew
SUMMARY: Noel meets her future cousin-in-law.
STATUS: Complete!

Congratulations and welcome to the family. )


Much as I hate to admit it, anyone need a part time job this summer? Ain't for Deja - need someone to help me with the sheep since I now got Sh. I can't keep up with the flock and Deja without overextending myself, so if you like sheep, hit me up. We'll work out wages and hours.

Anyone follow up with you 'bout Sharona? Had one of the WPD come by and grab my statement.

You doin' all right, kid?

You back from your trip? Feels like it's been ages since I've seen your ass, and we live in the same damn town.


[Sheriff Finnigan + Elias]
Got something to report. We've got reason to believe someone's been glamoured up as Sharona.


WHO: Elias Bishop & Toni Collins.
WHAT: Elias & Toni team up to commit a crime!
WHEN: First conversation takes place last week, with follow through of their plan happening today.
WHERE: The Bad Apple > The Cottage

Either she’s gone off the damn edge, or somethin’ ain’t right. )


Looking for a few volunteers to taste some new menu items I'm considering.

And whoever keeps tossing fruit loops into the sheep's pen, cut it the fuck out.

You lock the door on your way out last night, yeah?

Make sure to check the locks on the cottage when you leave.

How you doin', Bo?

Hey handsome.


WHO: Victor Ellington & Toni Collins
WHERE: The Fairest since Toni’s barred from the Bad Apple
SUMMARY: A second date :)
STATUS: Complete

Not that I’d assume so quickly that you’re a beacon of good behavior or anything... )


WHO: Marty Solverson & Toni Collins | Mark & Adelaide Sanders
WHEN: College | High School
WHERE: Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: Two first meetings in parallel
STATUS: Complete

And so, as he sat listening to another old man, clearly enamoured of his own voice, Marty flicked another bit of paper at the head of the boy sitting in front of him )


TO: Toni
FROM: Luna
TIME: During and after this
WHAT: Phone call
Toni, Hi...
Some weird stuff went down outside with Alex Watney


TO: Bo
FROM: Mary
SENT: 12:25am
[1] Bo, Ella's flying around in this fucking weather
[2] And she's up near the goddamn hole
[3] I don't think she can hear me, but I'm gonna try to find a way to bring her ass down

SENT: 12:31am
[1] Sharona. You need to wake the fuck up
[2] Right now
[3] Sharona

3/31 12:32am

SENT: 12:33am
[1] Goddamnit Sharona, answer your fucking phone

3/31 12:34am

One new voicemail from: Toni
Goddamnit, Sharona, please answer your phone. [panicked breathing] She couldn't hear me. I tried to get her to turn the fuck around but-- Call me back. Please.


Spring drinks are back. No, there ain't nothing with pumpkin it. This year, we brought back the following:
Iced Vanilla Caramel Latte Iced coffee blended with milk, non-dairy french vanilla creamer, and house-made caramel
Irish Creme White Mocha White mocha and a splash of Bailey's 21+
Chocolate Covered Cherry Frapp Frapp with mocha and cherry syrup
Roman Holiday Espresso muddled with candied lemon zest, shaken with half and half and ice
Found My Thrill Cafe Miel sweetened with an house-made syrup of blueberries, fresh lavender, and local honey
Strawberry Lemonade House lemonade sweetened with house-made strawberry syrup
Frozen Coconut Lemonade Blended house lemonade with a splash of coconut rum 21+

Anything made with house-made syrups are limited quantity. Once I'm out, I'm out. Come in and get one of our seasonal drinks and get half off a pastry.

Also, the sheep'll be the pen behind Deja until Easter, so if you want to get your pictures out of the way now, be my guest. Be gentle with Ethel, she's been a bit ornery lately.

I ain't real sure how I'm supposed to be doing this, but I'm the guy who had the highest bid at the auction. Was wondering when'd be a good time for me to take you out.


You got time to do a drop by appointment sometime this week? Ethel's acting a little off. Don't think she's sick, but better peace of mind if you can swing it.


WHO: Sharona Carter and Toni Collins
WHEN: Thursday, noon. 3/9/2017
WHERE: Deja Brew
SUMMARY: Sharona asks Toni to go with her to the Glass Slipper event.
STATUS: Complete

I’ll keep the velvet suit jacket at home so I don’t overshadow you. )


Left on Sharona's doorstep this afternoon )


WHO: Luna Beattie and Atonio Collins
WHEN: Feb 11th
WHERE: Deja Brew
SUMMARY: Inventory and gossip (Prompt: Blind Date)
WARNINGS: Nothing really
STATUS: Complete

Worst blind date? )


Since last year was a decent success, Deja Brew will be doing Candy Day Coffee Delivery again this year. If you want to send a coffee and a baked good to someone special, put your order in now so I know what I need to stock up on. We'll deliver it, and no, I ain't wearing the fucking wings this year so don't ask. All we need is who, what, where, and what time. No fucking nebulous shit like 'they might be here around this time.' I ain't waiting around with cold coffee.

Unrelated, but I'm also hiring a new shift supervisor. Last one up and left town with no word, and I can't keep pulling doubles. You interested, you let me know.


WHO: Fiona Collins and Toni Collins
WHAT: Introducing Lian to her cousin
WHERE: Deja Brew
WHEN: Saturday mid-morning (after her talk with Hal)
STATUS: Complete!

This is… Lian. She’s my daughter. )


WHO: Sharona Charter and Toni Collins
WHEN: 1/12, Morning!
WHERE: Deja Brew
SUMMARY: Sharona goes to get a cup of coffee.
STATUS: Complete

Cool beans. Thanks, Mary. )


WHO: Aaron Daniels & Toni Collins
WHEN: Saturday, 1/7
WHERE: Deja Brew
SUMMARY: Aaron is back to annoy Toni. Toni puts his ass to work.
STATUS: Complete!

“Where's my welcome back hug?” )


TO: Squeaks Bo
FROM: Toni
SENT: 1:42AM
[x] You awake?
[1] So it's cool if I schedule a heart to heart at Bad Apple, yeah?


WHO: Atonio Collins
WHEN: Early, early morning, 1/5
WHERE: Toni’s bedroom
SUMMARY: It’s a perfect night for a nightmare, wouldn’t you say?
PROMPT: 2nd Person POV
WARNINGS: PTSD: death, blood, survivor’s guilt
STATUS: Complete!

You shouldn’t be here. )

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August 2017




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