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May 3rd, 2012

[info]twostepsahead in [info]doors


[Locked: Thor/Pepper; Thursday morning]

Have you returned from Jutenheim?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


[Thursday, the news stations report that Wren Maheu, dominatrix at Caesars Palace, has been arrested after turning herself in for kidnapping August Johnson. The child, who has been taken into protective custody, is reported to be "mentally scarred," but otherwise unharmed. The Johnsons make a statement within minutes, thanking the citizens of the city for their help in ensuring their son's safe return, but the child is not immediately returned to them. Iris Russell, previously suspected of murder, is expected to be released, but supermodel MK Robinson remains in prison as an accomplice to the crime.]

[info]ex_haint987 in [info]doors


[As Violet H.]

Thanks for that, asshole.

[info]nekoshitsuji in [info]doors

E-mail to:
Sent: Thursday, 3 May 2012 around 1 PM
Subject: Promotional idea

Mr. Winters, I was hoping that we could discuss a possible promotional idea to help draw in more guests at The Wynn. When would you be available?


[info]silverandsteel in [info]doors

Marvel Door: Television

[Tony makes the news when he shows up without an appointment on the set of Larry King, boots a Twilight actor out of his slot, and gives an impromptu interview in which he flippantly refers to Loki as "a big picture maker, kind of like Michael Bay." He informs Larry that he is sure someone "who actually gets his hands dirty" will probably end up taking him down. He then orders someone off camera to "fetch Captain America's shield, maybe I have it stashed in my lab somewhere" which causes an uproar of the eyebrow-waggling kind.]

[info]darkestfears in [info]doors


[From Jonathan C.]

Something interesting happened this afternoon to me. I was treating one of my patients today, we'll call him... Bruce. Bruce is about as average of a man as can be, except for his his criminal history. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that would mark him as anything remarkable on paper.

That is, he was uninteresting until we discovered a little quirk in his personality.


Do look it up. I won't go into how this was discovered, but it's absolutely fascinating how a man can be reduced to tears, the stink of fear, a shaking that doesn't abate.

It makes me wonder what other fears people have lurking just beneath the surface of the put-together facade they parade around in daily.

[info]twostepsahead in [info]doors

tony s/silver m

[By 9pm, Felicia is worried enough to call Silver's phone herself. Pepper is content to wait another day, but Felicia insists.]

Ring Ring

[info]backintheworld in [info]doors

Tony S

[After this.]

[Locked to Tony S]
Were you trying to imply something on that public broadcast, or was that an accident? Think before answering, Mr. Stark.

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

Louis D, Tiffani R

[Text to Louis D]
I don't care what you're doing. STOP DOING IT AND GET IRIS OUT OF JAIL. They can't arrest two people for the same shit, can they?

[Text to Tifanni R]
[Sent after settling into her temporary accommodations at the Ranch. From bed, because she can't sleep.] So, do you mind being a rodent?

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[locked to neil d]

[After this.]

Sam tells me that you lot are having some problems with your door?
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