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WHO: Magda Barrera Padilla & Ash Ellington.
WHEN: Early June.
WHERE: Ash/Olive's dorm.
WHAT: Magda tells Ash she opened up her last scroll. You know, the one with the memories of Ash's dead cousin/bff in it.
WARNINGS: References to child death.
CHALLENGE: July: Red/Re-use.

Tale stuff can be weird, but I feel like I should be thanking you for being alright with it. )


Hmm. I seem to have acquired some new friends:


On the plus side, I now have a way to sleep more easily. I figured I should still ask, though: did anybody lose any ovine friends lately?

So, this is kind of awkward, but I'm going to apologize in advance if I come into work with a flock of sheep tomorrow. Unless you have any vet advice on how to care for multiple pet sheep in this weather?


Are there any businesses doing seasonal employment for the summer? Asking for a friend.

Is it okay if I move back in with you for the summer? Also, did you hear about the latest break-ins?



I know I shouldn't have looked.

But I caved and found my name on Fiona Lin's list. I mean, I'm registered, so it absolutely should not be a big deal that I'm on there. But why is there a crown near my name? I've been trying to figure out why, and it's [...] unsettling.

Hey. I'm sorry about Want to get lunch? Do you need any help with moving out?

Are you guys staying in town for the summer? I'm trying to find a good job to apply. Or multiple jobs. Especially ones that take undeclared majors slash recent freshmen.


gratitous fictional gift giving & slypimping of breadcrumbs, bc i love shopping & ash loves easter.

BACKDATED to Easter week/the week after Easter: Hellingtons, Olive, Magda, Iain, Emerald (Dmitry), Noah, Molly, WB Roller Derby Girls, Freshman Housing )

General FYI: For Easter week + the week after, Ash wore a selection of bunny ears. On Easter Sunday, she wore a bunny onesie. She legit did not act as if any of this was unusual.


Since it's been a few weeks since these scrolls have rained down, I'd like to ask a few questions for those who have opened theirs. I'm debating whether I should open mine, and I thought it would help (me, at least) to hear from those who have read their scrolls and lived to tell the tale. (Haha, no pun intended.)

You can answer as confidentially and/or detailedly as you'd like (you can filter me if it helps), and no pressure if you'd rather not answer altogether.

Since opening your scroll:
Have you encountered any physical side effects? (e.g. migraines, muscular aches)
Have you encountered any psychological side effects, especially those related to any trauma in your past life?
Have you discussed your past life with anybody involved from that life?
Do you feel more enlightened or informed about your Tale in any way, shape or form? If so, how?
Do you regret opening your scroll? If so, why?

Thank you in advance.

Also, if you'd rather not have your scroll lying around, I am willing to disintegrate them so you will never have to see it again. It's free of charge, but my powers have a no-return policy attached to them.

Hey. So unless I miscalculated the timing and another iteration of Humpty Dumpty somehow squeezed its way in, I think I have a scroll of Teddy's [...] life memories.


WHO: Peggy MacDonald (Kae) & Lyle Keller (Magda)
WHEN: 60s-80s
WHERE: Texas
SUMMARY: Peggy & Lyle steal some stuff.

Well, excuse me if I like the way the light and shadows are depicted in the Monet, and how he uses a cool color palette to portray sunlight. )


As much as I'm going to miss that hour of sleep, it'll be nice to not feel like I've been trapped in school forever when I look out the window of my late afternoon classes.

Hey. How are you?

Did you end up going to the Glass Slipper event?

How have you been doing?

This might get dark for a moment, but:

Have you ever met somebody who was very close to a previous reincarnation of your Tale? Do you ever feel like there's some unspoken obligation to live up to that previous version?


WHO: Molly Harper and Magda Barrera Padilla
WHEN: February 14
WHERE: Mermaid's Tale
SUMMARY: Pampering themselves (Prompt: Galentine's)
STATUS: Complete

Treating ourselves was the best idea )


WHO: Finley Sterling and Magda Barrera Padilla
WHEN: Shortly after the age swap!
WHERE: Fin’s clinic!
SUMMARY: Turtle check-up turns into a check-up between the two ladies!
WARNINGS: None, just cute times :)
STATUS: Complete!

I hope it goes … smoothly? )


WHO: Magda Barrera Padilla and Sasha Pukhov
WHEN: The past 2-3 years-ish.
WHERE: Ever and After
SUMMARY: Conversations of coping with powers over the years (ALL DIALOGUE / THERAPY)
WARNINGS: Not lighthearted.
STATUS: Complete.

I'm actually Russian. )


WHO: Harriett Carroll & Magda Barrera Padilla.
WHEN: Backdated to the first day of the Age Swap.
WHERE: Student housing.
SUMMARY: Magda and Harriett wake up older.

Did you also just wake up like this? Because I definitely had a crick in my neck. )


WHO: Magda Barrera Padilla and Olivia Cooper
WHEN: Childhood, high school, and college!
WHERE: Various locations
SUMMARY: Vignettes about the girls coming into their powers, learning how to face them, and present day control!
STATUS: Complete.

Try being prepared at all times. )


WHO: Miguel Barrera Padilla and Magda Barrera Padilla
WHAT: When Magda came to live with Miguel, and what happened next.
WHEN: Snapshots in time.
WHERE: Miguel's house, then Magda’s dorm.

Magda’s face remained impassive as she shrugged noncommittally as an answer; did it really matter if she actually wanted to see her room? She’d have to see it every day for the rest of her life. But sure. Okay. Whatever. )


WHO: Harriett Carroll & Magda Barrera Padilla
WHEN: Present day, late night
WHERE: The Academy dorms
SUMMARY: Musings of the college student variety (Challenge prompt: ALL DIALOGUE)
STATUS: Complete!

You weren’t planning on dressing up as an overly caffeinated zombie though, were you? )


WHO: Kae Qadar & Magda Barrera Padilla
WHEN: October 7th, 2017
WHERE: Magda's Dorm
SUMMARY: Prof HR gives too much homework. They give up on it and then Magda gets curious about Kae's powers.
STATUS: Complete.

She wondered if this was the Tale version of kissing your friends so that when you kissed someone you wanted to kiss you’d know how to do it.  )


INSTAGRAM POST - 9/22/16 )


WHO: Catherine Harper and Magda Barrera Padilla
WHEN: Backdated to Wednesday, September 7
WHERE: Tea Party
SUMMARY: Grappling with grief/death in the midst of current events ... and talking about it.
WARNINGS: Dark thoughts, talk of death and grief
STATUS: Complete!

Even though she technically didn’t have much of a connection to her, Catherine was a mom. She mommed everyone. She didn’t know how to not. )


Question for all pet owners, current and previous: how did you decide on a name for your pet?

Do you have objections to a turtle in the dorm? It The turtle would be contained in an aquarium, of course.

How high is the risk of salmonella transmission with pet turtles?

Are you busy? I might need your help in installing an aquarium.


WHO: Catherine Harper and Magda Barrera Padilla
WHEN: 2007 and 2014
WHERE: About Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: Magda writes to Catherine's advice column several times over the years
STATUS: Complete

Also, if it matters, I am nine years old, so I’m not allowed to drink. )


What was your favorite extracurricular during your time at the Academy?

Have all of you moved into your dorms yet?

I'm Magda, by the way.

I finished moving in. I would have arrived sooner, but I got my powers back and I had to buy Sorry, I

Miss me?

I'm kidding. It's only been a few days. Do you still want to go to the beach this weekend? I know you no longer have your tail, but the weather's agreeable again.

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August 2017




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