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November 25th, 2013

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

Daniel W

[Locked to Daniel W]

[Late, late night.] Hey, baby. You holding up ok without Lin there?

[info]perspective in [info]doors

[Batman, Eddie N, Becky L]

[Locked to Batman]

I would like to speak to you when you have a moment.

[Locked to Eddie N]

I got some news this morning.

[Locked to Becky L]

I received some good news this morning that I wanted to share with you.

[info]bella_black in [info]doors

[Anaïs M, Noah C, Public]

[Anaïs M]
So are we open Thursday or what?

[Noah C]
You get a long weekend for grading papers, Teach?

Lucky people with no fucking families - There someplace in Vegas to go on Thursday to celebrate that shit?

[info]clairvoyantly in [info]doors

[Rachel K, Noah C, Public]

[Locked to Rachel K]

I was wondering if you might accompany me to the airport on Wednesday to pick someone up.

[Locked to Noah C]

Just got news last night that Sophia is coming to stay for a while with me. Her mother has some family issues to deal with, and thought I might like her for the holidays. I'll see about getting her a bed here to put in my room. I hope you don't mind. If it's an issue, I'll get a hotel for us.


Recommendations for family-friendly things to do in Vegas?

[info]blondebat in [info]doors

eddie n.

[text to eddie n.]

[She's in class, so she misses Cass's post, but she does get Eddie's text. If texts could be frantic.] What's going on? What's wrong?

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

[Joey A]

[She doesn't have anything to lose any more. Much calmer than she was with her last scribble. And willing to write, even though she feels like she should know better, though she doesn't care about that part at the moment. At least she's pretty sure Joey hasn't shouted at her for anything. It's very likely that the calm and the not-caring is chemical, as she knows her new doctors have been switching her medications. It doesn't stop the loose curl of letters from appearing.]

I'm sorry everything has been awful since you arrived.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

Hannibal Door Update

Cut for violence/gore. So begins the sound. )