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WHO: Vincent Miller, Ian Gorman, Penelope Rulli, Noel Hu, Gideon Choi, Marty Solverson, a Special Guest & Detective Watney.
WHAT: The moments following this log.
WHEN: Forward dated to Thursday, July 6th.
WHERE: The Woods.
WARNING/RATING: Significantly more violence.

You don’t like me much, do you? )


WHO: Marty Solverson, Noel Hu, Jason Hughes, Gideon Choi, and a Special Guest.
WHAT: The next moments after this log.
WHEN: Forward dated to Thursday July 6th.
WHERE: The Woods.
WARNING/RATING: Some violence.

Surprise. )


WHO: Gideon Choi and Desirae Morpeau
WHEN: Not very long after Coopergate.
WHERE: Some new salad place.
SUMMARY: Not-A-Father-And-Daugher-Bonding-Moment #348: Des has some questions. They're interrupted.
PROMPT: Green; salad.
WARNINGS: None? It's on the longer side.
STATUS: Complete!

Gideon laughed, genuinely surprised. )


WHO: Gideon Choi and Jason Hughes // Cecily Jones and Henry Shaw
WHAT: Jason and Gideon do a weird friendship thing before their clockwatching shift // Cecily and Henry make some poor choices on the Left Bank.
WHERE: Gideon’s House // Paris
WHEN: Early Afternoon, 2017 // Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Midnight, 1932
WARNINGS: Obvious substance abuse, very minor language, Gideon showing signs of glee at the idea of destruction of public property...

Luckily I had books to read, and so not all of my time could be devoted to the pursuit of fire. )


WHO: Gideon Choi & Marty Solverson, with an appearance from Byron & Mark, their last incarnations.
WHAT: One conversation -- many points in time.
WHEN: See above~
WHERE: Varied!
WARNINGS: Talk of war?

Are you sure you’re not actually Porthos? I’d be the tiniest bit more inclined to listen to some of the things Traditionalists say if you were Porthos. )


TO: Mat
FROM: Rach
[1] I did something stupid.

TO: Amara and Noel (group text)
FROM: Rach
[1] I need a drink.
[2] Yes, I'm aware it's 9 in the morning.

TO: Gideon
FROM: Rach
[1] Are we keeping track of who's fucked up more spectacularly out of the two of us?
[2] Because I think I'd win this round.


TO: Naveen
FROM: Suze
    (1) Oi, you wanna brew some shit?
    (2) Dunno really care what right now.

TO: Alex
FROM: Suze
    (1) Hey, me luv. You wanna go out for dinner or the cinema or someit soon?

TO: Gideon
FROM: Suze
    (1) You found any more scrolls, big mouth?
    [Delay of 10 minutes]
    (2) Shit, have you seen the news?

TO: Family
FROM: Suze
    (1) Any of you seen the news yet?

TO: Rach
FROM: Suze
    (1) You seen the bleeding news?

    You lot seen the news? About Fiona bloody Lin and fucking Danby.

    Fati, ain't you working for him now?


WHO: Gideon Choi and YOU
WHEN: Today, Sunday, April 23, evening!
WHERE: The beach!
WARNINGS: General warning for Gideon!

come for that sweet sweet bingo square )


Since this past life business is apparently not over just yet, I figured I'd throw in my two cents.

We have always known that Tales reincarnate. For many of us, this may seem like proof of that nebulous thing called a soul. It's a tempting thought, no doubt. Nobody wants to die, and the idea that we can live forever through picking up new physical bodies has always been attractive. Believe what you want, but know that reincarnation does not necessarily imply a soul. Many Buddhists believe in reincarnation without a soul (look up the concept anatta). It is, of course, more complicated than that, and karmic moral responsibility still exists in the Buddhist doctrine. The point, however, stands: reincarnation does not necessitate a soul, and reincarnation can absolutely be real without this idea of a continuing self. Pretty basic stuff, but it might open your minds.

There is absolutely no proof that you and the person who wore your Tale before you did have anything more than that in common. Remember that if you are hurt, or startled by something that you see, before you blame someone for something they didn't do, before you create a connection that isn't actually there. You are only your past reincarnations insofar as you choose to be.

I'm making my choice on Sunday evening at the beach. My scrolls will be the kindling for a bonfire. What's the better use for them than to participate in a little party?

You're welcome to join me. I'll even give a little lecture, and those who know me can vouch that naysayers and devil's advocates are fully encouraged to debate.

(OOC: u guise i know very little about philosophy so i tried to keep this small but please email if anything needs to be corrected and i shall correct because unlike me, gideon is supposed to know his shit!)


WHO: Gideon Choi & Desirae Morpeau
WHAT: A pick-up game and bonding??? Maybe.
WHEN: Around 3/17, after the firings, backdated!
WHERE: Around town + a basketball court of the Academy.
WARNINGS: none really!

Heard you quit. )


WHO: Rachel McKenzie and Gideon Choi
WHEN: Backdated to the Glass Slipper re-opening
WHERE: The Glass Slipper
SUMMARY: Rachel and Gideon go exploring
WARNINGS: Suggestion of adult activities, but nothing graphic.
STATUS: Complete!

Not that I’m ungrateful for the invitation. A party is a party, after all. And better with my presence, so you did everyone a favor, clearly. )


WHO: Gideon Choi
WHAT: Impulse life-changing decisions for everyone!
WHEN: Monday morning around 9:20.
WHERE: The Academy
WARNINGS: Language bc Gideon

He hadn’t felt this in years, this energy, the edges of his power exploding with it, he felt like he could move mountains, toss cars like paper airplanes, level buildings with a single strike.  )


WHO: Rachel McKenzie and Gideon Choi
WHEN: December 2016
WHERE: Woodsbridge, Denver, Philadelphia
SUMMARY: Texts between Rachel and Gideon over the course of December.
PROMPT: Epistolary
WARNINGS: Reference to kidnapping plot, some NSFW language, and awkward family dinners.
STATUS: Complete

So you get the award for most awkward family dinner ever. )


WHO: Desirae Morpeau, Gideon Choi, and Gideon's Parents.
WHAT: A couple of skype calls and a dinner.
WHEN: 12/10, 12/11, and 12/16
WHERE: South Korea, Woodsbridge.
STATUS: Finished.

But — we can’t tell the future either. )


TO: Marty, Gideon & Amara
[1] Yay first semester has started without a hitch lunch or drinks after work tomorrow?
[2] Just us if lunch, anyone you want if it's drinks.

TO: Marce
[1] Don't forget to go to school.


WHO: Gideon Choi and Noel Hu
WHAT: Gideon and Noel's friendship, as told through several meals throughout the years. (PROMPT: COMFORT FOOD)
WHEN: 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016 (present day)
WHERE: A Korean BBQ place, Gideon's place, In-N-Out, the French Laundry, Gideon's place again, a Chinese place, Big Sur
WARNINGS: Implied recreational drug use, swearing, length

Gideon got distracted for a moment, because in that world there would be all sorts of colors, and all sorts of explosions from all sorts of heinous battles. Shiny. )


i'll do it. i'll meet your parents. what's their email/number and i'll contact them.


FILTERED TO DESIRAE: ( backdated to before Amara disappeared )
Desirae. Hope you're working on your final paper. Unrelated to philosophy (actually untrue, everything is related to philosophy), my parents are coming to Woodsbridge from Korea for Christmas. Correlation may not mean causation, but I'm willing to bet that this has something to do with the fact that I told them you are here and know about me.

They undoubtedly want to meet you, and they will have gifts. Probably many You don't have to meet them, and if you do, I don't have to be there. Their English is rusty but should still be good enough. Just giving you a heads up that your [...] grandparents will be in town.


WHO: Harriett Carroll & Gideon Choi.
WHEN: Not long after Amara and Harriett moved to Woodsbridge.
WHERE: Woodsbridge High and Gideon's car.
SUMMARY: Gideon takes Harriett to an arcade.

'I’m kidnapping you,' he replied seriously. 'With permission, of course.' )


WHO: Gideon Choi & Desirae Morpeau
WHAT: A father-daughter carnival game.
WHEN: backdated to the Faire at the end of October!
WHERE: The fall Faire

That was less borin’ than I thought. We should do it again never. )

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