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WHO: Ben and Molly Harper
WHEN: Early January 2017
WHERE: A Fijian island
SUMMARY: Molly and Ben go turtle-hunting (with cameras, not for dinner)
STATUS: Complete.

... the high speed pursuit of a turtle )


WHO: Ben and Catherine Harper
WHEN: One day in early January 2017
WHERE: A beach in Fiji.
SUMMARY: Ben and Cath discuss the state of things in Woodsbridge and the question of registration
WARNINGS: Middle-aged people being cute and alluding to sexytimes. SFW.
STATUS: Complete

... with some kind of grass skirt to complete the act. )


Someone in the lab--the one where we tear apart broken equipment and make it work again--was singing a coffee shanty today. Like a sea shanty, but for coffee.

The really awful part was that at the end of the sad song, after the singer had run out of coffee at home and his trip to the convenience store got him no love, and the break room coffee had boiled away, he ended up drinking coffee singles. I'm an addict, but there are limits. Sending out interns for coffee is a privilege of rank and you'd better believe I'd exercise it if I had that much trouble caffeinating in the morning.

The idea of the entire office without coffee for the whole morning is terrifying. Could your office even function without it? Mine couldn't.


WHO: Ben Harper and Catherine Ellis
WHEN: Thanksgiving 1995 (Holiday prompt from last month)
WHERE: Ben’s parents’ house in Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: Ben and Catherine’s first Thanksgiving together
WARNINGS: None except excessive cuteness
STATUS: Complete

Dad, do we still have any Little Golden Books about Thanksgiving we can show Catherine? )


Today's tip from your friendly tech department: the amps work better if you plug them in.

[Parks and Rec]
I had a lot of fun at the tree lighting last night, except for one small thing. I saw an unplugged amp last night and put it back together since I'm qualified. I know you don't want civilians messing with those things but I figured I was safe to do it because it's my job to handle audiovisual tech.

But more importantly, it looked to me like someone had tripped over the cord and that was why it had been yanked out. So you might want to look into getting some heavy-duty cord covers for events like the tree lighting. A good cord cover will prevent the cord being pulled out and protect the city from some idiot falling over and breaking their neck because they were sloshed and not looking where they were going.

If you'd like, I'll send some links over so you can take a look at quality and pricing. I've been pretty happy with our vendor but our needs are probably different to yours.

Happy holidays and thanks for putting on the tree lighting!


TO: Suze
FROM: Cath
[1] I am so over this bloody town, Jesus fucking Christ.

TO: Ben
FROM: Cath
[1] Thank the bloody lord that you're not going crazy all of a sudden, too, because I don't know if I could handle that right now.
[2] Unrelated, are we bringing Feathers with us to my sister's on Thanksgiving or are we leaving him home?


Text to Marco de Fiore

[1] Maude asked me to extend a personal invitation to Arthur, aka you, for her potluck Friendsgiving on the 26th.
[2] I'll be there with Cath and the kids.
[3] It's for our blood families and our Tale families.
[4] I think Marceline is coming so you could be her plus one.
[5] It might out you but it would be a good chance to see a bunch of us interact.
[6] Let me know what you think.


Seen on twitter and presented without comment, mostly because I'm too buzzed with Halloween candy to figure out what to say about it:

Who is the sickest lady of the lake?
☐ Viviane
☐ Morgaine
☐ Nimue
☐ Random Lady Hand

Please remember as you answer this that the ladies themselves may be reading.


Who: Nala Carroll & Ben Harper
Where: Respective locations
When: One unspecified weekend....
What: A telephone conversation about a broken hot water system
Prompt: dialogue only
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Read more... )


The motto for this afternoon is "plugging in is your friend!"

[WISH colleagues]
This is your annual reminder that night lighting for Faire eats up a lot of batteries. Plug your battery packs in when you get them back to the station because someday you will be the sad soul whose battery runs out on location.

How are you holding up? I didn't know your dad was

Haven't broken anything today at work, but that may not be true by the end of the day. Tell me something funny or send me cat gifs or something.


TO: Ben
FROM: Cath
[1] I'm still mad.
[x] [...] But I miss my sister.
[2] Any word on Zach?

TO: Alex
FROM: Cath
[x] How is she?
[1] Is she still being an idiot?

TO: Wes
FROM: Cath
[1] How are you and the kids doing?
[2] And has anyone heard from Zach?


[Texts to Catherine]

[1] So.
[2] You okay?

[Text to Ben]

[1] Apparently they're not talking to each other.

[Texts to Jason]

[1] Suze is back.
[2] She and Cath had a fight.
[3] Everyone's still stressed and angry.
[4] But she's back!
[5] My brother used his powers on her.

[Text to Milo]

[1] Are officers allowed to use their powers on people?


TO: Family Group Text
FROM: Catherine
[1] I don't have to tell you all that going to look for the missing artifacts is a really bad idea, right? Because if I hear about anyone going to find them, I will tan your bloody hide, and that's not a threat. It's a promise.

TO: Maeve
FROM: Aunt Catherine
[1] Honey, are you okay? Do you need anything?

TO: Suze
FROM: Cath
[1] Who the fuck took your bloody apple?
[2] Suze.
[3] Suzanne.
[4] Answer my bloody text messages already.

TO: Ben
FROM: Cath
[1] I can't believe this.
[2] I knew the exhibit was a bad idea.
[3] But this? Ben, I don't like this. At all.
[4] Have you heard anything at work?

TO: Maks
FROM: Katya
[1] Apparently my sister was involved with the break-in last night.
[2] So that's a fun wake-up call.
[3] How's your day going?


WHO: Catherine and Ben Harper
WHEN: Immediate following this
WHERE: Catherine's office at the house
SUMMARY: Catherine and Ben talk about Arthur and are generally the ultimate couple goals tbh
STATUS: Complete

The corners of Ben's mouth had turned up a little when Cath had started smiling. When he and Cath had worked things out, it was always a little easier for him. )


WHO: Maude Gotti and Ben Harper
WHEN: Friday afternoon after Ben delivers Excalibur to Marco
WHERE: Ben's office at WISH
SUMMARY: Gawain doesn't exactly fess up but he does need to make things right with Morgause
STATUS: Complete

Of course Ben would sacrifice that for his king — but that didn't mean she had to like it. )


WHO: Marco de Fiore and Ben Harper
WHAT: Marco and Ben talk, Ben is convinced to get Excalibur, and he hands it over. Emotions ensue.
WHEN: Last Friday, September 30th, and time jumped to Friday the 7th
WHERE: At Nite Owl and then in the woods by Marceline's house.
WARNING/RATING: Some swearing and feels.

You're more what people will expect now than you were five minutes ago. )


WHO: Gawain and Arthur
WHEN: Early days in their tale, before Camelot
WHERE: At camp in the wars
SUMMARY: They have a cute friends moment as Gawain helps him with his armor.
WARNINGS: Nothing, it's nice
STATUS: Complete

Pulling off King and husband would be a bit intense, wouldn't it?. )


[GawainBen Harper]


I'm Marco, we don't know each other in this life. I vaguely know your wife now that she's in dart league. Anyway. I need your help and I'll explain if you give me the chance.


I would like to thank my son Benji for assisting me with this photographic effort. It's the best photo I've taken of our new dog, Feathers.

Photo hidden, not filtered IC. )

Inspired by a sign at the local park.

No actual smoking was performed in the making of this picture. I promise.


TO: Harper-Keener Family group text
FROM: Ben Harper
TIME: Late Monday afternoon
[1] The good news I'm not hurt too badly.
[2] The bad news is I broke my right arm and I'm in the hospital getting it set.
[3] The woods are full of hostile animals so nobody go out there.
[4] Also someone's going to need to drive me home bc I'm high as a kite.
[5] On painkillers thanks.

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August 2017




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