
Instagram Posts - 1/30/17. TW: Trump )


just realised this is in the wrong order :( leaving it tho bc don't want to fuck up html

WHO: Faris Koura, Suze Keener, Sumner Grace, Ash Ellington.
WHAT: The women's march ♀️
WHEN: BACKDATED to Saturday, 21 January, 2017.
WHERE: Instagram
PROMPT: Parallel POVs
WARNING/RATING: Image heavy. There is a Donald Trump Abortion joke..?
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GROUP TEXT TO: Yulia and Katya
FROM: Dima
[1] Merry almost real Christmas.
[2] I hired a new employee.

TO: Faris
FROM: Dima
[1] Are you back in town yet or what?

TO: Allison James
FROM: Dmitry
[1] Are you free to give me my education in sweet tea sometime this week?

TO: Maite
FROM: Dmitry
[1] Hey, gorgeous.
[2] How was work today?


TO: Kel (Wolfram & Hart)
FROM: This asshole
    (1) -Concerned text about Elena-


Faris Koura, Woodsbridge '07. Made in Brooklyn. FO Pilot for Southwest Airlines. Whatever you can think of with comp software on the side, as long as it's legal. Unregistered and staying that way. Back in town for the forseeable future.

What I need to know: Did Watney get married to her lord love? Why have so many people registered their Tale like the government having a list of names has ever been a good idea? Is there is an insta of Tales acting like fools for Everyone Acts Like Their Tale Week?

    The library is getting a Scrabble League. I'm already glad I have a flight to Belize this weekend.


TO: Five of a Kind (ooc: Lucie)
FROM: This asshole
SENT: 11:24 PM, 11/25/16
    (1) The text is coming from inside the town

TO: Aziraphale (ooc: Rich)
FROM: This asshole
SENT: 11:29 PM, 11/25/16
    (1) [This picture of a bench in Mulberry district at a weird-angle because Faris has his reasons and those reasons are trolling]


faris doesn't move back to woodsbridge til this weekend and hasn't rly told anyone he is yet oops

Instagram - 11/24/16 )

August 2017




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