Cal H, Graham R, Hatter
[After waking all bruised and aching and nauseous, like the morning after prom and she wasn't sure where her clothes were. It took a few tries, waking, and the cops were waiting there. She could barely see them, eyes all puffy and some doctor saying she was a real lucky girl. The doctors went on about a knife used somewhere else, and she couldn't remember real clear, but she didn't remember a knife. She remembered one thing - Alexander Murphy. And she told them as much, all disjointed and the world keep going black and bright again. But there was the knife, and she wasn't sure how much they listened, though they said they listened real good. Once they were gone:]
[Text to Cal H]
Cal. They're saying a knife.
[Text to Graham R]
[Locked to Hatter]
You still doing fine?
[Text to Cal H]
Cal. They're saying a knife.
[Text to Graham R]
[Locked to Hatter]
You still doing fine?