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I can now fly. I refuse to be likened to that irresponsible, selfish, little This is very not okay but I'll be damned if it gets the better of me.

Messages to Jason, Alex, Saul, and Harrison )


WHO: Jason Hughes and Naomi Pontecorvo
WHEN: Tuesday evening, June 6th
WHERE: Jason’s house
SUMMARY: There’s a slight disagreement about who gets to be in more danger against the Adversary (martyr alert)
WARNINGS: Everything they do is bittersweet. that unnerving clone of Jasper’s, what’s his name, something something sounds like a tree. )


WHO: Naomi Pontecorvo and Saul Montgomery
WHEN: Backdated to after this conversation
WHERE: Her apartment
SUMMARY: Naomi's freaking out about her scroll, Saul's actually somewhat comforting for once.
PROMPT: Past Lives: Scroll #1
WARNINGS: Sads. Reference to child murder.

Before now, I prided myself on being the sort who did not subscribe to the traditions of our Tales. )


[Filtered to Brorates]

I will be home in a few days, but I wanted to let you know the thimble from our Tale was found and is at the Business Office. I doubt this has any effect on us, but I don't trust them to say anything to us about it.


I told him.


WHO: Jason Hughes and Naomi Pontecorvo
WHEN: May 10th, shortly before Coopergate
WHERE: Jason’s house
SUMMARY: Naomi finds that Jason is very bad at guessing games
PROMPT: "Confession"-Orange
WARNINGS: Too much coffee. Someone takes the Lord’s name in vain.

Of course it’s Marty. I’d probably have a crush on him, too, were I a woman. )


Filtered to Hand of Grimm only

So, what do we plan to do? This child advertising the list and blackmailing people into revealing their Tale flies in the face of everything we try and accomplish. And if she outs my family


I'll be leaving tomorrow for a bit; I know it's last minute but I've got some business to take care of. I've thankfully received no third scroll, so I must assume that is all there is for me thank the gods.

I am curious about another tie, however...there was a boy named Bruce Shaw, born in 1920, in New York. I don't know much beyond that, but I am curious if he's known here.

Alex )

Jason )

Harrison )

Archaeologists )

Mat )

Fatima )

Saul )


I have opened my scroll, for purposes that I don't feel like detailing here or ever. But now I am in the position of needing to seek out two people.

Elliot Rutherford. My Annabelle Smith. If either of those names means anything to you, tell me.


WHO: Naomi Pontecorvo
WHEN: Related to this
WHERE: Her apartment
SUMMARY: Naomi opens her scroll, hoping to find an answer for Alex, and instead learns much more than she bargained for
PROMPT: Past Lives: Scroll #1
WARNINGS: Child death/murder, alcoholism

He thought he would feel the power of God coming into him, reassuring him that his daughter was now safe and free from any pain. )


[Filtered to: Harrison, Arden, Robyn, Tyler, and Saul]

I'm sure your father has said something, but for the love of all that is holy, do not go near that crack in the sky, and if you find one of your scrolls, tell us first before you do anything rash. And yes, Tyler, you are now included in this, get used to it.

[Filtered to Alex and Jason]

If you open one another of these damned scrolls, I will cheerfully kill you and then wait for you to reincarnate and then kill you again.

edited to add

I'm sure you would have said, but...have you seen any sign of her? My heart is breaking for you right now, my friend.


WHO: Laura Lin and Naomi Pontecorvo
WHEN: Backdated to March 23rd-ish
WHERE: Tea Party
SUMMARY: Naomi lives up to her antagonistic roots, and Laura wants none of it.
STATUS: Complete!

Imagine my dismay when I find that your deception went as far as having a son by my significant other. )


WHO: Jason Hughes and Naomi Pontecorvo
WHEN: Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017 (the finale to this post!)
WHERE: Naomi’s place in the Vintery district
SUMMARY: Naomi and Jason find out exactly what the Hook is all about. Or do they?
PROMPT: “Treasure Hunt”
WARNINGS: Alcohol mention. Slips of the tongue (not like THAT).

I suppose Evil wouldn’t be feather-light, now, would it? )


Seems like good advice to me. )


WHO: Jason Hughes and Naomi Pontecorvo
WHEN: Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017
WHERE: Naomi’s place in the Vintery district
SUMMARY: Naomi has found the Hook. Time to find out what it does. But first, let’s stall by talking about books.
PROMPT: “Treasure Hunt”
WARNINGS: Alcohol mention. Jason not shutting up about books.

There was much, much more to what happened back then than can be contained in any book. )


WHO: Naomi Pontecorvo and Harrison Montgomery
WHEN: Friday evening, before this, and all the related stuff, and also because Mel got all her logs done at once
WHERE: A restaurant
WHAT: Mother and son dinner out; Harrison gets to impart some gossip
STATUS: Complete

Between that and family drama there’s never a dull moment around here. )


WHO: Alex Watney and Naomi Pontecorvo
WHEN: Immediately after Naomi talks to her ex
WHERE: Naomi’s place in the Vintery district
SUMMARY: Naomi started drinking away her woes, and Alex swoops in to be a shoulder to cry on. Also, artifact talk!
STATUS: Complete!

Was that part of the emotional housecleaning? )


Who: Naomi Pontecorvo and Saul Montgomery
When: Saturday evening after this
Where: Saul’s place
What: She’d been promised alcohol; it would likely be needed
Rating: M for swearing and reference to serious mental issues and infidelity

It would be interesting to see what being tired of talking is like. )


Filtered to Hand of Grimm only

We've got some things to discuss )


WHO: Jason Hughes and Naomi Pontecorvo
WHEN: Saturday, late afternoon, conveniently missing the nasty discussions Cabrera is having with everyone :)
WHERE: Out on the water.
SUMMARY: Salty old sea captain takes his former crewmate to meet his new boat. Naomi likes to force Jason to confront his feelings like some kind of adult, so they talk about their sordid marriages and their mutual crush on Marty Solverson.
PROMPT: One on One.
WARNINGS: Some drinking.
STATUS: Complete!

I'm no nun, darling. But I may have frightened off a few. )


[Filtered to Jason and Naomi, the Brorates]

Accurate, isn't it?

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August 2017




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