March 2014



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May 2nd, 2012

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

Text to Sam A

[Directly after this.]

Tiffani will be waiting for you. Text her at [number].

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

Iris R

[Wednesday morning, once visiting hours start at the clink, and after staring down all the bitchy corrections officers.]

[Jail phone, Iris R, across a glass divider]
This place has video visitation once you get a permanent room. Try not to get a permanent room, I. I really don't want to Skype you from the living room. Also, the chick guards could be hotter.

[info]notanadvantage in [info]doors

Micah C

[Text to Micah C]
[Sent while en route to meet "Cheyenne"] Willows. [Apt number]. Do go fetch Clare, if you would. Don't frighten her.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


[The body, which is dumped just over the entry door of Passages sometime during the overnight hours, is not actually a body. That is, it's still not dead. There is blood on walkway leading into the hotel, and there is blood over the threshold leading to where the man is stretched out, near the door and expiring. His throat is sliced, but the cut is nowhere near deep enough to finish him in any quick or compassionate manner. The murder is a botched job, multiple hacks to the neck in an attempt to get through bone and muscle that was too hard to get through on first pass, since the blade didn't hit the intended artery. There is no sign of the culprit, and the knife is absent. There is no saving the man, and he cannot speak or offer information. All he can hope for is a quick death.]

[info]surefoot in [info]doors


I read a very interesting and informative article today on the Mary Sue website. (Since I can't link anything because this is a piece of paper, ...I'll just write the URL out: !)

Not only does the author hit the nail on the head regarding illustrating wheelchairs, she also has an awesome quote that I would like to share: "The number one thing to remember is – people in wheelchairs are exactly like you, except they’re sitting. Seriously."

There's your lesson in humanity for the day! You're welcome.

(And look, Ma! No references (save for this one) to Batman here.)

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


[Wednesday late afternoon lights the media circuits up with a brand new tidbit regarding the August Johnson case. Eyewitnesses at the Wynn Hotel state MK Robinson, model and tabloid favorite, had been taken in by Las Vegas police officers earlier in the afternoon via the main lobby. Video footage and pictures roll in soon after, splashed all over the internet for all to see, and a little snooping leads to one website posting that she's been brought in for questioning regarding being the accomplice in the little boy's kidnapping. Everyone who's interested is scrambling for bits of information, and some websites are offering rewards for the next biggest scoop.]

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors

simon c.

[In the hours following this, she finally gets her call and dials the first number that comes to mind. Listed as 'Private'.]

[call to simon c.]

Ring, ring.

[info]grayfaust in [info]doors


Surely in the vast strides of medicine in the last hundred years, there has been found a cure for overindulgence? My head is splitting apart in a most spectacular fashion.

[info]backintheworld in [info]doors

Kellan Z

[Call to Kellan Z]

[Early evening, ring.]

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[marvel door update]

[Mid-day Wednesday in the United States, this broadcast hits the airwaves worldwide. As soon as it is over, the news outlets explode with speculation about who the new metahuman is, where he comes from, and what will be done to respond to him. News channels run repeats of the message on the hour, and regularly cut in footage of the monster he created in New York. No word yet from any of the major governments. Now all anyone can do is wait.]

[info]isconfetti in [info]doors

Louis D, Cory H

[During this.]

[Text to Louis D]
You or Loki?

[Locked to Cory H]
He was right.
Tags: , ,

[info]silverandsteel in [info]doors

[Left on P. Potts' desk.]

[A generic birthday card. It has glitter and pink flowers on it with florid writing. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" it says. Inside, along with his signature, Tony left a silver card key. It goes to the elevator, and allows entrance to the upper levels otherwise inaccessible, the levels with his living quarters, the lab, the deck, roof, and Mark storage. He made her a sitting room. It doesn't have her class, but he left her one of those really irritating silver ornaments on the low glass table, and some pencils in a cup.

He doesn't seem to realize he missed the day entirely.]