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Texts to Logan, Renee, Cello & Molly. TW: references to animal cruelty done by npcs )


This appears on the Network after this

Kiss and Tale 05/21/17 )


WHO: Luna Beattie
WHEN: May 21, evening
WHERE: Luna's apartment
SUMMARY: Prompt - Break - Stream of thoughts
STATUS: Complete

Luna hit post )


The regret of what I just ate is too real. My stomach is ANGRY! My mental stability is in question. NEVER EAT ICE CREAM EVER AGAIN. It is not worth the sanity game. The crisis of faith. Nor is it worth the gut-wrenching pain I feel. I CONTROL YOU LACTOSE. YOU CANNOT CONTROL ME. YET IT APPEARS YOU CAN. STUPID STUPID STUPID.


TO: Toni
FROM: Luna
TIME: During and after this
WHAT: Phone call
Toni, Hi...
Some weird stuff went down outside with Alex Watney


[Filter to Tulio]
Good Afternoon,

I wished to discuss whether there would be any opportunities to write for the Talewind. I have been writing a blog for a while and wished to pursue my passion for writing more officially. I am not so misguided to think an opportunity for full-time work is available but was hoping to have a chance to try in whatever capacity that might be available.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Luna Beattie.

[Filter: Zach and Leona]
So. I have approved Tulio about writing proper. Which I hope I can juggle with being a manager at Deja Brew. Anyway, would it be a bad idea to come clean about being the writer and operator of Kiss and Tale?


So, like, what the fuck is going on?


In the spirit of today's event. I made latte art.

Come by Deja Brew tomorrow for some fancy latte art, I will take requests.


Kiss and Tale 03/13/17 )


Kiss and Tale 02/18/17 )


WHO: Leona Quinn and Luna Beattie!
WHAT: Leona finds out a secret :’)
WHEN: February 18th, 2017
WHERE: Luna’s Apartment

You’re like, basically Nancy Drew… )


WHO: Luna Beattie and Atonio Collins
WHEN: Feb 11th
WHERE: Deja Brew
SUMMARY: Inventory and gossip (Prompt: Blind Date)
WARNINGS: Nothing really
STATUS: Complete

Worst blind date? )


Delivery for Leona Quinn )


Instagram 01/22/17 )


Being back to my normal self is much preferred. Also back in my apartment with my cat. I missed Mittens.

Also, I might have gone a little crazy on the latte art today. You be the judge.

Latte Art behind the Cut )

[FILTER: Zachary]
Entertain me friend


Kiss and Tale 01/20/17 )


WHO: Luna Beattie
WHEN: Scenes from January 12 to January 14
WHERE: Family home in Tumbledown
SUMMARY: Luna is a little kid
STATUS: Complete

She was twenty-five years old, she could figure out how to get herself those cookies she knew were in the cupboard. )


So boss man I can't make it to work. I wont see over the counter. My mother told me I should tell you. So I'm telling you.

Also dont be concerned. I am with my mother she checked in and picked me up.


Kiss and Tale 01/01/17 )
will have spoilers for new years eve thread as an FYI


I will be pleased when the nog invasion is over.

Also, with the new year coming up a good resolution could be some healthy eating choices. Perhaps venture to vegetarianism or possibly cutting down on that beef intake. I dunno, a few ideas.

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August 2017




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