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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28tv/movies%29:+loki+laufeyson'

Sep. 2nd, 2022



Westworld | Day 1

I haven't been so disappointed in the make of bullets since I made my very first batch. These wouldn't even injure anyone. The gun's not too shabby, though. Not quite as nice as my design, but it'll do. Never hurts to add another to the collection.

Out of curiosity, did anyone have any flashes of this world last week?

How are you doi I already miss Ke I'm so selfish but I You know, I had the strangest dream just before reset. It may have been a flash of a possible timeline, but it was a little too out there to be believable. Even after everything I've seen since we arrived here.

Sep. 1st, 2022




If anyone needs me, I'm going to be hunting down rare-Earth elements.

Don't touch my shit, Thor.

Aug. 31st, 2022




I hope you all like horses and dirt. Seems like we're in a small settlement in the old west called Sweetwater. Few people out late at night, but they're coming around this morning. Most of them seem pretty polite, but there appears to be an outlaw around these parts called Hector Escaton. He's got a gang, so I'd be concerned about that.

More importantly, I don't seem to have my super strength anymore. Anyone else having that issue?

Aug. 28th, 2022



Climbed Aboard the Dream Weaver Train | Everything Everywhere


Mr Sandman, Bring Me a Dream

IC/OOC dreamwalking event


| Join In!

make him the cutest that I've ever seen )



Everything Everywhere | Day 5

I have had my share of memories, I don't want any more.

It was fun at first, but they've become a burden.

Aug. 25th, 2022




Now I know where he's been hiding all this time. I'm finally going to kill that piece of shit. He's going to pay for what he did.

Thanks, Derleth. Now send me the fuck home so I can do this.



[No Subject]

Party Thor & Loki (MCU)
Day 5 | Multiversal Memories | R

Thanos is coming for the Space Stone, Thor is trying to prevent that from happening and meets his end..
Character Death, violence, mourning

Read more... )

Aug. 24th, 2022



week 43 (everything everywhere); day four

I know so far we've mostly had bits and flashes of other worlds and other lives but anyone had a whole lifetime worth of memory that just popped into your head that won't go away no matter how badly you think it was probably just a vivid dream?




Baby Horn
Captain America 1.0

Aug. 23rd, 2022



day four | everything everywhere

Please know I make exactly zero guarantees, but if anyone would like to try something, I may have a solution to the flashes of memories from other worlds. Keyword being may. It's not comfortable, it's a spiky patch that goes on the back of the neck, but if this interference is psychic in nature it should do the trick.

Generally not a good idea to wear long term, but we're all resetting in a few days so I'm sure it's fine to wear the rest of the week.

Aug. 21st, 2022



escape from nar shaddaa | everything everywhere




Everything Everywhere | Day 3

voice recording )

Aug. 18th, 2022




Natasha Romanoff & Loki Laufeyson
WHAT: Loki and Natasha meet for lunch to talk out some of their problems. They experience a shared memory of their lives at the end of Derleth. They argue about the choices they made in the past, people who came between them, and general misunderstandings. And they say some things, both good and bad, that neither of them are ready to hear.
WHERE: Dexter Hall
WHEN: Day 1; Noon
WARNINGS: Tense arguing.
STATUS: Complete

And now they were arguing about Bruce Banner’s sex life. Or lack thereof.
Read more... )

Aug. 17th, 2022




Okay, so this has happened more than once now.

Anyone else having — I don't know what to call them. Flashes? Small blips of visions or memories of things that haven't happened? Or seem to be alternate universes?

I'm pretty sure I was a puppet of some kind in an alternate universe. And



everything everywhere | day one

Shopping list next time we land somewhere halfway civilized.

And go.

(No, this isn't me offering to collect everything. This is me encouraging everyone to help each other out. Almost like we're forming into some kind of community or something.)

Aug. 16th, 2022



flash reactionary | the sesame street universe


Don't have time to time to RP every wild alternate universe idea you have out there? Have no fear, the mod is here! Throughout the plot I'll be posting flash reactionaries of different worlds characters can gleam memories from.

Participation is optional as you are inspired!

Today's flash reactionary: Sesame Street. Are you made of felt? Are your legs always curiously obstructed from view? Or perhaps you're an exceedingly patient adult explaining simple concepts, like numbers and letters, to to your felt neighbors? The choice is yours!




Two weeks in a row of "classes" seems to have been relatively successful. So, we're going to continue! Assuming, of course, that we don't get attacked by flesh-eating amoebas or brain-melting space aliens in the next few hours. Class will be on Day 3, immediately following lunch. We'll meet outside on the Green. Think of this as a kind of physical education course. So wear something comfortable. And maybe don't eat anything too heavy.

On a semi-related note, I received a few requests last week for magic classes. I don't know that I'm the best person for this. There are actual magic professors here on campus that are probably better suited for that kind of one-on-one coursework. Magic is different between the realms, after all. But if that's something people are interested in, let me know and I'll discuss the possible options with the more academic purveyors of the mystic arts in our quaint little community.

(Note: If I've already promised you a crash course in trickster magic, then talk to me privately about when you want to start that.)

But most importantly! Mischief discovered his tail today! ♥♥♥

I'm angry with you. Just so you know.



everything everywhere | day 1

Welcome to the jungle Derleth if you haven't been here before. Sorry about the dorm arrangements, we have no control over that. You can sleep where you want most of the time but every reset you'll end up back where you are now. Yes, there's a big void outside the campus. This happens every second week. You can try walking into it but distance doesn't really seem to be a concept that exists in there and it's really unnerving. There might be something living in there, or maybe just Your eyes play tricks on you a bit. The forest's decent though and there's some animals living in there.

Cafeteria's downstairs, you can handle your own meals but occasionally someone will turn up and start cooking, which is usually better, especially since the kitchen's designed for big batch cooking. If no extra clothes came back here with you there's supplies in Peaslee Theatre.

Aug. 14th, 2022




Day 6
Loki's mind space.

Sylvie goes into Loki's mind to find out what's causing his memory issues, headaches, and personality shifts. She finds Space King Loki there. And destroys him. Or does she?.
Some character death memories, a scary animated clock, and ultimately, blood and stabbing. They are Lokis.

Read more... )



day seven | the lonely city


Aug. 12th, 2022




Okay, someone tell me: what did I miss?




Stephen Strange & Loki (MCU)
The Lonely City - Day Two, evening | Stephen’s apartment within the City | PB-13

A Tale of Two Narratives. After some off-screen intimate time, Loki falls asleep and Stephen starts revealing what’s been on his mind, believing that Loki isn’t listening… BUT HE IS!.
Slight mention of sex (no details), mentions of alternative character death.

Read more... )

Aug. 11th, 2022




Things have gotten a little too strange here. Press any of the people around you, and they'll cry — out right sob — if you suggest it's not real. Given what Obi-Wan spoke of earlier in the week, I think we're dealing with a mothership/Chitauri situation. They're all connected.

And judging from how we keep finding pieces of Derleth but not the whole thing, I think the city is hiding it from us. Which means we absolutely need to find it.

Loki's been having some issues — missing memories, personality changes, and headaches.

We need more scans to find out what the hell is going on and how we can help Loki.

I wanted to do this this week, but with the current crisis, we may want to wait till next week.



Nights 4, 5 and 6 Until Reset... | The Lonely City


While everyone else was on the bus trip of a lifetime...

Did you respond to Julia's request for help? When then! Have I got a half-assed IC/OOC event for you!

This is really just a space to write down anything special that may have gone down, and keep track of which nights your characters may (or may not) have aged due to the curse magic.

You can read about the curse here! And if you'd like a visual, link to a picture of the antique timer here!

Aug. 10th, 2022



Day 5 Morning | Lonely City

So something new started yesterday and came up again today, a little more obviously.

Back on the normal campus there was this... presence, sometimes I'd run into it in the early morning hours when I was headed down to the kitchens. And it's... back. Now. In my apartment, though, instead of Butler Hall. A little on the territorial side, too.

I'm thinking about skipping staying at my place till the last night, in any case. Just thought I should let people know in case they're trying to track down the university.




Choose Your Own School Bus Adventure!

The Choice is Yours and Yours Alone... )



Week 42: Start of school week

Okay. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I give up: the coffee pot wins. I normally love this coffee, but not like this. Not like this.

I've tried spells, lids, giving free cups to the whole damn classroom, drinking the entire thing myself, smashing it on the floor, throwing it out the window, pleading with it in every language I know and some I don't, but it keeps reappearing in the teacher's lounge and it won't. stop. refilling. If anyone thinks they can help me keep up with emptying it before it can overflow, please do. It's the huge coffee pot with the vines growing on the sides.

Uh, sorry if any of us is stuck on cleanup. You're gonna need a lot of wet floor signs.

Aug. 9th, 2022



day four | the lonely city

My apparent associates Hey, I may have caught wind of something important. If it checks out, I could use some major magical assistance on this. Bonus if you don't age. Also must be okay with stealing. Possibly violently if necessary.

Any takers?





Okay, kids and slightly older kids. Here's the deal.

You've probably noticed some weird shit shenanigans going on around the school. And around the city. Well, I think it's time we put some of last week's battle strategy training to good use. So, here's the plan:
1) Tomorrow after first period, I'm going to commandeer a school bus. We need a driver. Someone who's not afraid to take sharp turns without warning. what's your name Janitor Guy, you up for that?

2) We are then going to try and drive that school bus to the edge of the city and see if we can escape out of it. Then we know whether we're dealing with an isolated location like Derleth or something else.

3) If the above plan doesn't work, we'll use the bus to cover as much ground as possible and see if we can find any remains of Derleth. So, if you've discovered any clues related to that, bring them along.

4) We will remain vigilant about the locals the entire time. If anyone asks we're on a school sponsored educational field trip to The Museum.

5) Try not to die.

Questions? Concerns? Bring your super powers.


And if you don't have superpowers bring a sharp pencil or a heavy book bag. You know, just in case. #GoTeam



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Loki (MCU)]
I am uncertain your absentee policy.

However, I am not attending this morning and would take it as a personal favor if the school were to neglect informing the guardians this place has created for me of that fact.

Aug. 8th, 2022



week 42 (lonely city); day three

Okay, HI, I'm not sure how I ended up here but I got the voicemail and the letter after THOR !!!! told me about them and told me about this network. HELLO! I'm Kamala Khan. This is my very first interdimensional travel, I guess? I mean I heard about it a lot from people in my world like Selvig (who my best friend is a huge fan of).

So, first question... how do I get some non-superhero clothes around here?

Aug. 7th, 2022




Of course. I shouldn't be surprised that this place gave me my family took both of the people from my world, leaving me alone. It would have been better if they had never been teased.

You around and as pissed off as I am?



Day 4 | The Lonely City

I know most of the magic people don't have magic this week, but we could use your help with Luz. I think she's under some kind of curse, because every time she uses her magic--

[sound recording started - voice samples]

Hunter: Hey! Give that back!


Luz: You don't need to tell them everything, it's not that bad. I just turn into a cat.

Hunter: Just. You’ve lived with the Owl Lady how long and you think this is just turning into a cat?

Luz: It's not that bad, so far I keep turning back into my normal self. Just because I attacked Philip-not-Philip - he deserved it anyway.

Hunter: He’s not- he probably didn’t- nevermind, not the problem. And how many so fars did she have before going all beast mode? I doubt you got whatever ‘harpy form’ she keeps bragging about, so we need help before it gets to that point.

Luz: We don't need help! Maybe it's just normal beast magic and I'm a shapeshifter.

Hunter: Then cast something and don’t go cat!


Hunter: Yes, I know it’s a bad idea, but she’s being difficult!

Luz: I'm not being difficult! You're the one being- UGGG. FINE.


louder chirping

Hunter: Ok, yeah, bad idea…

chirping mixed with tapping and more growls

[recording stopped and attached]



week 42 (lonely city); day three

Okay, I have no experience with being a teacher or anything but in my experience being a student, I don't think I ever heard of an entire class turning in one of three different assignments, all of them extremely identical to the other in their category.

This school is weird. The students are also weird. Not any of our people but those that exist in this world.

How do you deal with mass plagiarism when these kids don't have any idea what that means?



Week 42: Lonely City | Day 3

If you haven't wandered through City Park, you might not have seen the carousel there that I own and run. The detail is amazing from an artistic/craftsman point of view. Although one of the horses is broken, the rest are in great condition and it goes fairly fast. Also, it's got the traditional brass/iron ring game which is harder than it seems, but still fun. If you're looking for a way to spend an afternoon, feel free to come on by. There might also be snacks.

Speaking of food, the cast party after the play last week seemed like a good time and since this week has alternating levels of weird and creepy, maybe a party at week's end wouldn't be a bad idea? I'm happy to help with food - as I'm sure others are - if other folks will take care of games and music.

Think we could maybe use your place for a shindig at week's end? I imagine you've got quite the kitchen.

Aug. 3rd, 2022



Day 2 | Friendly City

Well, I've always enjoyed buying incredibly expensive art, so I'm not mad about working for a museum, I guess.

A few quick questions for data:
  1. Does everyone remember Derleth?
  2. Does anyone have actual memories of their life here?
  3. I think most of us are in the apartment building - but who isn't?

ETA: Considering the consistency of responses, please only let me know if you do not remember Derleth, or if you have memories of your life here. I am curious still who isn't in the building.

Aug. 2nd, 2022



uncanny observations | days one - three


Aug. 1st, 2022




Looks like I'm without magic this week, but if you need surgery, I'm the Head Surgeon at the generically named Hospital.



day one | the lonely city

So the little card next to my bed mentioned City High School.

Um. Do I have to go? I haven't been to school before. There's a whole schedule of room numbers and I'm not sure if I really need it at this point. I mean, it's kind of a little late for me to start now, right?

Jul. 31st, 2022




So this place is called Megalopolis, but most people just call it The City. Sort of how New Yorkers and people from San Francisco just call it "the city." I seem to have some sort of reputation around here as a slacker. I guess that's what happens when your job is "Trust Fund Baby."

I need to talk to you about Loki. He's been having headaches and some personal and has said that he went to medical to get looked over for them. He told me you found nothing.

But things are still wrong, and he's refusing to get help for the headaches.

I know, doctor/patient confidentiality, but this is something that's transcending the resets and keeps getting worse. Help me out here. Did the scan really turn up with nothing?