
I woke up... early. I organized my apartment and made a shopping list. I then went and got my groceries. Actually looked at school choices maybe I'll go back. Nah it is too short lived.

Uh, whoever has my powers can keep 'em.


WHO: Ruth Ford
WHEN: May 4th
WHERE: Town Archives
SUMMARY: Ruth has a name and she wants to learn details Prompt: Blue Ticking Clock
WARNINGS: Mentions of murder and such and feelings.
STATUS: Complete

Did she really want to know any more than she did? )


So. Past lives are a bitch.

Still sorry about running off. You smell delicious, so it wasn't because you smelled.
Sorry I didn't ask you come for my scroll opening. In hindsight I could have used the company.


WHO: Eddie and Ruth
WHEN: April 10th around 6pm (posting earlier since I didn't want to forget)
WHERE: The Park
SUMMARY: Ruth needs to discuss her past life with Eddie.
WARNINGS: Some sads mention of death.
STATUS: Complete

it was the life she remembered that hurt the most )


is it happening again?


WHO: Yulia and Ruth
WHEN: Thursday, March 16th
WHERE: Nite Owl
SUMMARY: Vasilia's and her doll meet
STATUS: Complete

she had had to content herself with the knowledge that she might never meet another of her Talemates )


TO: Marce
FROM: Ruth
[-] So Baba Yaga
[-] Any thoughts
[-] yo
[-] care im the doll
[-] screw you
[-] this is stupid

[1] Hey
[2] sorry for keeping that to myself
TO: Naveen
FROM: Ruth
[1] The worst is eating all the ice ream
TO: Pilar
FROM: Ruth
[1] Can we go drink
[2] And snark as we people watch?
TO: Carter
FROM: Ruth
[1] Thanks for picking my ass up


A day where the idea of stepping foot outside seems horrible. Boredom strikes and it is just gnawing at your psyche wanting to be acknowledged. Boredom, I get it, you're there. Yet, you can't find the energy or will to find direct. So you remain bored. Laying in a hoodie and sweats. Waiting to feel for a second you have a purpose or direction. You don't. You never have. You will amount to nothing more. Wit and sarcasm are all you have as a barrier against truth. You can help everyone else, but not yourself. You are a shell of a person. Nay, a Wooden Doll. That is all you are.


I'm pretty sure I am a fucking inspiration or should be.

I got home from a late shift and crashed on my couch. This is where I woke up with a cheeto stuck to my cheek and one in my hair. I think there was a bag there when I passed out. I then proceeded to eat the bag of cheetos for breakfast and sat watching a marathon of Hoarders. I am the pinnacle of got my life together...

Also, fuck Valentine's but I do live for the discount chocolate. I am that singleton who loads up on the seasonal treats and stuffs my face from the comfort of my couch. Hell yeah.

So how is everyone else's day going? I don't think it can live up to the amazingness of mine.

August 2017




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