[Posted Anonymously.]
[Public][The sketches start midday, the day after the sand storms end. Little vignettes of corners on the street, filled with sand and dust. Piled up against a mailbox, sloping along the angles of stairways. A broom propped against a wall, a pile of dirt half-cleared from a doorway. A cigarette butt extinguished in the sand. Footprints in the dust. Each sketch has a swipe or two of colored pencil, and the later sketches have warmer colors to match the glow of the sun as it sets.]
[Ella D.][In the middle of the afternoon, in between the other sketches, but locked only to her. Wide swipes of colored pencil that make up waves of blonde hair, the soft line of her jaw and neck. At the bottom is the hint of a smaller head, equally blonde hair atop it, resting on the smooth curve of a shoulder. There are no faces, hidden by angles and hair, but it's obvious enough who it's supposed to be.]