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WHO: Toni Collins and Noel Hu
WHEN: Backdated to last week (before the HoG stuff)
WHERE: Deja Brew
SUMMARY: Noel meets her future cousin-in-law.
STATUS: Complete!

Congratulations and welcome to the family. )


WHO: Vincent Miller, Ian Gorman, Penelope Rulli, Noel Hu, Gideon Choi, Marty Solverson, a Special Guest & Detective Watney.
WHAT: The moments following this log.
WHEN: Forward dated to Thursday, July 6th.
WHERE: The Woods.
WARNING/RATING: Significantly more violence.

You don’t like me much, do you? )


WHO: Marty Solverson, Noel Hu, Jason Hughes, Gideon Choi, and a Special Guest.
WHAT: The next moments after this log.
WHEN: Forward dated to Thursday July 6th.
WHERE: The Woods.
WARNING/RATING: Some violence.

Surprise. )


In a word, Kauai was amazing.


I only just returned, when it got foggy enough to rival Karl. Everything okay, power-swap-wise?

The BO found my armor from my Tale. As much as I'm not about collecting all the items from my story or engaging in any type of agreement with the BO, I've come to realize that I'd much rather have my items those items in my possession than the malarkey that is the Business Office, hypocrisy be damned.

Long story short, I now own a suit of armor that is apparently impenetrable. Want to test it out at the shooting range?

I keep staring at it; it's stunning.

I'm not talking about this armor that I managed to haul into the trunk.


WHO: Matthew Mahelona & Noel Hu.
WHAT: Revealing some secrets to each other and having some Real Talks about their future.
WHERE: His place, her place, Hawaii.
WHEN: Various points between late May and up through the power swap.
STATUS: Complete.

You punked the Business Office! )


TO: Mat
FROM: Rach
[1] I did something stupid.

TO: Amara and Noel (group text)
FROM: Rach
[1] I need a drink.
[2] Yes, I'm aware it's 9 in the morning.

TO: Gideon
FROM: Rach
[1] Are we keeping track of who's fucked up more spectacularly out of the two of us?
[2] Because I think I'd win this round.


WHO: Noel Hu and many other guest-stars (NARRATIVE)
WHEN: Present day (ok, lbr, this is actually backdated to the first scroll drop), 1966 - 1974, 1975
WHERE: Woodsbridge, Shanghai, Chongming County and surrounding provinces, Beijing, San Francisco, Cupertino
SUMMARY: Noel opens her scroll, and two lives come full circle in a way she doesn’t expect.
WARNINGS: Violence (blood, gore, death, major injuries). Cursing. Pregnancy. Length.
STATUS: Complete (sorry, it’s long).

No daughter has a future back there. )



Published in all Woodsbridge-based associated press outlets. )

OOC: Hey guys! As implied in a previous log/post, Noel drafted a letter to the Academy inquiring about the budget cuts and recent firings. While drafting, she would have asked Academy faculty members (+ HoG members) if they would be interested in cosigning this letter. I'm putting up a SIGNATURES header, so just comment with your character's name if you want them to have been part of the undersigned.



Alright. Since nobody is stupid enough to buy Cabrera's reasoning, that begs a larger question of the Academy's funding. They gave us a bullshit reason for letting us loose with an equally bullshit "solution" of letting us go, with no plan for how they can fix whatever hole they've dug for themselves.

A few ways we can tackle this:
- Demand an audit of the Academy's funding, from tax records to payrolls to donations
- Demand a release of the previous financial records of Tuttle and the Academy
- Demand transparency with future funding plans with the Academy, so that they don't worm their way into these half-baked excuses again

Another question is how to tackle this: approach the Academy privately but collectively or make this a public demand and perhaps collect support in the form of signatures? Given the importance of the Academy and the education it provides, I'm leaning in favor of issuing a public statement, though I'm sure the public is already speculating what ties us fired professors together.

There is also the option of publishing an op-ed in one of the local publications or media channels, or perhaps just writing it publicly on the network for instant access.

Picketing and filibustering are also options, but less direct ones to getting answers.

I was let go in the Academy budget cuts. I'm still invested in overseeing Academy relations, perhaps especially now given its previous mismanagement. If this becomes a concern, given that I am no longer employed or directly involved with the school, do let me know.

Fun fact: I've never been fired before. It's new to me, I don't like it, and I'm still wrapping my head around this gale-force shitstorm of the past few days, so bear with me.


WHO: Marty Solverson and Noel Hu
WHEN: Monday morning and evening, after THIS.
WHERE: The Academy + Noel's place
SUMMARY: The aftermath and next steps.
WARNINGS: Spoilers re: Academy plot!
STATUS: Complete

After a few seconds of thoughtful silence it occurred to him that in all of this he’d neglected to say something very basic. )


TO: Fiona Lin
FROM: Aunt Laura
[1] Did Cabrera mention anything to you before he sent the email?

TO: Noel
FROM: Laura
[1] Still processing?

My door is open to anyone who wants to discuss alternative options after today's news or simply needs somewhere to decompress. Please note that for my Entertainment Law students, you may have an additional week to complete your current assignments, which will then be factored into your final grades.


WHO: Vincent Miller and Noel Hu
WHEN: February 13th
WHERE: Vincent’s place.
SUMMARY: Noel doesn't … dislike Vincent anymore. (PROMPT: chocolate)
WARNINGS: Prop 64 rights being exercised. Trippy shit.

And you're sure you're not a time lord? )


WHO: Marty Solverson & Noel Hu
WHEN: January 15th, evening (during the ageswap party)
WHERE: Marty and Rachel's apartments in Tumbledown
SUMMARY: When combat skills lead to flip cup superiority and domination...
STATUS: Complete

Go play something else if you’re not any good at this. )


Know that my office hours are always open to students who want to discuss their thoughts about politics and the world at large. I have hot cocoa and comfortable chairs.


I love you, how is the start to the new semester going?

[Filtered to Rachel and Noel]

I haven't gotten the chance to see Hidden Figures yet, which is basically a crime for me. Any chance you ladies would like to come with me?


I'd like you to appreciate the restraint it takes not to flirt openly with you when we're at work. Relatedly, can I make you dinner sometime in the next few days?


WHO: Matt & Noel.
WHAT: Pillow talk about swords leads to birthday ideas.
WHERE: Mostly Noel's.
WHEN: Various days, ending on on Christmas.
STATUS: Complete.

Last words? )


WHO: Gideon Choi and Noel Hu
WHAT: Gideon and Noel's friendship, as told through several meals throughout the years. (PROMPT: COMFORT FOOD)
WHEN: 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016 (present day)
WHERE: A Korean BBQ place, Gideon's place, In-N-Out, the French Laundry, Gideon's place again, a Chinese place, Big Sur
WARNINGS: Implied recreational drug use, swearing, length

Gideon got distracted for a moment, because in that world there would be all sorts of colors, and all sorts of explosions from all sorts of heinous battles. Shiny. )




WHO: Noel Hu
WHAT: Reflections on the results of the election, glimpses of her Tale past/present/future, and a new-ish job switch.
WHEN: 5th century CE, Tuesday November 8th 2016 (the night of the US election), Wednesday November 9th
WHERE: The Northern Wei territories (modern day Shanxi/Shandong), Noel's condo
- The second half touches on the results of the US presidential election as well as Noel's reaction.
- This narrative (from the Mulan scenes to Noel's headspace) is informed by my own experiences as a first-gen Chinese-American.
- The dialogue in the Mulan scenes is a direct (Northern) Chinese-to-English translation, idioms and all (which I've noted), but please assume that it's actually spoken in Chinese.
STATUS: Complete

Who do you believe you are? )


WHO: Olive Park & Noel Hu
WHEN: Today after class.
WHERE: An elevator.
SUMMARY: Olive asks for advice, they ride an elevator to nowhere. (Duex Ex Machina)
STATUS: Complete

If that’s true, does that put me on Captain America’s side, Noel thought. )


WHO: Ian Gorman & Noel Hu
WHEN: Tuesday, October 4th
WHERE: Noel’s apartment
SUMMARY: Sword talk.
STATUS: Complete.

Noel’s lips pursed. She disliked attributing credit to cleverness that was used in a twisted way against her.  )

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