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WHO: Leela Kamala
WHAT: Leela has a rescue to pull off, or so she thinks. There are also volunteer slots in this!
WHEN: The 23rd. It's a result of this.
WHERE: The woods
WARNING/RATING: Goodbye to you.

It wasn't a choice that needed time to consider. )


A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.
Fired at first sight with what the Muse imparts,
In fearless youth we tempt the heights of Arts;
While from the bounded level of our mind
Short views we take, nor see the lengths behind,
But, more advanced, behold with strange surprise
New distant scenes of endless science rise!
So pleased at first the towering Alps we try,
Mount o’er the vales, and seem to tread the sky;
The eternal snows appear already past,
And the first clouds and mountains seem the last;
But those attained, we tremble to survey
The growing labours of the lengthened way;
The increasing prospect tires our wandering eyes,
Hill peep o’er hills, and Alps on Alps arise!

-Alexander Pope



What are your thoughts on all of this?

Mat seems to think the scrolls are dangerous, but Mat seems to think everything is dangerous.

And are we or are we not turning people into frogs and pigs? It didn't really seem clear in the end.


[Text message]
To: Naveen
From: Shanti

[x] So do you want to
[x] Want a do-over?

[1] Dinner again?


To: Leela
From: Shanti

[1] Would you be interested in coming over for dinner this week?


TO: Mat.
FROM: Basil.
(1) You still busy?
TO: Snow White (Gavin)
FROM: (Would he have his number??)- Basil
(1) I'm hurt, Doc
(2) can I make an appointment with you?
TO: Adam.
FROM: Basil.
[...] (x) Hey H [...]
(1) You mentioned something about letting you know when I got back in town.
DELIVERY (or just dropped off at her house!) for Leela: A carved wooden wolf. It bears a close resemblance to Leela's wolf form...

No note.

And DELIVERY for Ana Abedini-

cut! )


[Sam, Sahir, Samar]

Am I am going to register unless you object. In case they find objects from Mowgli in new search and if [...] wolf family comes. Also am I am only one unregistered, thought it would be solidarity? But clearly I do not always make reasonable decisions, so if you disagree please advise.

Know things are still tense, so wanted to include you on Tale decisions?


Am going to register unless Talemates say no.


I plan on registering.


The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion
Nothing in the world is single
All things by a law divine in another's being mingle
Why not I with thine?

See, the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another
No sister flower could be forgiven if it disdained its brother
And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea
What are all these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?

- Love's Philosophy by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Filtered to Samar )


[Sahir and Samar]

I have something to tell you. It's been long enough.

[Sam, Basil, Marcello, sent the same thing but separately]

I'm telling Sahir and Samar.


Not IC Cut )

Filters for Sam, Basil, Cello )


I don't know how to ask this WHAT DO I SAY He doesn't need to get in trouble Seem normal Does anyone know a woman who can [...] turn into [...] diamond skin? Is important.


Thank you for the cauldrons. You'll have to let me brew you something in return.

I was going to get the pantry installation as a holiday gift to myself. It seems you beat me to it.

[....] How is he?

Hawaii cannot come soon enough, cariño.


WHO: Leela Kamala & Marcello Palla.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon.
SUMMARY: Marcello's grumpy and Leela is stubborn.
STATUS: Complete.

But she stayed. For Cello, she stayed. )


Has anyone else acting strange. Important question. Advise.

[Friends of Marcello Filter [Apply liberally]

We found Marcello. Acting very strange. In dragon-y form curled up with whatever he took???? BREATHED FIRE AT US.

Am staying here. No one else come. Too iffy. Someone find answers instead.


WHO: Leela Kamala and Basil Romano
WHAT: Mowgli finally becomes a wolf, just in another life.
WHEN: Backdated to last month!
WHERE: His place

If you could only see me now, mother. )


Kids never come out to house, too close to woods I think, but I still buy candy every year just in case.

Too much candy. Who wants candy?



How could this happen?

You're terrible at your jobs!!!!


We need to find it!

[Samar and Sahir]

I will find the red flower.


I've managed to salvage much of my garden! Happiness! I will have things to sell today at How Does Your Garden Grow. Come, come, come.

I don't know what to go to the Masquerade as.


WHO: Leela Kamala and Matias Hernandez Rodriguez
WHAT: Leela comes back to get her traps re: the mutant animal debacle, they talk a little.
WHEN: Not long after the animals get back to themselves, so mid-Septemberish.
WHERE: The Sanctuary
WARNING/RATING: Pretty light!

I am starting to think living in the woods and keeping out of most of this was the wisest thing I've done. )


Thou comest, Autumn, heralded by the rain,
With banners, by great gales incessant fanned,
Brighter than brightest silks of Samarcand,
And stately oxen harnessed to thy wain!
Thou standest, like imperial Charlemagne,
Upon thy bridge of gold; thy royal hand
Outstretched with benedictions o'er the land,
Blessing the farms through all thy vast domain!
Thy shield is the red harvest moon, suspended
So long beneath the heaven's o'er-hanging eaves;
Thy steps are by the farmer's prayers attended;
Like flames upon an altar shine the sheaves;
And, following thee, in thy ovation splendid,
Thine almoner, the wind, scatters the golden leaves!

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


I need your help.


WHO: Mowgli and Baloo (Leela and Sam)
WHAT: Baloo has a thorn in his paw, Mowgli makes fun of him.
WHEN: In Ye Olde Days
WHERE: The Jungle

You tricked me. )

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August 2017




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