[After this.][She wasn't conscious when the kick occurred, wasn't aware that anything had changed, and perhaps that was for the best considering what Crane had put the pair of them through. After he had been taken into custody, minimal medical attention had been paid to his injuries, assuring that he would not, at least immediately, succumb to his injuries. It had amounted to little more than bandages around his wrists after they had finally pulled him from where Helena has nailed him to the wall and butterfly bandages to close the cuts upon his head. It was enough to keep him going, to keep him alive, but little more.
So when the door unceremoniously kicked him back through, it was Ashleigh who suffered. Her dark hair was matted with blood, the bandages on her wrists that had long since soaked through with blood, leaving her pale and quiet on the floor, half-curled into the fetal position.
She was one of the few people who had survived having Crane in their heads, but it wasn't proving to be a smooth ride.]