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November 24th, 2013

[info]spacecowboys in [info]doors

Evie S

[Call to Evie S]

[Can rings be panicky? Panicky ring. Early morning.]

[info]anything1 in [info]doors

Jack C, Ella D, Lin A, Dylan M

[Locked to Jack C, Ella D, Lin A, Dylan M]

I'm ordering a bird for Thursday, if anyone wants food, beer and a place to watch the game. If anyone wants to cook something, there's a perfectly good oven that's never been turned on. +1s welcome. There's plenty of space and less chance of Ella and I fighting with more people around.

[info]predacious in [info]doors

Dolores C., Nicholas S., Chloe M

[Locked to Dolores C.]

She's fine.

[Locked to Nicholas S.]

Forgive me for not catching up with you sooner. I hope you've been well?

[Locked to Chloe M.]

Did you file the restraining order?

[info]signpost in [info]doors

[Connor B, Deacon V]

[Locked to Connor B]
I've done a dreadful thing.

[Locked to Deacon V]
Would you say you "hate" your sister? (Those are airquotes, should you be wondering.)

[info]thefixer in [info]doors

Public, Batfam+, Steph/Eddie


I do not like holidays.


I would like to train. Does this world's Manor have a training place?


Stop calling me 'Stitches'. And Bat-Mute. I can hear you.

[info]truth in [info]doors

[Sunday afternoon, after returning from the hospital, Chloe places a phone call to England. Her voice is appropriately tearful and worried as she explains to Mrs. Donovan how concerned she is for Neil's well-being. She explains to them the current troubles that have been going on in Las Vegas, and promises to forward them copies of the articles concerning Sam's exploits and how Neil's name has been pulled into the news as well. She's also sure to explain to them that Neil has stated that he wants nothing more to do with her, but she is concerned for his future and hopes that they, perhaps, can rescue him from what will be most certainly his un-doing. Chloe makes sure they know that she has wished for nothing but the best for all of their family, and even if she has lost the opportunity to be part of their family, she still wishes the best for all of them.]

[info]atomic26 in [info]doors

[Marvel heroes]

[Delivered by mail to Bruce B., Pepper P., Gwen S., Mary Jane W., Billy K., Laura K.,Thor, Remy L., Peter P., Steve R., Jamie M., Carol D. (if they can be found, I make no assumptions): commlinks to a satellite-connected network. Anyone attempting to hack it will have quite a job, and they'll probably end up talking to Tony's uptight AI--not advised. He assumes they will understand that the comm comes with GPS tracking, but he doesn't explicitly say so. It fits pretty deeply in the ear canal to prevent loss during various transformations, explosions, unexpected flight etc.--but it's extremely light. They have to give a voice command of their choosing to activate and deactivate it. There's a cute little JARVIS guided automatic setup process when they first put it in.]

[Marvel Hero Comm.]

[To those who have it activated, if any. With a slight hint of sarcasm, but clear as a bell. Take that, bluetooth.]

This time you're being notified that there will be live munitions experiments at the top of the tower. Try not to sail into any small explosions Thursday.

[Thanksgiving, whatever. He reserves the right to explode turkeys. Not like Preston has plans.]