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WHO: Hal Cooper and Nic Scott
WHEN: July 2017, June 2018, January 2020, and June 2020
WHERE: Woodsbridge, Ca; Stanford, California; San Francisco International Airport; Stanford, California
SUMMARY: Snippets into the future of Hal and Nic’s life together.
WARNINGS: Mention of the 2017 Remembrance Day fiasco, but otherwise, none.
STATUS: Complete!

’I'll miss you,’ he said, and reached for her hand. ‘But we’ll make this work.’ )


WHO: Atonio Collins
WHEN: 2021
WHERE: Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: An anniversary
STATUS: Complete!

But we’re all doin’ good, Squeaks. Good as we can. )


WHO: Yulia Kuklachova
WHEN: 2017 - 2019
WHERE: Woodsbridge, St Petersburg
SUMMARY: Yulia, in a handful of years.
STATUS: Complete!

A simpler and infinitely more complicated one. )


WHO: Celia García
WHEN: 2018 - 2024
WHERE: Woodsbridge, LA
SUMMARY: Celia keeps on keeping on.
STATUS: Complete!

But she finishes out her sophomore year, having made arrangements so she can keep filming. )


WHO: Felix Garcia and Rocio Rulli
WHEN: Early May, through post-game.
WHERE: Rocio’s house; the supermarket; Felix’s classroom
SUMMARY: The unexpected courtship of Rocio Rulli
WARNINGS: None, it's tame.
STATUS: Complete

All of this felt a little crazy, like being twenty again, with that rush of someone new that just sort of clicked into place and it was heady to think about and even worse when he didn’t think at all. )


WHO: Jordan Thomas & Naveen Kamala
WHEN: July 2017 - June 2018
WHERE: Woodsbridge, CA and Mound, MN
SUMMARY: The story of how these two crazy kids got together. (Not really. Just a budding friendship told through text messages.)
WARNINGS: So long. But it's texts, so it reads quick? I got nothing.
STATUS: Complete!

Hey loser where u at? )


WHO: Jasper Sampson Spencer & Ryan Comley.
WHEN: Future Times.
WHERE: Their House.
SUMMARY: First comes love, then comes...
WARNINGS: This is also long. Which is apparently how I say goodbye to my ships in this game.
STATUS: Complete.

A plain white gold band sat nestled against black velvet.  )


WHO: Rachel McKenzie and Bridget Kluge
WHEN: PRE-Remembrance Day Ball
WHERE: Deja Brew
SUMMARY: Talemates meet again. And this time acknowledge each other.
STATUS: Complete

Was Rachel … waving at her? )


WHO: Freddie Montgomery Blythe and Kelly Kingsbury
WHEN: Just before Freddie moves in with Saul
WHERE: Kelly’s house
SUMMARY: Freddie’s moving out so time to have a glass with his twin from another time.
WARNINGS: Mentions of Saul and Freddie’s weird relationship but that’s about it

Ill-advised decisions are my favorite ones. )


all it takes to fall.

WHO: Pilar Samaniego et al.
WHEN: Present day and post-game (several years later).
WHERE: Various.
SUMMARY: An epilogue.
WARNINGS: Eh, it's indulgent.
STATUS: Complete!

She would not shed a tear, she would not waste the rest of her years simmering in the maggot broth of memory. )


WHO: Leda Stavros and Tyler Pirlo
WHEN: Present Day August -> Future Times
WHERE: Woodsbridge, Portland, England, San Francisco
SUMMARY: Leda & Tyler part ways, but also kind of don't.
WARNINGS: It's long!!!!
STATUS: Complete!

Maybe I’ll be one of those obnoxious Americans who makes other American expats wish they were Canadian. )


WHO: Saul Montgomery and Freddie Montgomery
WHEN: Pre-ball
WHERE: Their new house
SUMMARY: They're painting and share a nice tender moment.
WARNINGS: Very light innuendo but nothing to worry about

I think it’s worth taking that chance. That you are worth the chance. )


WHO: Nate Carson and Bridget Kluge
WHAT: They meet in the same spot as when they first met because Bridget's leaving.
WHEN: Recently-ish
WHERE: Nite Owl

You know I’m going to miss you, right? )


taleless: an epilogue

Thus, peace will once again reign in this town... for a time )


WHO: Jaime Freeman and Ajay Raji
WHEN: Before the ball this year, and twenty years later same day.
WHERE: Woodsbridge and out of Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: Jaime and Ajay get ready for the ball, and twenty years later they get ready to celebrate the same day with their family
WARNINGS: Happily Ever Afters.

Mom said the best thing that ever happened to her was falling in love with her best friend. )


WHO: Saul Montgomery and Pilar Samaniego
WHEN: Earlier this month
WHERE: Jazz Hands
SUMMARY: They're closing down after a busy night and just talk about life.
WARNINGS: None, it's actually pretty light.

Yeah. I dropped out of college and ran away from home so I could come over here and learn more about my Tale. Crazy, huh? )


WHO: Mallory Parris and Milo Watney.
WHEN: The Remembrance Day Ball!
WHERE: The Bar. || The Garden. || CHAOS.
SUMMARY: Two people who SO don’t care that the other person showed up to this party proceed to get up to some shenanigans. And then shit gets real.
WARNINGS: Language. Peril. Milo being super awkward. Alcohol mention. Length. Did we mention peril? There’s some peril.

I already gave up a life of crime, but I still make a hobby of it. And everyone needs their hobbies, Watney. We can't all knit. )


I just wanted to say that if anyone wants to go through the Portal, I'm going with a few of the kids from the home within the next few days, maybe the 31st or the 1st. Probably sooner rather than later just in case. So if you want some company, feel free to get in touch and we can all go together.

I love you guys and if I can come back and visit (since I can fly and all?), I will. If not, I hope everything in Woodsbridge turns out amazing and there are no more terrifying things that come through the Portal and you all live happily ever after. ♥


If you're going to go through that Portal (is that what we're officially calling it? Because frankly, I th), consider giving your place of employment a heads up before doing so.


WHO: Saul Montgomery and Starling Montgomery
WHEN: Backdated to May
WHERE: The house
SUMMARY: Starling asks her dad about boys. It's not as awkward as you'd think.

How do you distinguish a date from just hanging out? )

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August 2017




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