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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28comics%29:+kate+bishop'

May. 20th, 2022




Okay, so now that it's day 2 of this lovely void week, those of us who have eaten the cupcake have some sort of consequence. What can I do to help you out?

So? What curse did you end up with?
Please tell me you have a magical way of keeping someone from sneezing.



Little Cakes | Day 2

I can't believe I have only just noticed the radiant beauty of Kate Bishop. I know I haven't been blind this whole time, so I can only assume that I've been a foolish man. I could lose myself in those eyes and wish never to be rescued. This must be what love feels like.

May. 18th, 2022



week 37 (little cakes); day two (morning)

Okay, if it wasn't for the weird shit with the cupcakes, I'd say this is a fantastic week if just for the food. Which one of you made all of this breakfast? It's absolutely amazing and if every week could come with all these dishes, that would be amazing, although I get that something is also forcing you to make all of it and wanting all the dishes is selfish of me. But unfortunately, I can be a pretty damn selfish person, like I used my powers to get a lot of things in my life to make it to where I am, and then it eventually backfired, so I stopped but then I had to use it when I ended up back in the 1960s with the rest of my siblings. Do you know how addictive it is to have this power when you start using it on one racist twat? No, you don't but I'm sure some of you can imagine. [...] Damn, I could have ended all bigotry back then. Even though there's the whole don't-change-the-future thing. Not that it matters because we fucked it up someway because we decided to meet up with our adoptive dad in the past before he adopted us and when we traveled back to our real present time, he had subsequently not adopted us and adopted other people?? So yeah. I think I just learned that keeping your mouth shut and holing yourself up doesn't work.

Filter: Richie Tozier
Day two, still painfully honest!



Day 2 (Wee hours of the morning) | Little Cakes

kovacs, i drew us



Late day 1

So like is this one of the pocket dimensions where we're supposed to fight for rich aliens or more one of the ones where everyone's a dog version of themselves? Or is it just like the Doctor Strange found a new snowglobe type?

May. 17th, 2022



Day 1 | Little Cakes

Paging Thor Odinson...! Please report to the front desk. Your party is waiting for you.

Does that reference work? Wait, no. Wrong decade. When did Midgard get rid of paging? Not the point, I suppose.

Thor, give me a sign of life. Julia didn't want my cat memes, and I feel in the mood for video games.

May. 16th, 2022




Little Cakes, Day 1, early morning
On top of the Peaslee Theater

Ikol heads up to his spot on the Peaslee Theater, only to find Kate already there.. They have a few lovely moments.
Not really much I can think of.

Read more... )



[No Subject]

Cupcakes and a drink, huh?

Uh. I woke up with Captain America in my room. You know, the Steve Rogers version. HOW DO I LIVE HOW can I live like this I'm afraid to breathe, man

On the off-chance that he asks me about what happened in our world, what do I tell him? Do I tell him anything? Do I tell him nothing? Do I just pretend I know nothing?

May. 15th, 2022



Little Cakes | Day 1

I've never had much of a sweet fang, but I could not resist the urge to eat this really cute cupcake I found next to my bed. I can't even eat food! Somehow, someway, I did not throw it back up and it was the best fucking thing I have ever eaten in my entire life/unlife. I have no idea where the fuck it came from, unless that Rey chick has taken up baking while I sleep, but I regret nothing. Come at me, mysterious cupcake.

May. 14th, 2022



[No Subject]

Ignore the weird guys dressed in black. It'll be fine.

So [...] are you any good at wrapping ribs?

May. 12th, 2022




I do not have a lot of money, contrary to previous history. The apartment/office I could afford was a tiny place off the pier in the run-downingest part of town (shush, that's a word now). But somehow... two normal sized futons fit in this living room. Without touching. I SWEAR that wasn't this much room. I MEASURED IT. How do you measure things wrong?

May. 3rd, 2022



Day 2 | Empire City

i got a hierarchy of things that are important right now and top one is getting bagel

where's the best bagel place?? and also let me know if can i leverage the owner for a free one with my famousity

May. 2nd, 2022



Day 1 | Empire City

💬 bosstie!
💬 it's like bestie and boss in one
💬 trying it out lmk what you think
💬 coffee o'clock y/n?

May. 1st, 2022




Question of the Day: what were you doing yesterday?

Apr. 28th, 2022




Okay okay, if I'm asleep then this is the weirdest dream I've had in a long time. Very nice, brain! You really did a great job this time, now let's wake up!

But in case you're all real, what's going on? Did I die? Is that what happened? All that time I spend doing things to make sure the way I go is really cool and... what, did I space out with headphones in and step in front of a taxi? I die and end up at a frat party. I know I really did some things when I was alive, but I think I'm going to need to talk to the person in charge about how so many of them (so many!) weren't actually my fault.

Are you there, god? It's me, Yelena. I just want to talk.

Apr. 26th, 2022



Canon Puncture | Day 6

There aren't a lot of sure things in life, but you can always count on the universe giving you a good kick in the balls from time to time to keep you in check.



[No Subject]


I have never thrown one before. Usually I just go to them or they come to me! The idea is that there will be a theme, and that theme will be PARTY ON MOUNT OLYMPUS! One of the best parties I've been to was held by Zeus. We're buds, both of us being thunder gods. The special thing about Mount Olympus parties is that everybody must wear a special garment called a TOGA! Which is essentially a bed sheet. White. And maybe some olive leaves in your hair.

BUT I WILL NEED HELP! I have ale, KEGS OF ALE from Irkalla, but we require music. Does anybody know how to DJ? We ought to have snacks, too. And lights?

It will be held upon the clearing on the Green at... seven o'clock? Should it be earlier? And it will last UNTIL RESET! Please come. I don't want my first party to be a disaster

Apr. 24th, 2022





[OOC: Those who watch it... Thor will laugh heartily throughout, even in the scenes where he's getting punched by Carol Danvers. If you haven't seen it before, or need a refresher these videos are not the best as they are edited, skipping a lot, but you get the gist. One and Two]



Canon Puncture | Day 4

Just as a general FYI, looks like the TVs and videos/DVDs aren't the only methods for this whole 'slice of life' thing. Comics/graphic novels are an option too.

[Private to Matt Murdock]
Hey, double D. I saw something about you and possible magic eyesight for the week. Did that happen? Because next question can go different ways depending on the answer to that.

[Private to 616 universe]
[ooc: I know I dropped the ball on Sam intro with Ben, so just handwave that info swap]

So, how's everyone doing? Anyone get some blasts from the past? No details needed, just curious.

And, uh, been meaning to ask, but then things keep popping up, I know that we're all from different points of time in our universe. And getting newer memories is a thing, so, how do we want to work with that? Figure out a newsletter update format? Just wave our hands and go 'eh, that's back home and not here'?
Ignore this all as overthinking the matter?

[Private to Ikol]
Have some space in your schedule for some video games?

Apr. 22nd, 2022



Canon Puncture | Day 4

[days after finding this issue of Cable & Deadpool aka the one where Wade teases Sam about his codename and "rocket farting" powers]

Do you ever miss someone you thought you hated but as it would turn out you really don't and you hope they're okay?

That's how I'm feeling today. I'm also missing my old mentor and my old teammates. I miss leading. I miss mattering.

I just wish we could stick around one place long enough to do more than get our bearings.

Apr. 21st, 2022



canon puncture | day 3

Alright so we're going to just ignore
Since it seems that nothing is currently trying to eat us

For those of you who had said you were interested in trying to put a show together, I'm going to hold auditions tomorrow afternoon. If there are at least eleven of us, then we're going to do Much Ado About Nothing. For those of you not familiar, it's a Shakespeare comedy, with romance, treachery, betrayal, and a happy ending - of course. Much wit, some brawls, and a kiss or two. The Kenneth Branagh version is the best version, but we'll see what we can do.

If there are fewer than eleven, then I'll probably do a mixture of scenes - sort of a Shakespeare festival with classic scenes from multiple plays, maybe Hamlet, and Much Ado, and Romeo & Juliet, and all that.

Experience is delightful, but not required. You can bring a prepared monologue - the library has stuff - but I'll have readings available too. This is something to entertain our friends, and give all of us a pleasant distraction from Delerth's flavor of the week.

So tomorrow afternoon, Peaslee Theater, unless the screens are misbehaving and then we'll move out to the green.

Apr. 17th, 2022




Just because I refuse to take anything for granted around here as being fully normal: has anyone else seen the, uh. The dance... movie? With the - all right so I don't think I know your name, dancing man, but I do remember you from the pool party for what I feel are obvious fashion reasons so hello, I'm Vax, and I'd love to know more about this dance and why I'm suddenly able to watch it.

I also want to learn it, since it's a void week and we all need something to do right now. Who's in?

What do you say to making an evening out of drinking and stories? We can find somewhere quiet, build a campfire, raid the kitchens to see if there's anything worth toasting over said fire, purloin a bottle of something that nobody's going to miss, and see what comes up. It'll be like camping, only we've got questionably comfortable beds to go to once we're over it.

Did I tell you I volunteered you for drinks and chatting with those two? Maybe I didn't, last week was a lot. Percival, I volunteered you for drinks and chatting with us. You know them, it's fine, you're welcome!

Apr. 16th, 2022



Canon Puncture | Day One

I could definitely do with a little bit of calm after the recent excitement.

Now to find the bar. I need a drink.

Apr. 15th, 2022



Canon Puncture | Day 1

Oh my god I never thought I'd be so thrilled to wake up in a room with a tiny bed, no electricity, and a roommate.



Canon Puncture | Day 1

Good morning, friends. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I am glad to see that we are in our familiar campus once again.

We have a proper clinic again! If anyone wishes to donate blood for those in need, I will be taking anonymous donations all week in the clinic. Anyone is welcome to donate.


I hope you are all doing well. There will shortly be blood donations coming in. They will be available as needed.

[All responses are private unless otherwise specified]



Day 7 | Dino Island

Sylvie isn't No, don't be depressing You, me, and the stars for a Reset? I have a bag of M&M's in my pocket, since they reset each week. It's my most-guarded secret, so shh. I will share if you promise to not tell.



[No Subject]

[...] Is a nap out of the question? I could use a nap.

Apr. 6th, 2022




My sister is gone. We were going to hang out together, I was going to show her my goats. She was going to use her horn to summon Valkyries.

And we never did.

I never got to know her.

Apr. 2nd, 2022



Dino Island | Day 1

This sure was a lovely way to find out that I'm not used to roughing it anymore. I've been spoiled by the amenities of a magic mansion for far too long. I have managed to cobble together a decent shelter at least.

Has anyone made any educated guesses about how large this island is?

Where are you?

Apr. 1st, 2022




Got a very Savage Land vibe going on here.

Never really did like the Savage Land.

Everyone okay? Anyone need help?


Mar. 24th, 2022






WHAT: Like it says, a pool party! Both to keep up morale and to celebrate the massive pool upgrade (courtesy one Dr. Stephen Strange).
WHERE: The pool, obviously. Come one, come all! Even if you're not feeling very yourself!
WHEN: Afternoon, Day 6. It was going to be earlier in the week but then Stuff Happened and Vax held off on announcing it until later so everybody could get acclimated to their delayed onset weekly struggle. (Yes, this is absolutely my excuse for not having this done earlier!)

MORE DETAILS HERE!Read more... )

Mar. 21st, 2022



Day 3 | Freaky Friday

Still you? In your own body? No extraneous voices in your head?

I am not about to ask if you're all good, but this is the occasional check-in for proof of life. I found my stash of candy if anyone would like to try to medicate the rest of the week with high fructose corn syrup and whatever nougat actually is.

Thor, hi. [...] We haven't spoken much. Welcome to the sibling filter. I am losing my touch Good to have you here. Stop already

Mar. 20th, 2022




Alright, we know something is going on. Some people have swapped bodies, some people seem to have mind connections, and some people have lost powers or gotten new ones.

Who is in need of medical help? And who can help them?
Who is in need of magical help for controlling their magic? And who can help them?

Let's try not to panic. Even if I can feel someone in my own head.



Freaky Friday | Day 3

So glad I finally shaved my face. I look so much better just like the very handsome Carver said I would. I should definitely listen to him more often. He's so smart and good-looking. The rest of you who let me go around with that terrible beard are dead to me.

Mar. 18th, 2022



Freaky Friday | Day 1

Since so far it seems like we haven't been shoved into something new and exciting (I'm not inviting it, thank you so much whomever might be listening!), how would everyone feel about celebrating Stephen's triumph of pool renovation with a party a bit later in the week? We've been talking about keeping up morale and all, seems like this could be a good week for it.


I sort of volunteered to coordinate this completely by accident and Stephen suggested I talk to you both about the particulars of organizing it so it's actually... you know. A good time for everyone? So you've been recruited, fortunately or not, unless you tell me to fuck off and sleep in the bed I somehow made.

Mar. 17th, 2022



Network | Sam Guthrie

Well, let's see, here.

Has anyone heard of the Avengers?

Asking for a friend.

Mar. 16th, 2022



Freaky Friday | Day 1

Stephen reminded me
Dr. Strange reminded
The guy with the pool magic remi

As I mentioned on Mal's post from last week, I have a wild notion of putting our theater to use. So this is my actual interest call. If there's enough interest then I'll run an audition. Currently I'm considering Much Ado About Nothing if we have enough people interested, but if we have smaller numbers, we could also have a small festival of scenes too. It feels like this might be a good week for it.

And to be clear, you don't have to be a professional actor, or have had any acting experience at all. We're all stuck in this space together, and everything will be a little limited. So all you need to have is a love for theater, an ability to memorize lines and cues, and a willingness to show up. We'll make the rest of the magic (in the theatrical sense, not the real actual magic sense) happen by sheer determination and joy in the process.

So if you are interested, or if you have questions, let me know.




Anyone have some true crime podcasts or shows on their phone and/or laptop? I'd offer you Tom Brown's Body and Supernatural but I only had the last few on my phone so that kind of defeats the purpose. You could still do the Supernatural ones. They're mostly one offs, but I only have the Bell Witch and and The Red Barn Murder.

Someone help me feed this obsession.

What exactly do you DO up there at the reset?

Mar. 12th, 2022



D&D | Day 6

I'll never look at tabletop gaming the same again. Although I definitely didn't miss sitting around for five minutes while people tried to find the rules on how to grapple. Again.

[Peter Parker]
How's it going? Have you got a handle on the talking thing? How many cats have you rescued from trees?

Not that many days left, but I'm sure we could find some people who need help around here still. If you're up for it.

Mar. 11th, 2022




An arrow is stuck to the door of WHEEL OF FORTUNE with a little bag attached, with a note that says FOR LOKI )