
WHO: Jaime Freeman and Ajay Raji
WHEN: Before the ball this year, and twenty years later same day.
WHERE: Woodsbridge and out of Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: Jaime and Ajay get ready for the ball, and twenty years later they get ready to celebrate the same day with their family
WARNINGS: Happily Ever Afters.

Mom said the best thing that ever happened to her was falling in love with her best friend. )


WHO: Jaime Freeman and Ajay Raji
WHEN: Backdated to soon after this post
WHERE: Ajay's place
SUMMARY: Jaime decompresses with Ajay after Fiona said she's leaving and the talk with Mat.
WARNINGS: Sweetness.

I just don’t want to disappoint you. )


WHO: Hal Cooper and Ajay Raji
WHEN: Years ago, when Hal and Ajay were still relatively new to their Archeologists jobs
WHERE: Namely France, a few other places
SUMMARY: Hal and Ajay aren’t allowed to work together. Not because they used to date, but because, well. You’ll see.
STATUS: Complete!

Hi Boss! So just giving a quick update. Everything’s fine, cool. I just might have lost Hal. He was here and then he wasn’t but I’m sure it’s fine. )


I've got gifts! Presents! If you claimed one, one is yours!


Well I've got a tea set.

And everyone will have something on their desk tomorrow.


I'm beginning to think the town sets on fire every time I leave. Like I should stick around as a good luck token or something.

I know it hasn't been okay but are you?


Who wants presents? Obviously not at this exact moment but at a moment in the future.


Definitely going to need to head out of town with this lead. But I do promise it will not be like the last one where I was gone for most of forever.


WHO: Jaime Freeman and Ajay Raji
WHEN: Early morning May 1st
WHERE: Ajay's place
SUMMARY: They had a great time at the dance and decide to be a little more serious.
PROMPT: Kiss :)
WARNINGS: Sugary cuteness. Mild suggestion and kisses.

I have something to ask you. )


TO: Jaime
FROM: Ajay

[1] Fun fact! A world record for the longest conga dance line was set by 119,986 people in Miami in 1988.
[2] Related: Will you go to the dance with me?
[3] I can't make yes/no ticky boxes but imagine they're there.


[Texts to Ajay]

[1] YOU


WHO: Ajay Raji and Jaime Freeman
WHEN: Tuesday, April 11th
WHERE: Jaime's place
SUMMARY: They decide to open their scrolls together in case something bad happened. It leads to some unexpected revelations.
WARNINGS: Smooching. That's it.

I'm confident about most things, A, but not about these things. )


WHO: Ajay Raji and Jaime Freeman
WHEN: After the last performance of Into the Woods last month, backdated because Dee sucks
WHERE: On the walk after the play
SUMMARY: They talk about musicals and just generally are fluffy.
WARNINGS: None! Innocent.

In the game of ducks you win or you die. )


WHO: Ajay Raji and Jaime Freeman
WHEN: Early March 2017
WHERE: Outside in Woodsbridge
SUMMARY: They walk Helo together and talk about Jaime's break up
WARNINGS: None! Innocent.

I'm not going to be that can't-stop talking-about-the-break up guy. )


WHO: Jaime Freeman and Ajay Raji
WHEN: Right after Ajay returned. Pre-Mat and Jaime breakup.
WHERE: Jaime's place
SUMMARY: Ajay's back, they chat about life and the madness in town. No one wants to deal with teenagers.
WARNINGS: None, it's fluff

Most of the force was turned into children or teenagers. )


sorry for the double post, seems reasonable all things considered

Text to: Jasper, Fiona, Chris, Roz, Bridget, Ajay, separately the same message

[1] Mat and I broke up. It sucks. We don't hate each other. That's the summary. Just FYI.


Good day Woodsbridge!

Guess who's back! Except I guess that's already the answer right there, isn't it? Bit of a longer trip than usual but it is good to be back.

So what have I missed?

August 2017




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