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So, like, is just going to the ball stag a big no-no? Or is that cool too?? Also does it feel very cosplay-ish?


WHO: Pilar Samaniego (and Desirae Morpeau, Enzo Mendoza, Kae Qadar, Victor Ellington, Laurence Ellington, Harrison Montgomery)
WHEN: Present day
WHERE: Her apartment --> all over Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: Pilar wakes up as a cat during Powerswap Round Two and everything is a fucking cat-astrophe. HAPPY CATURDAY, Y'ALL.
STATUS: Complete.

She’s perfectly normal. Come in, we’ll get you a steak. )


Would you rather be a rabbit or a horse?

Are you still a teacher in the summer?

[Fresh Rising Sophomores]
I'm free today. Anyone wanna go to the beach?

What kind of art do you like?


So, do we have any idea how many lives we've had or anything? Is this gunna keep happening for like eternity? Does it go back to dinosaur times? Is it kinda sorta almost possible that we were dinosaurs? Because I DEFINITELY want those memories.

Also, because I found out with my last scroll, if your scroll is found with even like the smallest hole probably caused by a stupid caterpillar, it can't be read. Which, I would like to note to the scroll gods, is lame.


WHO: Peggy MacDonald (Kae) & Lyle Keller (Magda)
WHEN: 60s-80s
WHERE: Texas
SUMMARY: Peggy & Lyle steal some stuff.

Well, excuse me if I like the way the light and shadows are depicted in the Monet, and how he uses a cool color palette to portray sunlight. )


Sooooo I know everyone's saying "not" to open these pieces of parchments. And, like, I totally get the fear. Cause cracks never lead anywhere good. Or anywhere known. Whatever. But [...] has anyone thrown out that advice and actually opened theirs? And like what happened if you did?

Also I might sorta have one that has your Tale written on it? I know everyone was all omg but i mean it's just paper and it wasn't hurting anyone when the paper hit them when it was falling. So I was pretty sure it wasn't gunna become a balloon and bring me through the crack too. I know I know. I'm sort of stupid. But, do you want it?


WHO: Kae Qadar
WHEN: When the Storm Begins -> this morning's Wake Up Woodsbridge
WHERE: Kae's Dorm.
SUMMARY: The girl just wanted to get over her issues with her watercolors.

She’s up late and Marco never comes back to the dorm but Marco rarely does. It’s not entirely surprising. )


WHO: Kae Qadar & Harrison Montgomery.
WHEN: BACKDATED to the The Date Auction
WHERE: The Crystal Ballroom
SUMMARY: Kae steals Harrison's drink when he's distracted.
WARNINGS: Underage drinking?

Boredom and a need to be around people had brought Harrison out to this particular event. )


I do hope that one day I become a rich and famous artist with a bagillion dollars so I can afford that auction. My measley $30 limit won't ever cut it.


In a far off galaxy I too am 21 and get added to cool ass VIP lists. Or I guess there could be a galaxy with different alcohol rules too.

While all the responsible adults are getting wasted, we can too, right? I mean we're gunna have to do some celebrating about getting through opening night. Riiiiiight?


WHO: Kae Qadar & Olivia Cooper
WHEN: Today.
WHERE: Academy Halls
SUMMARY: Kae and Olivia walk to rehearsal together.
WARNINGS: Some mention of Kae being kidnapped in December.

Where Kae was limitless Olivia was squarely confined, relying on the order and predictability rules provided. )


WHO: Kae & Harriett
WHEN: Last week, during the network blackout.
WHERE: Academy Library
SUMMARY: Kae doesn't read her assignment. Harriett doesn't write her assignment.

Do you remember your first crush? )


Excuse me while I just draw all the aliens we're clearly gunna meet 40 light years (!!!!!!!!) away. I don't actually know how far away that is but I DO know that I'm not gunna get any homework done tonight.


WHO: Kae Qadar
WHEN: Prior to Valentine's & on Valentine's
WHERE: Around town.
SUMMARY: Kae might have a Very Bad Idea crush.

Okay, right, she could just write her an anonymous note. That wasn’t a big deal. No one would know.  )


Those drones were the coolest part of the Super Bowl.

[Pippa and Iain]
omg omg omg So this gunna make me sound MEGA stupid because school has been back for weeks and we're in the same class so I PROBABLY should have felt it before now. But. The new actress girl (ash, red head - not ceilia, brown haired) sat by me in class today and I felt the feeling!!!

And like there aren't really many named characters. Unless...WAIT, could she be the vegetable? That would be better for my sanity, please and thank you.

So, uh, you moved your seat in Tale Basics. Interesting Is the view better?

[Registered/Known* Villain Squad]
Are there any tales that are fruits or vegetables that you know of?

Known villains who are out because of their own choice (people outted by tale impulse plot or TaleFinder wouldn't be included)


WHO: Kae Qadar & Olivia Cooper
WHEN: Morning of the first day of the age swap!
WHERE: Academy Dorms
SUMMARY: Kae is convinced that this small precious child is actually Olivia and not just playing pretend in the middle of a college dorm.

The normalcy of her mundane routine was needed in a time like this, so she grabbed her bag and headed to her 8:30am Calculus II class could help her. )


[The Cooper Family]
Hello, I'm Kae Qadar. Olivia and I are friends at school. I don't know if any of you know me outside of Jameson. Everything's fine! BUT I went to visit her this morning and she is a very small child now. I feel like I should make sure she doesn't stay in the dorms? Especially with everyone going all crazy?

Olivia is a child. I'm working on handing her off to her family. So don't freak out if she's not in class. She hasn't been kidna


I was cleaning my brushes you know the ones that were abandoned when yea no and then I was thinking about color. And how I always see my name in purple. There's a name for people who see letters as colors - synesthesia. And I don't really think that I have that. But I was wondering if other people associate things with colors?

Names, relationships, tales, you know...whatever?


So Um Thanks to whoever gifted me a reindeer body guard? He or She is very nice and adorable. Seems like a super cool power to have too! So, go you, whoever you are.


Hi I am back Sorry Think I can get some extensions on these essays, Professors?

Also, hi everyone. If you meet a woman with curly hair who likes to curse in German, that's probably my Mom. She's not German. Soooooo, sorry if any Germans are offended by it.

I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry. Honestly! I never wanted to use my powers like that. And, I've never used them against someone's consent before. Just so you know. I am really really really really really sorry.

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August 2017




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