

To: Family & Friends (feel free to assume, applied liberally)
From: Nala

1. Are you alright?
2. Anything I can do to help?


WHO: Sam White Horn and Nala Carroll
WHEN: Summer 2012
WHERE: Nala’s office
SUMMARY: Sam's first summer as an intern
PROMPT: Backstory Challenge: Internship
STATUS: Complete!

Just work hard, do what you need to, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. )


Who: Nala Carroll & Gideon Choi
Where: Carroll Law, Nala's office
When: October 11th (backdated)
What: Gideon has a (not so) hypothetical question for Nala
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

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Who: Nala Carroll & Ben Harper
Where: Respective locations
When: One unspecified weekend....
What: A telephone conversation about a broken hot water system
Prompt: dialogue only
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

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Who: Nala & Mat
Where: A cafe
What: Discussing Rachel's birthday & how to celebrate it
When: Backdated to mid Sept (before the 22nd, after the whole murder thing)
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

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Bookclub People
Now that things are settling down again, at least somewhat do we want to continue to look into this?

Did you want to come over for dinner tonight?

How are you doing?


Who: The Carroll's (w/ npc Adelaide)
Where: Nala's place
What: Family morning tea
When: Sunday Morning
Status: Incomplete

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Who: Nara Carroll & Rachel McKenzie
When: Backdated to not long after Rachel is released
What: Discussing recent events/advice
Where: Rachel's house
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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I know a lot of people have been offering assitance but I feel like I should reach out and offer my assistance. I have a spare room if anyone is still needing a place to stay.


Text to Harriet Carroll
Are you alright?
Were you at the party?


Amara, Joan Cooper, Nate Carson, Amanda Ellis
Given that the last book club didn't seem to last long would people be interested in trying to organise another one?

Harry Townsend
Do you want to come over for dinner?


In light of the attack on the Bad Apple as well as the Business Office just a reminder that it is illegal to do that sort of thing. I know the Police will be looking into it and I'm sure no one wants to go to jail. No one deserves to be treated like that and no one should be forced into doing something that they don't want to do.

We should respect one another and not force people into uncomfortable situations.


[Marian and her Merry Men]

One glimmer of good news in all this, Harriett says she knows someone from our Tale. I told her she had permission to let him/her know who I am so they can approach me. We still have a few Merry Men missing. I'm guessing since they talked to her, it could be a student.


Hey sis, brunch on Sunday?


A gentle reminder that dangling something that belongs to another person in front of them, just to get you to register or prove who you are in public is actually sick.

But hey, congrats to the people who got their shit back.


They're waving that fucking dagger around right in front of me and I think I saw Leda say it's ours.

[Leda-after much deliberation]

Like I said. The Business Office. They have it. Is it mine yours?

August 2017




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