So this is a magical book. And everyone talks to each other in it. (Don't worry, I did the background reading and paged through the conversations that have been going on for the past two weeks or so. It seemed like the sensible thing to do, and you all are so informative.) Which means all of you are real, and milling about through this city somewhere, and I will probably encounter at least some of you eventually. It also means that I'm not crazy, I'm not the only one who hears thing, and apparently, the mumbling in Latin is at least somewhat standard issue for these voices.
This is all good to know. It has done a great deal for my perspective on my own sanity. I appreciate that immensely.
So I'm Svetlana. The voice in my brain is named Katherine. We're pleased to meet you. Because this is not the world's weirdest introduction or anything, not at all.